Elizabeth C. McCULLOUGH
Born 1814, Guernsey County, Ohio
Died 22 Feb 1898, aged 84 years, Redding, Ringgold County, Iowa
Buried Fairview Cemetery, Clinton Township, Ringgold County, Iowa
NOTE: General: Speculation: perhaps Elizabeth's father was Robert McCullough, who was listed as
owing land section 24, 160 acres, date of entry Jan 30, 1815, in what is now Guernsey county, Monroe twsp., Ohio.
p.513 of U.S. Military Survey
Elizabeth C. McCULLOUGH
Married 1st, aged 24 years, Isaac MOORE on 07 Jun 1838, Tuscarawas County, Ohio
1. Samuel M. MOORE
NOTE: Family #1: General: Marriage record only is source for this Moore line.
Then the letter in Sarah's possession from one Samuel M. Moore, 'dear sister'.
Note: among early pioneers of Cochocton County (where Samuel was a surveyor) Ohio, was a THOMAS MOORE,
who was there by 1817. Also a Thomas NORRIS ,Sr, there by 1813.
Elizabeth C. McCULLOUGH
Married 2nd, aged 29 years, Jeremiah NORRIS on 09 Nov 1843, Tuscawaras County, Ohio
1. George NORRIS, b. 1844
2. Sarah Elizabeth NORRIS, b. 1848; d. 04 May 1927
3. Jeremiah NORRIS, b. 1857
NOTE: Family #2: Norris Bible says: "E.C. Norris Bible, bought Dec 1883 in Mr Ayr, price $3.50. Jeremiah
Norris and family moved from Ohio to Lucas co, Ia in 1854. Then they came to Ringgold co, Ia. in
1865. Note: In 1894 Elizabeth Norris owned land 40 ac in sec 23, Clinton Twp, Ringgold co, Ia.
Note: Marriage (9 Nov 1843): Elizabeth C. Moore was a widow, we believe, of Isaac Moore at time of
marraige to Jeremiah Norris, who was a widower of Ruth (last name unknown).
Submission by Friends of Old Redding, March of 2010
Jeremiah Norris obituary
Faiview Cemetery transcriptions
