TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: The original Hawkins County, Tennessee Will Book 1 was destroyed during the Civil War and reconstructed from the
original wills available in the Courthouse. The wills in the reconstructed book are in alphabetical order since
the original dates of entry were lost with the destruction of the original book. There are no pronunciation marks
in the original will and I chose not to add any. There is a smudged posting date on the original that reads August 26
with a year that might have been 1832 but that date could also be 1830. The date the will was made is also smudged
but might be 1810 or it could be 1830 or even another date.
To me the "and to David ten dollars" is very clear in the original will. My question is the David included in
this will David WININGER born 1768 died 24 May 1865 and married Martha? I believe this is the case.
The original wills were loose documents that have now been cataloged and archived in Rogersville. They
were not available until a few months ago. Most of these wills do not have a probate date. The following is transcribed from the original will and not the document in the present Will Book 1
which clearly was
not correctly transcribed!

ANDARA WININGER WILL Recorded Book 1. P 481.
"In the name of God amen. I Andara Wininger Senor (sic) of the County of Hawkins and the State of Tennessee being in a
languishing state of health wish to commit my soul to God who gave it and my body to the dust for to be buried in
Christian decency at the discretion of my executors and as for my portions of worldly things that God in his providence
has bestowed on me I wish to dispose of in the following manner after paying my just debts I leave to my well beloved
wife Catrin my dwelling house and all my household goods one grey mair (sic) and colt two milch cows the third of my
land and all of the orchard my stock of hogs during her life time or widowhood my land I leave to my son Andara and
Fredric equally quantity and quality considered I leave any land on condition that Andara pay unto Peter Phillip and
William Wininger one hundred sixty dollars in trade equal to corn at two shillings a bushel when convenent to Andara
and on the same conditions Fredric pay unto Peter Phillip and William Wininger two hundred dollars and to David ten
dollars when convenient to Fredrick there is twenty dollars of the above money in Phillip Winingers hand and a certain
black horse I leave to my wife Catrin. I appoint my son Andara and Fredric Wininger for to be my executors to This my
last will and testament Signed with my hand and dated this 21 day of August in the year of our lord 18??.
Andrara (His mark) Wininger
David Kinkead
Johannes Winninger"

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: I'd guess one of the witnesses on the will was John A. (Johannes)
Wininger! Both John A. and Andara were great-grandparents of Julia Pannell through her mother Pheobe.
Transcription and submission by James Sidney Brown, Jr., May of 2009
