Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 28, 2014
TOP PHOTO: Siblings gather at the Main Family Reunion are (front row from L-R) LaViece Main Barker, Doris Main Rule and
Juanita Main Shaffer. Standing in the back are Larry Main and Lyle Main. BOTTOM PHOTO: First cousin in the Main
Family include (seated L-R) Karyn Barker Stone, Janice Sobotka Boles, Cheryl Kimball Spoor and Lana Barker Gibson.
Standing in the backrow are Alan Fetty, Angie Main Glendenning, Connie Main Richards, Rita Barker Hunter, Sherrie
Sobotak Helton, Jack Main, Dan Barker and Jerry Sobotka.

Main Family Reunion
The descendants of Corwin and Mabel Wood Main held a family reunion on Sunday, August 24, 2014 at the
Heritage Park community reception room, hosted by Lucille Main. A bountiful and colorful pot-luck dinner was provided
by and enjoyed by those in attendance. No one went away hungry! Four generations of the Main family were included
in the 52 who attended.Everyone was especially happy to see and to visit with Juanita Main Shaffer and Larry and Fran
Main who are from CA and have been staying with a family in the area for over a week. Juanita is a renowned Central California
Artist who brought several of her works to be included in a drawing that produced five lucky winners.
Dick Gibson won a beautiful framed floral oil painting and Karyn Stone, Lucile Jackson, Cheryl Spoor and Alysa
Gibson won gorgeous hand-painted pieces of porcelain pottery - each one different. Of course we all wanted to hear
our number drawn but we were thrilled for those winners. Juanita has also donated one of her beautiful paintings to
the Mount Ayr Senior Citizen Center and it will be on display there. Siblings Juanita Main Shaffer, LaViece Main
Barker, Doris Main Rule, Larry Main and Lyle Main were all participants in this reunion. An enjoyable part of our reunion
experience included listening to "old time" stories and memories of aunts, uncles and parents who are now 70 to 90
years old. Respect and love for those from this family who have pased on: Maxine Main Kendig, Marvin Main, Virgil Main,
Mildred Main Sobotka and Arlene Main Kimball, remains ever present in our hearts. They will always be missed. The others
who attended this reunion are: Cheryl Spoor, Lana Gibson, Dick Gibson, Lucille Main, Alan Fetty, Rose Fetty, Karyn Stone,
Monica Stone, Tyler Gibson, Alyssa Gibson, Tifffany Gibson, Stephen Gibson, Angie Glendenning, Blair Glendenning,
Hannah Glendenning, Cassie Kinney, Ron Jacobson, Virginia Main, Amy Korthank, Leana Gabaldon, Jack Main, Sandy Main,
Lucile Jackson, Austin Quick, Cacey Wilson, Sarah Binning, Jon Binning, Megan Binning, Nikki Binning, Kris Quick, Ashton
Quick, Jerry Sobotka, Debbie Sobotka, Rita Hunter, Larry Hunter, Doyle Richards, Connie Richards, Sherrie Helton, Joey
Gregg and his four young children, Janice Boles, Fran Main, Dan Barker and Jeannie Barker.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2014
