Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 16, 2009
Roudybush Reunion

The 57th annual reunion of the family of William and Maria GRIFFITH ROUDYBUSH was held Sunday, June 28, 2009, outdoors
at the home of Jim and Sandy BROWN near Lenox. It was a lovely, breezy day. Everyone enjoyed visiting, sharing photographs
and eating a tasty potluck dinner. Deceased over the past two years were the following: Lawrenc NOVAK in November of
2007 from lung infection; Ron KING, Joyce HALEY'S husband, on February 18, 2009, from cancer; Greg HALEY on February 24,
2009, from cancer; Donna PRASEK, Lester ROUDYBUSH'S daughter, on February 26, 2009, from cancer, and Clemmeth CRUSSELL,
Pauline DOLECHECK'S husband, on June 15, 2009. They will be greatly missed. All were told about the following births:
Caleb Benjamin COY, son of Jill PETERSON COY and Davis COY, on August 26, 2008; Emma Sue BROWN, daughter of Nick and
Jenna BROWN, on September 28, 2008; Margret Helena HALDEMAN, daughter of Sarah ROUDYBUSH (HALDEMAN) and Lucas
HALDEMAN, on October 7, 2008, and Caleb Alan WOLFE, son of Jennifer KELLETT WOLFE and Jason WOLFE, on November 29,
2008. The business meeting was called to order by president Joann BALLENGER. The minits were read by secretary,
Dorothy BURNS. A gift was given to Jim and Sally BROWN for their kind hospitality. The group plans to meet at their
park again next year on June 27, 2010. Kathlyn BROWN will put reunion announcements in the papers to help notify relatives
next June. Officers for next eyar will remain the same. Because of the wet spring, health issues and other commitments,
many were not present. Attending the reunion this year were the following: Burl ROUDYBUSH, Joann BALLENGER, Dorothy BURNS,
Leland and Mary ROUDYBUSH, Shirley PETERSON and Zoie STAFFORD of Muscatine Carol KELLETT of Aledo, IL; Jerry HALEY
of Mount Ayr; Maralyn and Don BARKER of Ames; Pat and John WILSON of Clearfield; Kathlyn BROWN, Jim, Sally, Nick, D.J.,
Mitchell and Megan BROWN of Lenox; Roy and Nancy LUMBARD and Duane and Eula DOLECHECK of Creston; Spencer LUMBARD of
Diagonal; Sean, Sheila, Nicole and Colby JENKINS of Pleasant Hill, and Teresa DOLCHECK and friend Rob COX.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012

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