News of Speck Reunion

More than 85 members of the William and Laura Nicholson Speck family met Saturday, June 16th at the Des Moines Art Center to view "The Mural" and to hear a staff presentation about Jackson Pollock and his place in the art world. Then the group enjoyed a picnic lunch followed by the painting of their own Jackson Pollock-like canvases. One of Jackson's 2nd cousins attended the reunion.
William Speck was the youngest brother of Cordelia Speck McClure who was Jackson Pollock's grandmother. The Archibald and Eliza Speck family moved from Jefferson County to the Tingley, Iowa area in the early 1880's. After the death of Archibald and Eliza Speck, the William Speck moved to Iola, Allen County, Kansas in 1900. Son Edward had left for Iola in 1899 with the Moon family. James Renwick Speck, Wm's brother, moved to Fairfield. Only Leslie McClure (of the Speck family) remained in the area.
Submitted by Jane Carlson Arends, daughter of Clara May Speck Carlson, granddaughter of Ed Speck and great granddaughter of William & Laura Speck, June of 2012
I am hoping that someone connected with the McClure family will contact me, but perhaps they have also moved out of Ringgold County.

To submit your Ringgold County biographies, contact
The County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.
