John Foster WALTER, the son of Abraham WALTER (1807-1888) and Martha (FREED) WALTER (1818-1898), was born in South Toledo,
Ohio, on December 21, 1845. He died in Mount Ayr, Iowa, on October 5th, 1870.
John Foster WALTER was married first to Mary Ann CAMPBELL on November 15th or 17th of 1870, Ringgold County, Iowa. Mary Ann
was born on April 29, 1856, Troy Township of Monroe County, Iowa, the daughter of George CAMPBELL (1823-1855) and
Mary "Jane" (GRAY) CAMPBELL (1829-1898). Mary Ann (CAMPBELL) WALTER died at the age of 18 years and 11 months on March
29, 1875, Caledonia, Lotts Creek Township of Ringgold County, Iowa. She was interred at the Caledonia Cemetery.
John F. and Mary Ann (CAMPBELL) WALTER were the parents of two children:
1) Lee WALTER, b. Feb. 1872, Caledonia, Lotts Creek Twp., Ringgold Co. IA
2) May WALTER, b. 01 May 1875, Caledonia IA; d. age 73 in 1947, Ringgold Co. IA
Back in center: Earl STUCK Middle Row, left to right: Bessie, Mary, and John STUCK Front Row, left to right:
Jonathan Edward "John", Walter, Leo, Perry, and May (WALTER) STUCK
May WALTER married at the age of 20 on November 28, 1894 to Jonathan Edward "John" STUCK. John, the son of Edward STUCK
(1825-1901) and Catharine (WALTER) STUCK (1828-1903), was born in Ohio on October 23, 1852, and died in Ringgold County, Iowa,
at the age of 87 in September of 1940. May and John were the parents of seven children:
1) Earl Edward STUCK, b. 27 Oct 1895, Mount Ayr IA; d. 02 May 1989, Santa Clara CA
married Sep 1919 Myrtle L. ANDERSON (1900-?)
2) Bessie May STUCK, b. 10 Aug 1897, IA
3) John Homer STUCK, b. 25 Jul 1899, Caledonia IA; d. 05 Jun 1968, Oak Ridge, Anderson Co. TN
married 22 Sep 1918 Vera Lorraine WHITE (1900-1987)
4) Mary Catherine STUCK, b. 26 Jun 1902 IA
5) Leo Gray STUCK, b. 22 Jun 1905, IA; d. 05 Sep 1979, Ringgold Co. IA
married 25 Nov 1926 Edna Pearl MILLIGAN (1905-?)
6) Walter Harold STUCK, b. 24 Nov 1907, IA; d. Jan 1985, Mount Ayr IA
married 20 Aug 1929, Ringgold Co. IA Chrystal G. FUNKHOUSER (1922-2008)
7) William "Perry" STUCK, b. 30 Jun 1911, IA; d. 23 Mar 1999, Long Beach, Los Angeles Co. CA
married 24 Jun 1933, Creston, Union Co. IA Ethel Arlene SMITHSON (1912-?)
John Foster WALTER married 2nd on February 8, 1877 Susan Emma POORE. Susan was born in Pike, Petersburg
County, Indiana, on July 25, 1852, the daughter of Alvan POORE (1803-1862) and Julia Ann (DeWITT) POORE
(1812-1875). Susan died in Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa, on August 6, 1930.
Portraits restored by Julie Watts; submission by Julie Watts, September of 2009
Gravestone photograph by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
