circa 1902
THE STEWARTS of DIAGONAL, Iowa Claim Championship Over the St. Louis STEWARTS
for Remarkable Family Groups.

Twelve Sons in One Family and Six Are School Teachers
The STEWART Family consisting of Father, Mother and Twelve Grown Sons.
This photograph was taken in 1895. Since then Mrs. STEWART has died.
Mr. Frank Stewart, the father, who to-day is hale and hearty and in as
good health as any of his dozen salwart sons. Sitting in the front row
with him are Jesse Taylor Oldham, Willis Baxter, and Andrew Riley. STEWART. In the second row are
Burris Henry, Frederick Henderson "Fred", Thomas Baird "Tom" and Edwin Walker "Ed" STEWART. In the back row are Charles Ross
"Charlie", Louis Bassett "Lou", William Waldo "Wally", John Reendo "Ren" and Ernest McCully STEWART.

DIAGONAL, IA. May 15. -- Iowa now steps forward with a family of STEWARTS to rival the St. Louis group recently
written about and pictured in The Sunday Star. In one particular the Iowa STEWARTS who are of Irish
descent eclipse the St. Louis STEWARTS who are of Scottish origin for all the twelve STEWART children of Iowa are
sons. There were several girls in the St. Louis STEWART family and for that difference the STEWARTS of Iowa
claim the championship. A feature of the Iowa STEWARTS is that six of the twelve boys are educators, two being
principals, one an assistant principal and three holding positions as teachers. All twelve sons are stanch
Republicans and every one of them belongs to the Knights of Pythias. The grandfather of this remarkable brotherhood
was Frank STEWART, a native of the County Kenny, Ireland, who emigrated to America when 13 years old. Mr. STEWART
settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania, where the father of the dozen Iowa boys was born, December 29, 1829. When
the son Frank was only 11 months old his parents moved to Guernsey County, Ohio, and lived there until 1852. The
family then traveled to California, where they remained six years, and returned to Ohio. Frank, the son, courted
and married Miss Jane HENDERSON, a lass of Scottish descent, who lived in Franklin County. The young pair established
a home in Warren County, Illinois. IN THE SAME TOWNSHIP.Thirteen sons were born to
bless the STEWARTS in Illinois, and all but the eldest first saw the light in Sumner township, and all were born
within a radius of five miles of this home. John R., the eldest, came into the world in Hale Township, just
across the line from Sumner. The only child to die was the third born, Andrew P. In 1884 another move
westward was made, and the broad Mississippi was crossed, and also the State of Missouri into Iowa, where the
Stewarts located in Ringgold County. Here the mother passed away on July 14, 1896. The father still lives in
the homestead at Tingley, Ringgold County, Ia., while the twelve boys are scattered among four States.
All The Boys Are Staunch Republicans -- Were Born Within Radius of Five Miles --Eldest Is 42, Youngest Is 20.

John R., the eldest of the twelve sons, is 42 years of age. He is living here in Diagonal, and is a prosperous
jeweler and president of the Diagonal Brick and Tile Company.
William W., the second son, is an auctioneer at Tingley, the old home, and will be 41 years old next September.
Edwin W. comes third. He is five years the junior of John E. Edwin is a contractor and builder of Chicago.
The next two are twins, Willis B. and Louis B and were born in 1867, making each 35 years old. Willis is a conductor
on the C. C. Railway of Chicago, and Louis is the principal of a school in Dunlap, Ia. Andrew R. is in business in
Columbus, O[hio]., and is 33 years old. Another school principal is Jesse T. O. STEWART of Alliance, Neb., Jesse is 31
years old and is at the head of the Allicance High School. Ernest M. is a bookkeeper in Council Bluffs and was born two
years after Jesse, making him 29 years old. Thomas B. is another accomplished educator, being assistant princiapl in
the High School at Thruman, Ia. His is 27 years of age. The alst three to enumerate are all teachers. Charles R.
assists the school youths of percival, Ia., and is 25 years old. Fred H. is 23 years of age and educates the young of
Bartlett, Ia. The youngest son is Burris H., and he teaches a class in a school at Dunlap, Ia. Burris is but 20 years

Name. | Born. |
P.O. Address. | Occupation. |
John R. | 1860 | Diagonal, Ia. | Jeweler. |
Wm. W. | 1861 | Tingley, Ia. | Auctioneer. |
Edwin W. | 1865 | Chicago, Ill. | Contractor. |
Willis B. (twin) | 1867 | Chicago, Ill. | Contractor. |
Louis B. (twin) | 1867 | Dunlap, Ia. | Principal. |
Andrew R. | 1869 | Columbus, O. | Merchant. |
Jesse T. O. | 1871 | Alliance, Neb. | Princiapl. |
Ernest M. | 1873 | Council Bluffs, Ia. | Bookkeeper. |
Thomas B. | 1875 | Thurman, Ia. | Asst. Principal. |
Chas. R. | 1877 | Percival, Ia. | Teacher. |
Fred H. | 1879 | Bartlett, Ia. | Teacher. |
Burris H. | 1882 | Dunlap, Ia. | Teacjer. |
The Daily Nonpariel Council Bluffs, Iowa December 30, 1902
E. M. STEWART Attends Unique Family Reunion. Held at Home of Father in Ringgold County, IA

All of the Brothers Active Business Men. Elaborate Program Arranged for Annual Conclave of the
STEWART Brothers Fraternity - Family History

Ernest M. STEWART returned late last night from Tingley, Ia., where he has been spending his Christmas vaction attending one
of the most unique family reunions on record. Mr. STEWART, by the way, is cashier in the hardware store of P. C. DeVOL on
Broadway, and has been employed there for a number of years. He belongs to a family that is remarkable for the fact that
it consists of twelve sons ranging in age from 20 to 42 years. When Mr. STEWART left last week to attend this family
reunion he went in response to the following invitation: May it please yourself and yours to be present
at the Fourth Texennial Conclave of the STEWART Brothers' Fraternity Dennis Club at Tingley, Iowa,
December Twenty-fourth to Thirty-first, Nineteen hundred and two.On the second page of the printed
invitation appeared the following:
Roster of Membership. HONORARY. F. STEWART (father), retired; Tingley, Ia.
Susan J. STEWART (mother), deceased. ACTIVE J. R. STEWART, jeweler; Diagonal, Ia.
W. W. STEWART; auctioneer, Tingley, Ia. E. W. STEWART; collector; Chicago, Ill. L. B. STEWART, school superintendent;
Cedar Falls, Ia. W. B. STEWART, conductor; Chicago, Ill. A. R. STEWART, grad manager industrial school; Kearney, Neb.
E. M. STEWART, cashier; Council Bluffs, Ia. T. B. STEWART, principal of high school; Thurman, Ia.
C. R. STEWART, stenographer, Lincoln, Neb. F. H. STEWART, teacher, Bartlett, Ia. B. H. STEWART, printer, Oakland, Ia.
L. B. STEWART, president. J. R. STEWART vice president. J. T. O. STEWART, secretary. A. R. STEWART, treasurer.
On the third page is printed the following:
PROGRAM. Toastmaster - F. STEWART "My Eleven Baby Brothers" "Which Boy Am I?" - W. W. STEWART
"The City Kid" - E. W. STEWART "When I Was Little" - L. B. STEWART "What's a Fellow to Do?" - W. B. STEWART
"Eastern Lad" - A. R. STEwART "Son of the West" - J. T. O. STEWART "Sisters -Other People's" - E. M. STEWART
"When I Get Big" - T. B. STEwART "Trials of a Young Brother" - C. R. STEWART "One of a Dozen" - F. H. STEWART
"Last But Not Least" - B. H. STEWART After Dinner December 25.There are some interesting facts concerning
this remarkable family. There were no girls born into the family, there being thirteen boys in all, one of whom died.
All twelve of the living brothers are staunch republicans and every one of them is a member of the Knights of Pythias.
Family History.The grandfather of this remarkable brotherhood was Frank STEWART, a native of
the County Kenny, Ireland, who emigrated to America when 13 years of age. He settled in Chester county, Pa., where
the father of the dozen boys was born December 29, 1929. When this son was only eleven months old his parents moved to
Guernesy county, O., and resided there until 1852. The family then traveled to California, where they remained six
years and then returned to Ohio. The son then married Jane HENDERSON, of Scotch descent. Thirteen sons were born to the
STEWARTS in Illinois, all but the eldest being born in Sumner township, Ill., within a radius of five miles. In
1884 another move west-ward was made, and the STEWARTS located in Ringgold county, Ia. There the mother died on July 14,
1896. The father still resides at the homestead at Tingley, Ringgold county, while the twelve boys are scattered in
four states.
Des Moines Daily News Des Moines, Iowa January 3, 1903

TINGLEY, Jan. 3 -- (Special.) -- Perhaps one of the most peculiar clubs in the history of clubdom is found here. it is
known as the STEWART Brothers Fraternity, and is composed of F. STEWART and his twelve grown sons. They organized some
years ago with president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, all of whom are at each annual meeting. The fourth
texennial conclave of this peculiar organization was held at the home of the father in Tingley, Christmas. All the
members were present. An Elaborate banquet was served at which the father was toastmaster. The sons responded with
such toasts as "My Eleven Brothers," "Which Boy Am I?" "The City Kid," etc. Following is the roster of membership:
Honorary members - F. STEWART (father), Tingley, Iowa, and Susan J. STEWART (mother) Tingley, deceased. Active members -
J. A. STEWART, jeweler, Diagonal, Iowa; W. W. STEWART, auctineer, Tingley; E. W. STEWART, collector, Chicago; J. W.
STEWART, State Normal school, Cedar Falls; W. B. STEWART, conductor, Chicago, Ill.; A. R. STEWART, wholesale grocer,
Columbus, O.; J. T. O STEWART, grade manager industrial school, Kearney, Neb.; E. M. STEWART, cashier, Council Bluffs;
T. B. STEWART, Iowa State Normal School, Cedar Falls; C. R. STEWART, stenographer, Lincoln, Neb.; T. B. STEWART, teacher,
Bartlett; B. H. STEWART, printer, Oakland. Officers - L. B. STEWART, president; J. R. STEWART vice president;
J. T. O. STEWART, secretary; A. R. STEWART, treasurer.
Omaha World-Herald Omaha, Nebraska September 2, 1906
Well Known in Nebraska, Where J. T. O. STEWART is Principal of State Industrial School
At Kearney and B. H. STEWART Is Editor of the McCook Tribune -- Remarkable Bevy of Sons Initiate Age Father
Into Knights of Pythias.

During the early part of last month there occurred at Cedar Falls, Ia., on of the most unique and notable events of many
seasons, in which participated two of Nebraska's prominent citizens, J. T. O. STEWART, principal at the State Industrial
school at Kearney, and B. H. STEWART, manager of the the McCook Tribune in McCook. THis uncommon function was in
the double nature of a reunion of the remarkable STEWART family and at the same time a Pythian revival and initiation.
The interesting family referred to consists of father and eleven sons, the oldest of which is 47 and the youngest 24
years of age, and this was the fifth time the entire number have met in biennial conclave. Although the members are not
so widely separated, they came from the four states of Nebraska, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, each well-to-do in his
chosen business or profession. By previous agreement in writing all arrived at the "Falls" within three hours of each
other on the dayset, the matter of place and date having been determined during the early summer by the novel plan of
postal card ballot. The meeting was at the home of one of the brothers, Hon. L. B. STEWART, a prominent business
manand politican of Northeastern Iowa, and the most elaborate preparations were made at the Iowan's spacious home on the
summit of Normal Hill to entertain his distinguised brethren from every region of the Mississippi basin. The even in no wise
failed to be the most complete and grandest gathering in the history of the family.
The father of this unusual collection
of children is Frank STEWART of Tingley, Ia., where, as a retired farmer and stock raiser, he lives a life of ease at the advanced
age of 77. Mr. STEWART is of Irish descent, born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, December 29, 1829. The mother of the
group, who has been dead ten years, was a native of Ohio and came from Scottish ancestry. The thirteen sons, two of whom
have died, were all born in the same house in Warren county, Illinois, and are striking types of the Scotch-Irish manhood,
with which, by nature, they are endowed. The entire family moved to Iowa in 1884. Nine of these boys are college
graduates, five of this number having secured one or more degrees from Nebraska educational institutions. Half of the family have
at some time been engaged in business or profession in Nebraska during the past fifteen years and several retain such
interests here at the present time. Six have married, and the grandchildren of the senior Mr. STEWART numbers eleven, the
oldest of which is 20 years. All these men were reared on the farm, but none adheres to this branch of his early training.
Apart from the purely family nature of the gathering, the most novel occasion in the history of lodge work took place at Cedar
Falls, on August 6, when the eleven sons, all Knights of Pythias, initiated, proved and charged the aged father in the
three ranks of knighthood, in Red Cedar lodge No. 83, at the above named city. The STEWART boys filled every office and
station in the local lodge during the conferring of the degrees, and not a person spoke to the venerable candidate
throughout the entire amplified ceremonies except his own sons - the oldest guarding the outer portals and the baby
of 24 years, administering as prelate, the comprehensive obligaitons of true Pythiasnism to his aged sire. NOted
Pythian characters, including grand lodge officers from over the state, were in attendance, and all cities within
a radius of 100 miles were respresented by members of that fraternity. The oldest brother, J. R. STEWART, is grand
vice chancellor of the order in Iowa. Fully 300 of Iowa's brave knights were in attendance upon the ceremonies and the
gracious spread at the local lodge's handsom quarters immediately after. Many congratulations were extended to the
boys upon their splendid ceremony which, considering their widely differnt localities, was certainly creditable. They
will long remember Red Cedar lodge No. 83 of Cedar Falls, Ia., and the many, kindly courtesies extended to them during
their brief stay in that city. Another unique feature of this family's proceedings is the organization among
themselves of an association for their mutual benefit and protection and in furthering of family interest and brotherly
love. This organization is called the STEWART Brothers' fraternity, or Dennis club. The following officers were elected
at therecentmeeting for the ensuing biennium: W. B. STEWART, president. J. R. STEWART, vice president.
J. T. O. STEWART, secretary. B. H. STEWART, assistant secretary. L. B. STEWART, treasurer F. STEWART,
most worthy counselor. W. W. STEWART, general manager. T. B. STEWART, legal advisor. E. M. STEWART, business
representative. C. D. STEWART, chairman trustee. A. R. STEWART, trustee. F. H. STEWART, trustee.
NOTE: Frank STEWART, the son of Francis F. and Sarah (DRING) STEWART, was born December 29, 1829,
Chester County, Pennsylvania, and died March 13, 1918, Shannon City, Iowa, at the age of 88 years. Susannah Jane
(HENDERSON) STEWART, the daughter of John Armstrong and Agnes Nancy (WALKER) HENDERSON, was born in Old Washington,
Ohio on February 27, 1839, and died at the age of 57 years, probably from diabetes, on July 14, 1896. Frank and
Susannah were interred at Diagonal Cemetery. Frank and Susannah's sons:
1. John Reendo STEWART, b. 29 Jan 1860; d. 02 Mar 1951, Forsyth MT
married 23 Feb 1887, Tingley IA Maria LORIMOR (1866-1924)
1. Merton Ransom V. STEWART (1888-1982)
2. Asher Francis Lloyd STEWART (1890-1937)
3. Willis Emile Reendo STEWART (1892-1982)
4. Lyle Palmer Hall STEWART (1903-1986)
2. William Waldo STEWART, b. 03 Sep 1861; d. 1957, Tingley IA
married 12 Oct 1886, Tulsa OK Anna Amanda MAY (1864-1955)
interment Tingley Cemetery
1. Myrtle May (STEWART) TODD (1887-1968)
2. Ethel Evelyn (STEWART) MILLER (1889-1980)
3. Bessie B. STEWART (1891-1891), interment Tingley Cemetery
4. Glen Gerald STEWART (1892-1960)
5. Clayton Clinton STEWART (1895-1935), interment Tingley Cemetery
6. Perse Paul STEWART (1904-1979)
3. Andrew Palmer STEWART, b. 1863; d. 1863, Sumner Twp. Warren Co. IL
4. Edwin Walker STEWART, b. 01 May 1865; d. 08 Feb 1904, Chicago IL
interment Tingley Cemetery
5. Louis Bassett STEWART, twin, b. 08 Apr 1867; d. 03 Feb 1918, Omaha NE
married 24 Jun 1897, Fremont NE Florence Estelle CRANDALL (1876-1968)
1. Gladys Emeregene (STEWART) NICHOLSON LEAVITT (1898-1996)
2. Lillian Marie (STEWART) ANDERSON (1900-1988)
3. Margaret Althea (STEWART) (1909-1969)
4. Rodney Ward STEWART (1913-1983)
6. Willis Baxter STEWART, twin, b. 08 Apr 1867; d. 13 Jun 1934, Brookfield IL
interment Arlington Cemetery, Elmhurst IL
married 1st 30 Nov 1896, Brookfield IL Helen (PELTON) STEWART SAUCERCY (1876-1937)
married 2nd 09 Sep 1916, Brookfield IL Elizabeth SCHICK (1870=?)
7. Andrew Riley STEWART, b. 22 Feb 1869; d. 19 Apr 1955, Columbus OH
married 29 May 1911, Kenton Co. KY Flora Alice "Allie" OLDHAM (1865-1957)
interment Union Cemetery, Columbus OH
8. Jesse Taylor Oldham STEWART, b. 01 Apr 1872; d. Oct 1936
married 1st 02 Jun 1897, Arapahoe Co. NE Lizzie J. HASTY (1878-?)
married 2nd 08 May 1920, Council Bluffs IA Margaret C. KOCH (ca. 1877-?)
9. Ernest McCully STEWART, b. 14 Jan 1874; d. 15 Nov 1961, Cedar Rapids IA
married & separated 1921 Esther (?)
married 27 Oct 1923 Kansas City MO Karen Cora ANDERSON (1891-1952)
2. Jayne Ann (STEWART) STURDIVAN (1934-1987)
10. Thomas Baird STEWART, b. 01 Nov 1875; d. 25 Sep 1938, Iowa
married Lillian Aurelia WALLACE (1894-1962)
1. Daughter STEWART
2. Eleanor Eloise (STEWART) YEOMAN(1921-1992)
11. Charles Ross STEWART, b. 20 Aug 1877; d. 09 Apr 1958, Des Moines IA
married 15 Oct 1903, Syracus NE Myrtle Lucille ANDERSON (1884-1965)
1. Virginia R. (STEWART) BENNETT (1908-1994)
2. Lawrence Charles Raymond STEWART (1911-2001)
3. Lincoln Anderson STEWART (1919-2001)
12. Frederick Henderson STEWART, b. 11 Dec 1879; d. 03 Nov 1961, Des Moines IA
married 29 Jun 1910, LeMars IA Lillian Olive HANKE (1889-1979)
interment Highland Memory Gardens, Des Moines
2. Donald Henderson STEWART (1911-2006)
3. Kenneth Albert STEWART (1913-1993)
13. Burris Henry STEWART, b. 19 Apr 1882; d. 10 Jul 1911, McCook NE
interment Tingley Cemetery
married 01 Jun 1910, McCook NE Dora Louella OYSTER (1889-1915)
Child: Edith Mary (STEWART) AMRHEIN (1902-2002)
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2010
