Dear Mrs. [Dorothy] Main,
The enclosed information is all I have to go on at this time. Hope it may be some use to you. I am the only son of
Lewis C. Main who was a brother of Charles Main who wrote the material I am sending you. Too bad our ancestors didn't
hand down more information. Thank you, Franklin Main 
This "MAIN Family Record" was written by Charles E. MAIN in July 1935 while he was recuperating from a broken leg. The
accident in which he was injured happened at the Dalbey Lumber Yard where he was employed. Although he recovered from the
broken leg, his death - caused by a blood clot - occurred on January 23, 1936. The record was copied for Franklin MAIN
on August 24, 1952 by Dorothy MAIN, daughter of Charles E. MAIN. 
Lewis MAIN, Sr., son of Daniel MAIN, who came from Germany and was an early settler of Virginia, was born near Wheeling,
West Virginia, November 14, 1800. When Lewis was two and on-half years old, the family moved to Monroe County, Ohio, among
the early settlers of that country. In 1820, Lewis was married to Elizabeth FUNKHOUSER, who was born in
Pennsylvania, February 21, 1802. In 1826, the moved to Highland county, Ohio, where they lived two and one-half years, then
moved to Ripley County, Indiana. Here they lived about 20 years on a farm they cleared out of the timber with which the
country was covered at that time. In 1855, the pioneer fever struck them again, and they moved to Appanoose County, Iowa,
and settled on a farm in Taylor township. On September 6, 1867, Mrs. MAIN died. She is buried in the Salem cemetery in
Moravia, Iowa. They raised a family of ten children: John, Mary, Nancy, Willia, Lewis Jr., Susannah, Charles, Jacob,
Josephus, and Sarah. Most of the family came to Iowa with them and a great many of their descendants are still living in or
near Moravia, Appanoose County. The boys all volunteered inthe Civil War and one, Charles, was killed in the service.
NOTE: Charles MAIN enlisted from Moravia, Appanoose County, Iowa, as a Private on August 9, 1862, at the age of
26 years. He was assigned to Company F, 36th Iowa Infantry on October 4, 1862. Private MAIN was killed at Mark's Mills,
Arkansas, on April 25, 1864.
Lewis kept his home in Taylor township until he became old. He spent the last years of his life in the home of his son,
Lewis Jr. Lewis Sr. died on January 18, 1885, and is bured in the Salem cemetery, where a number of the MAINS and other
early settlers are buried. 
MAIN FAMILY RECORD VOL. IIJosephus MAIN was born May 3, 1841, on a farm in Ripley County,
Indiana. When he grew up he was a of a mechanical turn of mind so I don't think he farmed much. He worked in a sawmill
business and split staves for making barrells, which was quite a business at that time where he lived. He made clapboards
or shingles out of oak, working at that some after I was old enough to help him get out the blocks and pile the shingles.
When the Civil War came he had some personal property which he disposed of at public sale and it is interesting the number of
queer things sold at the sale. he enlisted inthe army a member of Company A, 37th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He was
wounded by a rifle ball inthe hip, which he carried for 26 years. Then it came to the surface on his thigh more than a foot
below where it entered his hip. On account of this wound he spent a good deal of time in the hospital. He got able to
get around and work, but he suffered more or less the rest of his life. It seems he went back to Ripley County after the
war and was married to Sarah Elizabeth CASTETTER, daughter of George Washington and Eliza (WATSON) CASTETTER. She was born
in Ripley County, Indiana, May 16, 1841. Soon after they were married they came to Iowa, where his parents and most
of his brothers and sisters had moved some ten years before. Since he was crippled so and he couldn't farm very well, they
went back to Indiana in October of that year, and a little later located at Hartsville in Bartholomew County. Here a sister
and brother-in-law, Jonathan SCUDDER, lived and worked at the carpenter trade which he followed for a number of years. Then
he became so badly crippled he had to give it up. He got the job of Postmster in Hartsville, a town of 500 or 600 at that
time, and held it 'til he came to Iowa in 1882. During the years they lived in Hartsville, seven children were born:
Charles E., Frank M., Oliver E. who died in infancy, Lewis Cass, Mell, Hayes and Leonora Florence. Another son, Dwight,
was born in Ringgold County, Iowa, in 1885. In the fall of 1881, Pa, Frank and I went to Iowa on a visit. We liked the
country and decided to take the family on the farm. He traded some town property he had for 160 acres of land that had
never been plowed nor fenced in Ringgold County. We came to Iowa in the spring of 1882. Since there was nothing to improve a
new farm with, we came to Moravia, where his father and several brothers and other relatives lived, and rented a small farm.
Father was able to do some carpentering and the boys did a little farming, and worked for the neighbors sometimes. With
some help from the relatives, we stayed there three years. In the summer of 1884, he fenced his land and built the outside
of a small house and got 20 acres plowed, and we moved inthe spring of 1885. While we were not really pioneers, we did a
great many things the pioneers did, breaking the sod and building sheds of prairie had (sic, sod?) and sloughgrass, and
a lot of other things that are not being done now. Father was never able to do a great deal of carpentering after we came
to Ringgold County, but he and the family all worked away from home through the summer. He had been getting a [Civil War Veteran's] pension of
$18.00 per month for some time, but was getting $24.00 per month at the time of his death. He took sick of Bright's
disease inthe fall of 1892 and died February 19, 1895. He is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery at Mount Ayr, Iowa. He was
a member of the Methodist Church, the Grand Army of the Republic, and in politics was a Republican. He believed it
was always right to do right. 
Charles Edward MAIN, son of Josephus and Sarah E. MAIN, was born in Hartsville, Indiana, May 7, 1866. Hartsville was a
town of 500 or 600 in south central Indiana. At that time there was a college located there conducted by the United
Brethren Church. It burned down later and was never rebuilt, and the town did not amount to much after that.
I went to school in winter and after I was old enough worked in the sumemr. The summer I was 13 years old I worked on a
farm, the next summer I worked in a brick-yard and part-time in the Post Office. I could take care of the office during
the day while Father worked at something else, as the mail went out early in the morning and came in, in the evening.
The school was not graded at the time. I got what is now an eighth grade education. We moved to Iowa inthe spring of
1882, and lived near Moravia, in Appanoose County for three years. We didn't have much farming at home, so I worked for
neighboring farmers through the summer and went to school in the winter. We moved to Ringgold County on a farm with
no improvements. I was at home msot of the time, working out some in harvest time. I worked out about all the year 1887.
I was 21 years old. I got $14.00 per month, fair wages at the time. We raised a pair of colts that were old enough to
work, which were given to me in 1888. I began farming a little for myself and living at home all working together. In
the fall I had a spell of tyhpoid fever, about the only sickness I ever had and the neighbors gathered my corn for me.
The next year I farmed forty acres of corn and lived with a cousin, John MAIN, who was not married at that time. After
laying my corn by, I went to Monroe County for harvest and worked 'til fall. With my father's helpI bought eighty acres of
prairie land and began to plan for a home. I was married on Christmas Day, 1889, to Alvira E. CLATON. We lived on a
rented farm one year and then moved to our own place and began improving it. In 1916 we left the farm and moved to Mount Ayr.
For ease of reading, this record was retyped, 1 Jun 2009, by Julie Ann (PRENTIS) WATTS (Patricia Ann MAIN (1), Weldon
C. MAIN (2), John Dwight MAIN (3), Josephus MAIN (4), Zachariah Lewis MAIN (5), Daniel M. MAIN (6)).

Daniel MAIN, born circa 1760, Rockenhausen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Byern, Germany, son of Johann Peter MAIN (1720-?) and
Anna Elisabetha MAIN; died after 1840, Otter Creek Ripley County, Indiana. Daniel married first circa 1783 to Mary
Magdalena FRANKS (?), born between 1760 and 1779 in Germany, and died after December 1834, approximately 74 years of
age, Ripley County, Indiana. Daniel married second in Ripley County, Indiana, December 28, 1837 to Martha BALLARD, who
was born in 1775, Virginia, and died after 1850, Laughery, Ripley County, Indiana. Daniel
and Mary Magdalena MAIN were the parents of twelve children:
1) John MAIN, born 1786, Tyler Co. WV; died 20 Jun 1863, Salt Creek Twp., Decatur Co. IN
interment Old Rossburg Cemetery, Salt Creek Twp., Decatur Co. IN
maried Rebecca SCOTT, born circa 1788; died before 1850, Decatur Co. IN
daughter of Samuel SCOTT (1750-1831) and Penelope (?) SCOTT
Children of John and Rebecca (SCOTT) MAIN:
1) Deliah MAIN, born 1806 PA; died 1847
married Joseph HILLIARD 20 Jan 1842, Highland Co. OH
born circa 1817 DE; died before 1870
2) Charles MAIN, born circa 1807 OH; died circa 1813
3) Mary Rachel MAIN, born circa 1807 OH; died circa 1823
married Henry UMMENSETTER, born circa 1816 VA; died 1861/62
4) Jacob MAIN, born circa 1807; died circa 1824
5) David M. MAIN, born 25 Jul 1814 OH; died 17 Dec 1889, Marshall, Highland Co. OH
married Anna W. FRUMP 02 Aug 1838, Highland Co. OH
born 06 Apr 1805, Duck Creek, DE; died 16 Jun 1873, Highland Co. OH
Children of David M. and Anna W. (FRUMP) MAIN:
1) Harriet MAIN, born 12 Mar 1840
married William Gillespie
2) William H. MAIN, born 04 Nov 1842
married Lizzie WARD
3) Francis Marion MAIN, born 25 Mar 1845 OH; died 31 Mar 1930 OH
married Eliza ANDERSON (1848-1925)
4) Nancy J. MAIN, born 23 Sep 1847 OH; died 13 Feb 1871 OH
5) Mahlon M. MAIN, born 07 Feb 1850 OH; died 06 Aug 1852 OH
6) Dovey MAIN, born 01 Apr 1855, Highland Co. OH
7) Ann Eliza MAIN, born circa 1857, Highland Co. OH
6) William S. MAIN, born 1819 OH; died 20 Jun 1887, Appanoose Co. IA
married Sarah R. CORY 10 Nov 1842, Ripley Co. IN
born circa 1823, OH; died 08 Mar 1894, Appanoose Co. IA
Children of William S. and Sarah R. (CORY) MAIN:
1) Charles Metier MAIN, born 1843 IN; died 1887 KS
2) Mary Rebecca MAIN, born 1847 IA; died 1933 IA
married Albet A. KNAPP (1846-1916)
3) Lowell Cassander MAIN, born 1851 IN; died 1935
married Eliza Jane HAINES (1852-1933)
4) Augustus Alvadon E. MAIN, born 1863 IA; died before 1947
married Armeda MARTIN (1864-1947)
7) Elizabeth MAIN, born 1821; 1837
8) Jacob MAIN, born 1824 OH; married Josephine (?), born 1834
9) Rachel MAIN, born circa 1832 OH
married George Kronk LAWRENCE 13 Jan 1850, Decatur Co. IN
born 1814, Beaver Co. PA; died 09 Aug 1899, Decatur Co. IN
son of John Adam (1787-1871) & Mary Magdalena (KRONK) (1789-1857)
10) Martha J. MAIN, born circa 1834 OH
11) James H. H. MAIN, born 12 Nov 1836 OH; died 27 Nov 1875, Decatur Co. IN
interment Rossburg Cemetery, Decatur Co. IN
married Martha (?), born 1844
2) Jacob MAIN, born 1787, Tyler Co. WV; died 21 May 1852, Hillsboro, Highland Co. OH
married 1st Nancy SCOTT, born circa 1787; died before 1839, Highland Co. OH
daughter of Samuel SCOTT (1750-1831) and Penelope (?) SCOTT (1750-?)
Children of Jacob and Nancy (SCOTT) MAIN:
1) Daniel W. MAIN, born 21 APr 1821, Highland Co. OH; died Dec 1897, Prairie City IA
married Anar KELSO 21 Jun 1843, Highland Co. OH
born 04 Mar 1823, Highland Co. OH; died 26 Jan 1902, Prairie City IA
daughter of Michael KELSO (1790-1832) and Ula Anar (WOLFE) KELSO (1788-1853)
Children of Daniel W. and Anar (KELSO) MAIN:
1) Julia Ann MAIN, born May 1843 OH
married 1865 Russell B. SMITH (1830-?)
2) Johann MAIN, born circa 1843, Highland Co. OH; died before 1878
3) John William MAIN, born 01 Jan 1846, Highland Co. OH; died 06 Apr 1926, Colfax IA
married 1867 Sarah Isabel "Bell" SHEPHERD (1848-1920)
4) Rezin L. MAIN, born Jan 1850, Highland Co. OH
married 1876 Nancy A. DECKER (1857-?)
5) Jacob Burgess MAIN, born 04 Jan 1852, Highland Co. OH; 18 May died 1927, Bagley IA
married 1884 Etta PADGET (1852-1896)
6) George E. MAIN, born circa 1854, Higland Co. OH; died before 1878
7) Sarah Ellen (MAIN) RUSSELL, born circa 1857, Prairie City IA
8) Charles C. MAIN, born 1859 IA; 15 Jun died 1896, Prairie City IA
9) Mary Margaret MAIN, born circa 1862 IA
married 1881 William E. ROBERTS (1858-1935)
10) Harlan Henry MAIN, born 12 May 1863 IA; died Sep 1933
married 1887 Fannie I. MILLER (1861-?)
11) Claretta C. "Etta" (MAIN) BUSSING, born circa 1868 IA
2) Narissa MAIN, born 24 Dec 1826 OH; died 11 Jul 1851, Marshall OH
3) John H. MAIN, born circa 1830 OH; married Lurena (?), born 1836
4) Jacob W. MAIN, born circa 1830 OH; married Margaret E. (?), born 1836
5) Lewis MAIN, born circa 1831, Highland Co. OH
6) Catharine MAIN, born circa 1832, Highland Co. OH
7) Carey Allen MAIN, born 03 May 1834, Highland Co. OH; died 21 Feb 1898, Jasper Co. IA
married Matilda JOHNSON 31 Dec 1857, Highland Co. OH
born 01 Sep 1839 OH; died 31 Mar 1873 IA
daughter of Jesse M.E. JOHNSON(1818-1853) and Mary (SIMPKINS) (1820-?)
Children of Carey Allen and Matilda (JOHNSON) MAIN:
1) Lewis F. MAIN, born 03 Nov 1858, Hillsboro OH; died 09 Sep 1935, Colfax IA
married 1882 Mary Elizabeth GILBERT (1854-1898)
2) John MAIN, born 1860 OH
3) Mary Elizabeth MAIN, born circa 1864 OH
5) Rhoda E. MAIN, born 1868 OH
6) Charles Wesley MAIN, born 06 Sep 1872, Prairie City IA; died 15 Apr 1917, BAYARD IA
married 1893 Elizabeth WAILES (1870-1942)
Jacob MAIN married 2nd 16 Jun 1839, Highland Co. OH Frances Anna "Anne" TURNER (1803-?)
3) Mary Magdalene MAIN, born 07 Apr 1792, Tyler Co. WV; died 28 Aug 1877, Monroe Co. OH
interment Tuel Cemetery, Fly, Monroe Co. OH
married Daniel TUEL 06 Aug 1812, Marietta, Washington Co. OH
born 04 Apr 1792, Bull Run VA; died 24 Jan 1867, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH
son of Daniel TUEL (1774-1862) and Salley (COATES) TUEL (1774-1849)
Children of Mary Magdalene (MAIN) and Daniel TUEL:
1) Lavinia TUEL, born circa 1812
2) Lucinda TUEL, born 07 Aug 1813; died 05 Apr 1856 OH
married 1834 James Benjamin BRADFIELD (1814-1907)
3) Joseph B. TUEL, born 12 May 1815; died 10 Jul 1857, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH
married 1st 1832 Sarah ROPER (1811-1848)
married 2nd 1848 Sarah BRADFIELD (1825-?)
4) Jacob TUEL, born 08 Feb 1818 VA; died 16 Apr 1897, Sistersville WV
married Sarah Jane COODER (1826-1847)
5) Levi TUEL, born 20 Jan 1820, Marietta, Washington Co. OH
6) Mary Ann TUEL, born 02 Sep 1820, Monroe Co. OH; died 22 Mar 1911, Epworth IA
married 1840 OH William J. BRADFIELD (1815-1881)
7) Daniel TUEL, born 21 Mar 1822; died 28 Jul 1905, Monroe Co. IA
8) William M. TUEL, born 26 Sep 1824 WV; died 27 Dec 1902, Union, Hardin Co. IA
married Margaret KNIGHT (1828-1923)
9) John Gilbert TUEL, born 03 Mar 1827, Monroe Co. OH; died 04 Nov 1911, Sumner WA
10) Catherine TUEL, born 29 May 1829, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 10 Nov 1896
11) Presley TUEL, born 03 Oct 1831, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 10 Oct 1856
12) Sytha TUEL, born 20 Apr 1834, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 23 Mar 1923
13) Elizabeth TUEL, born 18 Jan 1837, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 08 Jan 1914
4) Katharine MAIN, born circa 1793, Tyler Co. WV; died 1860 IN
married 1st 06 Sep 1810, Marietta OH William McCLAIN (1790-1826)
married 2nd William STEWART, died before 1850 IN
Children of Katharine (MAIN) and William STEWART:
1) Isaac W. STEWART, born 30 Aug 1827, Dabney, Ripley Co. IN; died 11 Oct 1901, Kay Co. OK
married Mary HANCOCK, born 28 Nov 1831 OH; died 03 Dec 1915, Cowley Co. KS
daughter of James HANCOCK (1795-1871) and Lucinda (SHEELEY) (1801-1871)
Children of Isaac W. and Mary (HANCOCK) STEWART:
1) Sarah STEWART, born 06 Oct 1852 IN; died 03 Nov 1924, Winfield KS
married 1881 KS Israel SANDS (1831-1911)
2) James Washington STEWART, born 30 Oct 1856 IN; died 30 Aug 1842 IL
3) Mary Alice STEWART, born circa 1869 IL
married 1887 George W.
BIGGS (1865-?)
5) Nancy MAIN, born 1795, Tyler Co. WV; 1835-1890, Otter Creek Ripley Co. IN
married 06 Oct 1831 Lewis MERRICK, born circa 1795; died after 1840, Otter Creek IN
6) Zachariah "Lewis" MAIN (1800 - 1885)
7) Elizabeth MAIN, born circa 1802; died 1886, Tyler Co. WV; died 04 Dec 1886, Linn City IA
married Jacob Showalter FUNKHOUSER 1824/30
born circa 1800, Woodbury, Bedford Co. PA; died ager 1860, College, Linn Co. IA
son of Jacob FUNKHOUSER (1772-1840) & Nancy Ann (SHOWALTER) (1778-1850)
Children of Elizabeth (MAIN) and Jacob Showalter FUNKHOUSER
2) Samuel Francis FUNKHOUSER, born 12 Aug 1827, Somerset Co. PA; died 10 Jul 1906 IN
married Millie Ann FRANCIS 26 Oct 1848, Ripley Co. IN
born 1832 IN; died 06 Oct 1907, Clay City, Bartholomew Co. IN
daughter of Joseph FRANZ (1807-?) and Elizabeth (?) FRANZ (1815-?)
Children of Samuel Francis and Millie Ann (FRANCIS) FUNKHOUSER:
1) George Washington FUNKHOUSER, born Ripley Co. IN; died 09 Dec 1932, Midland IN
married 1878 Mary Ann EMICK (1861-1924)
2) John Wesley FUNKHOUSER, born 1850, Ripley Co. IN; died 09 Dec 1932, Midland IN
3) Francis FUNKHOUSER, born 14 Mar 1851, Ripley Co. IN; died 10 Mar 1894, Lincoln Co. NE
4) Lafayette FUNKHOUSER, born 31 Aug 1855 IN; died 14 Feb 1932
5) Mary E. FUNKHOUSER, born 18 Feb 1858 IN
6) Sarah Ellen FUNKHOUSER, born 22 May 1860 IN; died 17 Feb 1870
7) Alice Jane FUNKHOUSER, born 22 Dec 1863 IN; died 14 Jan 1908 IN
8) Joseph H. FUNKHOUSER, born 1866/69 IN
9) James H. FUNKHOUSER, born 1869 IN
10) Rosabelle FUNKHOUSER, born Feb 1873 IN
3) Joshua FUNKHOUSER, born Sep 1827 OH; died 1871
4) Daniel FUNKHOUSER, born 07 May 1831 OH; died 03 Sep 1907, Apppanoose Co. IA
5) Priscilla FUNKHOUSER, born circa 1833 OH
6) Carolina FUNKHOUSER, born 20 Jan 1837 IN
7) Minerva Jane FUNKHOUSER
born 06 Dec 1839, Ripley Co. IN; 27 Jun died 1899, Mystic, Appanoose Co. IA
married Edward James BROSHAR Jul 1859, Appanoose Co. IA
born 26 Sep 1838, Ripley Co. IN; died 31 Mar 1909, Centerville IA
son of Zarchariah (1804-1887) & Mary (LINEBAUGH) (1810-1862)
Children of Minerva Jane (FUNKHOUSER) & Edward James BROSHAR:
1) Alfretta J. (BROSHAR) HINER, born 1860; died 1932
2) James E. BROSHAR, born 1861; died 1904
3) Elizabeth Ellen BROSHAR, born 1864; died 1944
4) Mary Alice BROSHAR, born 1867; died 1949
5) Lewis L. BROSHAR, born 1869; died 1906
6) Gertie BROSHAR, born 1871; died 1871
7) Annie M. BROSHAR, born 1872; died 1907
8) Winnie Carolyn BROSHAR, born 1875; died 1961
9) Nancy Gertrude BROSHAR, born 1878; died 1879
10) William W. BROSHAR, born 1880; died 1942
11) John Stanton BROSHAR, born 1883; died 1941
8) Rutha MAIN, born circa 1808, Grandview, Washington Co. OH
9) William G. MAIN, born 01 May 1809, Grandview, Washington Co. OH
10) Priscilla MAIN, born 15 Sep 1813, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 26 Jan 1857, Dubuque Co. IA
married George W. CAIN, born 1812 VA; died 1912, age 100 years
Priscilla (MAIN) and George W. CAIN were the parents of five children:
1) Morris G. CAIN, born Feb 1835 OH; died 12 Aug 1887, Decatur Co. IA
interment Lentz Cemetery, Woodland Twp., Decatur Co. IA
married Mary BEAVERS on 26 Feb 1857
born 29 Nov 1840 OH; died 02 Oct 1884, Decatur Co. IA
Children of Morris G. and Mary (BEAVERS) CAIN:
1) Laura CAIN, born circa 1858 IA
2) Viola Jane CAIN, born 10 Oct 1860, Decatur Co. IA
married 22 Dec 1878 Arthur W. HUTCHINSON (1850-?)
2) Mary E. CAIN, born circa 1863, Decatur Co. IA
married Marion HAPTANSTALL (1861-?)
3) James M. CAIN, born circa 1864, Decatur Co. IA
4) Ida (CAIN) LANE, born circa 1866, Decatur Co. IA
5) Charles E. CAIN, born circa 1870, Decatur Co. IA
6) Miles CAIN, born circa 1872, Decatur Co. IA
7) Stella L. CAIN, born circa 1876, Decatur Co. IA
2) Mahlon CAIN, born 1838 OH; died circa 1950
married Martha E. (?)
3) Mary Susan CAIN, born 1842 OH; died circa 1950
4) James R. CAIN, born 1845 OH; died 1950
5) Abraham D. CAIN, born Jun 1853 IA; died 1910 IN
11) Daniel MAIN Jr.
born circa 1815, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; residence 1850 Liberty, Highland Co. OH
12) Susannah MAIN, born circa 1816, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH
Zachariah "Lewis" MAIN, son of Daniel MAIN (1760-1840) and Mary Magdalena (FRANKS?) MAIN (1770-1834),
was born November 14, 1800, Long Reach, Tyler County [previously Ohio County], West Virginia. When he was two and a half
years of age, the MAIN family moved to Jackson Township of Monroe County, Ohio, where they were among the earliest of settlers,
living in forts as a protection against the Indians. In 1820, Monroe County, Ohio, Lewis married Elizabeth FUNKHOUSER.
Elizabeth FUNKHOUSER was born on February 26, 1802, North Sewickley Township of Beaver County,
Pennsylvania, the daughter of Jacob (1772-1840) and Nancy Ann (SHOWALTER) FUNKHOUSER (1778-1850).
Elizabeth (FUNKHOUSER) MAIN died at the age of 65 years on September 6, 1867, Moravia, Appanoose County, Iowa.
Lewis MAIN died at the age of 84 years on January 18, 1885, Morvaia, Appanoose County, Iowa. Lewis and
Elizabeth were interred at Salem Cemetery, Iconium, Appanoose County, Iowa. They were the parents of eleven children:
1) John Washington MAIN
born 11 Jun 1821, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 30 Sep 1894, Moravia IA
married 1st Sarah A. THACKERY 24 Mar 1844, Ripley Co. IN
born 21 Jan 1828, Union Co. IN; died 30 Sep 1890, Moravia IA
daughter of John THACKERY (1790-?) and Tabitha (CASTO) THACKERY (1791-1871)
married 2nd 30 Sep 1890 Elizabeth J. (CRAVENS) SUMNER, born circa 1822 IN
Children of John Washington and Sarah A. (THACKERY) MAIN:
1) Francis Marion MAIN, born 01 Nov 1844, Ripley Co. IN; died 15 Oct 1913, Perkins OK
married Sophia Ann FEES 30 Oct 1864, Moravia, Appanoose Co. IA
born 07 Mar 1846, Iconium IA; died 08 Jun 1940, Stillwater OK
daughter of Jacob FEES (1816-1883) and Nancy Ann (COOLEY) FEES (1818-1912)
Francis and Sophia interred Olivet Cemetery, Payne Co. OK
Children of Francis Marion and Sophia Ann (FEES) MAIN:
1) Franklin MAIN
2) George Washington MAIN, born 22 Sep 1865, Iconium IA; died 22 Feb 1949, Stillwater OK
interment Olivet Cemetery, Payne Co. OK
3) Nancy Lenora "Nora" (MAIN) ORNER
born 16 Dec 1867, Moravia IA; died 26 Nov 1935, Payne Co. OK
interment Memorial Park Cemetery, Oklahoma City OK
4) Sarah Lillian (MAIN) WILEY
born 09 Nov 1871, Moravia IA; died 25 Jan 1954, Oklahoma City OK
interment Olivet Cemetery, Perkins OK
2) Melissa Jane MAIN, born 29 Nov 1846, Ripley Co. IN; died 18 Jan 1882, Moravia IA
married 27 Aug 1874, Moravia IA Thomas Jefferson JONES, born 25 Jan 1852, Monroe Co. IA
Children of Melissa Jane (MAIN) and Thomas Jefferson JONES:
1) Charles Oscar JONES, born 06 Sep 1875, Monroe Co. IA
2) John William JONES, born 23 Feb 1878, Monroe Co. IA
3) Jessie L. (JONES) KINCADE, born 16 Dec 1879, Monroe Co. IA; died after 1925 IA
3) Mary Elizabeth MAIN, born 12 Nov 1848, Ripley Co. IN; died 09 Jan 1934, Moravia IA
married David F. HINER 09 Dec 1869, Moravia, Appanoose Co. IA
born 04 Sep 1849, Lee Co. IA; died 23 Nov 1934, Iconium IA
son of George HINER (1821-?) and Margaret (FUNKHOUSER) HINER (1824-1865)
Children of Mary Elizabeth (MAIN) and David F. HINER:
1) Melissa Susan "Lissie" (HINER) KELSEY
born 11 Aug 1870, Appanoose Co. IA; died 30 Oct 1955, Centerville IA
2) Rosa Mae (HINER) BEATY
born 16 Dec 1875, Appanoose Co. IA; died 29 Mar 1963, Iconium IA
3) George Noble HINER, born 04 Aug 1878, Appanoose Co. IA; Oct 1971, Centerville IA
4) Lyman Conner MAIN, born 23 May 1851, Ripley Co. IN; died 17 Jan 1941, Moravia IA
married Leann HINER 16 Nov 1873, Moravia, Appanoose Co. IA
born 6 Aug 1855, Moravia IA; died 10 Nov 1850, Moravia IA
daughter of Abraham HINER (1826-1902) and Ruth E. (FUNKHOUSER) (1827-1921)
Lyman and Leann interred Salem Cemetery, Iconium IA
Children of Lyman Conner and Leann (HINER) MAIN:
1) Otis Cornelius MAIN, born 13 Jan 1875, Moravia IA; died 19 Nov 1946, Rockford IL
2) Oscar Artis MAIN, born 23 Apr 1877, Moravia IA; died Nov 1965 IA
3) Nellie Blanche (MAIN) GLADFELDER, born 07 Mar 1888, Moravia IA; died 22 Mar 1963
4) Earl Elbert MAIN, born 04 Aug 1893, Moravia IA; died Jun 1987, Polk Co. IA
5) Charles Newton MAIN, born 23 Jan 1854, Ripley Co. IN; died 08 Jul 1935, Moravia IA
married 1st 11 Oct 1874 Sarah James JONES (1856-1895)
Children of Charles Newton and Sarah James (JONES) MAIN:
1) Edward Lewis MAIN
born 08 Jul 1876, Appanoose Co. IA; died 29 May 1944, Appanoose Co. IA
married 1898 Nellie FUNKHOUSER (1879-1944)
2) Ella Melissa MAIN, born 20 May 1879, Appanoose Co. IA; died 09 Sep 1938
married 1897 Rufus J. FUNKHOUSER (1876-1935)
3) C. L. MAIN, born 1880, Appanoose Co. IA
4) Harvey Mobel MAIN, born 14 Oct 1883, Appanoose Co. IA; 05 May 1962, Appanoose Co. IA
married 15 Feb 1905 Alta McCLOUD (1885-1975)
5) Gustavus Pearl "Gus" MAIN
born 03 Nov 1885, Monroe Co. IA; died 09 Nov 1966, Kansas City MO
married 1st Elsie R. TUCKER (1887-?)
married 2nd 28 Nov 1921 Martha PARMAN (1892-?)
married 3rd 16 Oct 1954 Lillian E. GROOVER (1908-?)
6) Archie Ray MAIN, 26 Dec 1887 IA; died 22 Jan 1950
married 07 Jun 1908 Lavenia Martha WEATHERLY (1890-1976)
7) Harriet Florence "Hattie" MAIN, born 07 Oct 1889; died 1968 IA
married Ray McCLOUD (1887-1965)
Charles Newton MAIN married 2nd 21 Jun 1898 Evaline "Eva" POTTER (1871-1955)
Children of Charles Newton and Evaline "Eva" (POTTER) MAIN:
1) Charles Francis MAIN, born 02 Oct 1902, Moravia IA; died 27 Sep 1969, Climax Springs MO
2) Flossie Jane MAIN, born 13 Dec 1903, Moravia IA; died 28 Jan 1914, Moravia IA
6) Noble Johnson MAIN, born 01 Mar 1857, Moravia IA; 29 Oct died 1931, Moravia IA
married 19 Jan 1882 Mary Ann STARK (1861-1950)
Children of Noble Johnson and Mary Ann (STARK) MAIN:
1) Lennie Maude MAIN, born 10 Nov 1882, Monroe Co. IA; died 1967
2) Otha E. MAIN, born Oct 1885, Appanoose Co. IA
3) Elvaretta R. MAIN, born 11 Mar 1889, Appanoose Co. IA; died 1970, Appanoose Co. IA
4) Iva Merle MAIN, born Jan 1893, Appanoose Co. IA
5) Ross Forrest MAIN, born 22 Dec 1899, Appanoose Co. IA; died Nov 1974, Moravia IA
6) Frieda P. (MAIN) MASON
born 08 Aug 1902, Appanoose Co. IA; died Jun 1970, Sioux City, Woodbury Co. IA
7) Rosella Rebecca "Rose" MAIN, born 10 Mar 1859, Moravia IA; died 06 Jul 1923, Moravia IA
married 18 Aug 1876, Moravia IA Thomas Jefferson "Tom" GALLAHER (1855-?)
Children of Rose (MAIN) and Tom GALLAHER:
1) Sylvia Aurora (GALLAHER) MONEY, born 24 Jun 1877, Moravia IA
8) Arabella MAIN, born 14 Oct 1860, Moravia IA; died 06 Sep 1928, Moravia IA
married 12 Mar 1885 Isaac Wilson JONES, Aug born 1861 IA; died 1929
Children of Arabella (MAIN) and Isaac Wilson JONES:
1) Elsie M. JONES, born Mar 1886 IA
2) Benjaman Harrison JONES, born Jul 1892 IA
9) Annabelle MAIN, born 14 Oct 1860, Moravia IA; died 10 Sep 1941, Moravia IA
married 03 Nov 1889 Francis Howgel COULSON (1857-1941)
Children of Annabelle (MAIN) and Francis Howgel COULSON:
1) Sarah Alice COULSON, born 04 Aug 1890, Iconium IA; died 12 Dec 1975, Albia IA
married 1915 Lewis C. ROUSE (1885-1971)
2) Frances Belle COULSON, born 08 Sep 1892, Iconium IA; died 12 Apr 1962, Montrose CO
married 31 Mar 1917 Webb Walter ZAHNISER (1891-1963)
3) Edna May COULSON, born 08 Dec 1894, Iconium IA; died 22 Feb 1954, Centerville IA
married 25 Dec 1925 Charles E. JOHNSON (1901-1985)
4) Carl L. COULSON, born Jul 1898, Iconium IA
5) Arlie Mabel COULSON, born 24 Aug 1900, Moravia IA; died 11 Jul 1991, Centerville IA
married 12 Nov 1921 Theodore Roosevelt WILSON (1899-1995)
10) Milo Phillip MAIN, born 27 Jul 1864, Moravia IA; died 24 Feb 1948, Moravia IA
married 01 Oct 1885 Mollie B. TISUE (1866-1954)
Children of Milo Phillip and Mollie B. (TISUE) MAIN:
1) Arthur C. MAIN, born 13 Nov 1889, Moravia IA; died 1966, Appanoose Co. IA
11) Lewis Cass MAIN, born 04 Aug 1867, Moravia IA; died 02 Mar 1939, Moravia IA
married 16 Feb 1890 Cora McDANEL, born 17 Mar 1871; died 27 Aug 1859, Moravia IA
Lewis and Cora interred Hillcrest Cemetery, Moravia IA
Children of Lewis Cass and Cora (McDANEL) MAIN:
1) Ulmont Owen MAIN, born 10 Jan 1891 IA; died Jun 1967, Moravia IA
2) William Clyde MAIN, born 09 May 1898 IA ; died Mar 1981, Numa IA
12) Fannie Anar MAIN
born 26 May1870, Appanoose Co. IA; died 09 Jan1944, San Bernardino Co. CA
married 26 Nov 1890 Francis Byron HARN, born 22 Oct 1869 IA; died 10 Oct 1949 CA
Children of Fannie Anar (MAIN) Francis Byron HARN:
1) John Ivan HARN, born circa 1893 IA
John Washington MAIN, son of Zachariah "Lewis" and Elizabeth (FUNKHOUSER) MAIN, was born in 1821.
He married Sarah THACKERY, the daughter of John and Tabitha T. THACKERY, born 1828, Union County, Indiana.
They resided in Ripley County, Indiana until 1855, moving to Appanoose County, Iowa, where he farmed 240 acres of well-improved
and well-cultivated land. John held the office of township trustee and school officers. John was initially rejected for
service with Company F of the 36th Iowa Infantry during the Civil War on October 4, 1862. At the age of 42, John Washington
MAIN enlisted from Appanoose County, Iowa, on May 19, 1864,
for 100-days of service during the Civil War, service with Company G of the 46th Iowa Infantry. He was mustered into
service on June 10, 1864, and detailed for
guard duty, and mustered out of service on September 23, 1864, from Davenport, Iowa. - History of
Appanoose County, 1878. and American Civil War Soldiers' Database,
2) Mary MAIN, born 24 Nov 1822, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 16 Mar 1892, Enterprise, Dickinson Co. KS
married Rev. Joseph McKEE 01 July 1839, Ripley Co. IN
born 26 Jul 1818 IN; died 29 Apr 1879, Mitchell Co. KS
Children of Rev. Joseph and Mary (MAIN) McKEE:
1) Julia Ellen McKEE, born 1840, Ripley Co. IN; died 1840, Ripley Co. IN
2) Sarah Elizabeth McKEE, born 11 Feb 1842, Ripley Co. IN
married 11 Oct 1858 William R. NICHOLS, born Mar 1836 IN
Children of Sarah Elizabeth (McKEE) and William R. NICHOLS:
1) Charles Urvin NICHOLS
2) Mary Alice NICHOLS
3) Viola Jane NICHOLS, born 1863 IL
4) James F. NICHOLS, born Oct 1864 IL
5) William Joseph NICHOLS, born 1868 IL
6) Charles P. NICHOLS, born 1869 IA
3) James Monroe McKEE, born 1845, Ripley Co. IN; died 1846, Ripley Co. IN
4) Rev. Charles Urvin McKEE
born 03 Sep 1848, Decatur Co. IN; died 11 May 1929, Beloit, Mitchell Co. KS
married Jemima Jane MUSGRAVE 31 Jul 1871, Appanoose Co. IA
born 25 Nov 1852 IA; 01 Feb died 1926, Elmira KS
Children of Rev. Charles Urvin and Jemima Jane (MUSGRAVE) McKEE:
1) Allen Alvadore McKEE, born 27 May 1872, Moravia IA; died 01 Mar 1933, Sterling KS
2) Lulu Etta (McKEE) HINSHAW, born 07 Oct 1874, Elmira KS; died 14 Dec 1960, Yuma AZ
3) Josephine Marintha (McKEE) COVENTRY
born 07 Jan 1877, Elmira KS; died 13 Oct 1969, Dumas TX
4) Charles Marvin McKEE, born 19 Apr 1879, Beloit KS; died 28 Mar 1963, OR
5) Urvin Bertram McKEE, born 18 Aug 1881 KS; died 30 May 1943, Beloit KS
6) Maggie Mae (McKEE) JORDAN, born 21 Jul 1884, Beloit KS; died 07 Apr 1943, Beloit KS
7) Frank Marshall McKEE
born 04 Apr 1887, Beloit KS; died 30 Nov 1954, Colorado Springs CO
8) Rilla Jane (McKEE) GATES, born 23 Nov 1892, Lecompton KS; died 15 May 1947, Beloit KS
5) Lewis Parker McKEE, born 19 Jan 1851, Ripley Co. IN; died 10 Jun 1927, Abilene KS
married 1st 1874 Caroline Martha MUSGRAVE
Children of Lewis Parker and Caroline Martha (MUSGRAVE) McKEE:
1) Clara Frances (McKEE) BEEDE
2) Mattie Myrtle (McKEE) WASHBURN, born 25 Jun 1875 KS; died 03 Dec 1938, Caldwell ID
Lewis Parker McKEE married 2nd 1883 May BEAUCHAMP, born 20 Jan 1865, Denver MO
Children of Lewis Parker and May (BEAUCHAMP) McKEE:
1) Lewis Dewitt McKEE, born 01 Apr 1889, Beliot KS; died 27 Dec 1986, San Bernardino CA
2) Estle McKEE, born 1889 KS
3) Royal Lloyd McKEE, born 1892 KS
4) Virgil Olney McKEE, born 09 Feb 1897 Enterprise KS; died Abilene KS
5) James Wheeler McKEE, born 1903 KS
6) Gladys May McKEE, born 1906 KS
7) Orpha Marie McKEE, born 1908 KS
6) Marquis Lafayette McKEE, born 06 Feb 1854, Cumberland Co. IL; died 21 May 1928
married 04 Mar 1877 Rhoda A. PHILBRICK, born circa 1861 IN; died 04 Oct 1881
Children of Marquis Lafayette and Rhoda A. (PHILBRICK) McKEE:
1) Mary Melvina (McKEE) GABE, born Sep 1879 KS
married 25 Dec 1883 Isabelle E. PEASE, born Jan 1847 IN
married 10 May 1910 Myrta B. APPLEBEE, born 13 Apr 1866, Peoria IL; died 20 Nov 1944
7) Lydia Ann McKEE, born 17 Nov 1856, Poland, Owen Co. IN; died 1918
married 31 Dec 1876 John W. NICHOLS, born Feb 1854 IN
Children of Lydia Ann (McKEE) and John W. NICHOLS:
1) Flora E. NICHOLS, born circa 1878 KS
2) Harvey C. NICHOLS, born May 1883 KS
3) Mary E. NICHOLS, born Aug 1885 KS
4) Charles W. NICHOLS, born Feb 1891 KS
8) Flora Elma McKEE, born 08 Dec 1858, Owen Co. IN; died 28 May 1947, Mitchell Co. KS
married 10 Feb 1877 KS Enoch N. PHILBRICK, born 1856; died 1919
Children of Flora Elma (McKEE) and Enoch N. PHILBRICK:
1) Edmond Earl PHILBRICK
2) Edwin Merl PHILBRICK
born 21 Apr 1879, Beloit KS; died 12 Dec 1965, Parma ID
4) Raymond Dyas PHILBRICK, born 29 Jun 1881, Elmira KS; died 1951, Parma ID
5) Myra Frances (PHILBRICK) RUEGSEGGER, born Sep 1883 KS
6) Charles Joseph PHILBRICK, born Nov 1885 KS; died 07 Oct 1951, Goodland KS
7) Theodore Luther PHILBRICK, born 02 Apr 1897, Elmira KS; died 09 May 1968, Salina KS
8) Hazel Dale PHILBRICK, born 08 Oct 1901, Elmira KS; died 21 Jun 1996, Boise ID
9) Alice Mary McKEE, born 12 Jan 1862, Coles Co. IL; died 1922, Topkea, Shawnee Co. KS
married 06 Jun 1886 Philo M. HERRICK, born Mar 1854 IL
Children of Alice Mary (McKEE) and Philo M. HERRICK:
1) Castle A. HERRICK
2) Ruth L. HERRICK
3) Omer L. HERRICK, born 13 Oct 1887 KS; died 17 Apr 1972, Sutter CA
4) Vera S. HERRICK, born Apr 1890 KS
5) Virgil Drury HERRICK, born Nov 1891 KS
6) Mary Delia HERRICK, born Nov 1893 IL
7) Zella B. HERRICK, born Oct 1895 IL
8) Paul M. HERRICK, born Apr 1898 KS
9) Bertha L. HERRICK, born circa 1901 KS
10) Lowell P. HERRICK, born circa 1903 KS
10) Joseph Edwards McKEE, born 27 Jun 1866, Appanoose Co. IA; died 1915
married 29 Dec 1887 Lola M. LEA
Children of Joseph Edwards and Lola M. (LEA) McKEE:
1) Bertha May McKEE
2) Lola Mina McKEE
3) Minda Florence McKEE
4) Nina Alice McKEE
5) son McKEE
3) Nancy MAIN
born 23 Oct 1824, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 04 Apr 1898, Hartsville, Bartholomew Co. IN
married 1st 1839 [questionable if this marriage occurred] Joseph SCUDDER, born 1822; died 1840
married 2nd 27 Mar 1841 Jonathan M. "John" SCUDDER, born 1818; died 1872
Children of Nancy (MAIN) and Jonathan M. "John" SCUDDER:
1) William Henry SCUDDER, born circa 1842, Ripley Co. IN
2) Lewis Cass SCUDDER, born circa 1844, Ripley Co. IN
3) Mary Ellen SCUDDER, born circa 1846, Ripley Co. IN
4) Lyman Jefferson SCUDDER, born 10 Apr 1849, Ripley Co. IN; died 19 Jul 1916, Hartsville IN
married 1867 Margaret Elizabeth PHILLIPY (1849-1933)
Lyman and interred Hartsville College Cemetery, Hartsville IN
Children of Lyman Jefferson and Margaret Elizabeth (PHILLIPY) SCUDDER:
1) Carrie L. SCUDDER, born circa 1868 IN
2) Mollie Leora SCUDDER, born 19 Nov 1869, Hartsville IN; died 08 Dec 1961, hillsdale MI
3) Oscar L. SCUDDER, born circa 1878 IN; died 15 Nov 1885, Hartsville IN
4) Odria L. SCUDDER, born Feb 1883 IN
5) Annetta D. SCUDDER, born circa 1850, Haw Creek Twp. Bartholomew Co. IN
4) William Francis MAIN
born 09 Jan 1827, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH
died 10 Mar 1902, Moravia, Appanoose Co. IA
William and his brothers met at Iconium, Iowa to enlist in the Civil War.
William was rejected for service because his wife was "insane".
married Susan Ann "Susan" CARSELL 16 Sep 1855 Appanoose Co. IA
born 11 May 1838, Monroe Co. OH; died 06 Jan 1905, Perkins OK
William and interred Salem Cemetery, Chariton Township, Appanoose Co. IA
Children of William Francis and MAIN:
1) Mary Isabelle MAIN, born 1856; died 1911
2) Ida E.MAIN,born 1859; died 1929
3) Laura Elizabeth MAIN, born May 1862, Appanoose Co. IA; died 13 Jul 1929, Shannon City IA
married 22 Dec 1881 Jesse M. MINNICK (1859-1931)
Laura and Jesse interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Iowa
Children of Laura Elizabeth (MAIN) and Jesse M. MINNICK:
1) George Albert MINNICK, born 12 Aug 1881, Appanoose Co. IA or Missouri
married Anna Belle FLUHARTY
born 04 Nov 1881, Chariton IA; died 18 Sep 1871, Mount Ayr IA
daughter of Bennet FLUHARTY (1841-1918) & Nancy Jane (BENNETT) (1846-1925)
George and Anna Belle interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, IA
Children of George Albert and Anna Belle (FLUHARTY) MINNICK:
1) Loyd Cecil MINNICK, born 14 Sep 1899, Mount Ayr IA; died 20 Jan 1963, Mount Ayr IA
married 1925 Leona May DAVENPORT
born 02 May 1907, Ringgold Co. IA; died 10 Sep 2001, Mount Ayr IA
2) William Everett MINNICK
born 17 Jun 1902, Ringgold Co. IA; died 23 Aug 1926, Omaha NE
3) Verna Blanche (MINNICK) STUCK
born circa 1904, Ringgold Co. IA; died 26 Jan 1994, Bridgewater NJ
4) Raymond True MINNICK, born 12 Jan 1909, Mount Ayr IA; died 28 Nov 2004, Perry IA
married 1937 Pauline CULVER (1918-1997)
Raymond & Pauline interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
5) Venteta A. (MINNICK) DUKES, born 29 Mar 1913 IA; died 08 Feb 1995, Mount Ayr IA
2) Carl William MINNICK, born Jun 1886 IA; died 27 Oct 1901, Appanoose Co. IA
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, IA
3) Zelpha L. (MINNICK) MORRIS, born Mar 1889 IA; died 1981, Corvallis OR
4) Clyde P. MINNICK, born 30 Apr 1891, Ringgold Co. IA; died 02 Jan 1910, Mount Ayr IA
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, IA
5) Leroy Orville "Roy" MINNICK
born 21 May 1893, Ringgold Co. IA; died 06 Sep 1961, Shannon City IA
married Leota B. (?) (1893-1967)
Roy and Leota interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, IA
6) Modelie Maude MINNICK, born Sep 1895 IA
married 12 Jan 1912 Pearle H. BROWN (1892-?)
Children of Modelie Maude (MINNICK) and Pearle H. BROWN:
1) Everly D. BROWN, born circa 1915 IA
2) Alberta M. BROWN, born circa 1917 IA
3) Mary Margaret BROWN, born circa 1922 IA
4) Dorothy I. BROWN, born circa 1924 IA
7) Minnie B. MINNICK, born 15 Nov 1898, Liberty Twp. Ringgold Co. IA; died 1963
married 20 Apr 1916 Ellston IA Douglas A. RICE, born circa 1889 SD
8) Leland Francis "Lee" MINNICK
born 01 Apr 1901, Ringgold Co. IA; died 28 Mar 1991, Mount Ayr IA
married Iva Justine MAIN
born 17 Dec 1905 IA; died Mar 1987, Mount Ayr IA
daughter of Joseph MAIN (1872-1941) & Lona (TERWILLIGER) (1878-1951
Children of Leland Francis and Iva Justine (MAIN) MINNICK:
1) daughter MINNICK
2) Victor Lowell MINNICK, born 1923; died 1926; inter: Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
3) James E. "Spud" MINNICK
born 14 Mar 1925, Mount Ayr IA; died 03 Nov 1996, Puyallup WA
4) Leland J. MINNICK, born 1931; died 1946; interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
9) Emmel E. MINNICK, born 08 Apr 1904, Ringgold Co. IA; died 10 Dec 1955, Mount Ayr IA
Emmel interred Maple Row Cemetery, Kellerton IA
married Faresta O. (?) (1910-?)
4) Albert J. MAIN, born Jul 1865, Appanoose Co. IA
married 10 Dec 1885 Cora C. GALLAHER, born Feb 1867, Appanoose Co. IA
Albert and Cora later divorced
Children of Albert J. and Cora C. (GALLAHER) MAIN:
1) Carrie M. MAIN, born 1887, Appanoose Co. IA
2) Clarence Emel MAIN, born 24 Oct 1892, Mount Ayr IA; died Oct 1973, Sterling CO
3) Josephine C. MAIN, born circa 1903 MO
5) Susannah MAIN born 10 Sep 1828, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 14 Jun 1914, Tulip, Dallas Co. AR
married Valentine LAWRENCE 20 Mar 1851, Dearborn Co. IN
born 06 Mar 1827 IN; died 14 Dec 1880, AR
Children of Susannah (MAIN) and Valentine LAWRENCE:
1) daughter LAWRENCE, born 1850
2) Sarah Elizabeth LAWRENCE, born 26 Jan 1852 IN; died 17 Nov 1929, Tulip AR
married 19 Oct 1879 AR Jacob "Jake" RANDALL (1848-1921)
3) John Wesley LAWRENCE, born 11 Mar 1855 IN; died 28 Nov 1861, Kokomo IN
4) William Henry LAWRENCE, born 28 Nov 1857, Dearborn Co. IN; died 15 Oct 1933, Caldwell ID
married 05 Mar 1886 Moravia IA Sarah A. "Sadie" MUSGRAVE (1862-1941)
5) Mary Jane "Pat" LAWRENCE, born 28 Mar 1861 IN; died 13 Aug 1914, Dallas Co. AR
married 06 Jan 1902 Mortimore C. DAVIS (1853-1948)
6) Ermina Ann "Minnie" LAWRENCE, born 28 Jan 1864 IN; died 14 Dec 1910, Dallas Co. AR
married 1st 27 Jan 1886 William F. SCRIMSHIRE (1866-?)
married 2nd 14 Jun 1900 Samuel P. "Sam" McCANN (1854-?)
7) Charles Edward LAWRENCE, born 30 Jan 1867 Rochester IN; died 22 Mar 1950 AR
married 07 Dec 1890 AR Mona Irene ESTES (1873-1912)
Children of Charles Edward and Mona Irene (ESTES) LAWRENCE:
1) Harvey Raymond LAWRENCE, born 19 Apr 1892 AR; died 29 May 1969 AR
2) Otho Roy LAWRENCE, born 19 Jun 1895 AR; died 17 Apr 1979 AR
3) Flay Jewel LAWRENCE, born 04 Jul 1897 AR; died 23 Sep 1984 ID
4) William Horton LAWRENCE, born 1899; died 1988
5) Esther Elizabeth (LAWRENCE) ERWIN, born 08 Aug 1902 AR; died 08 Jul 1987 AR
6) Genevieve Grace (LAWRENCE) HENDERSON, born 23 Oct 1904 AR; died 15 May 2001 AR
7) Alice Estelle (LAWRENCE) INGLIS, born 28 May 1907 AR; died 12 Jan 2001 AR
8) Susannah (LAWRENCE) NELIGAN EFIRD, born 19 Mar 1910 AR; died 30 Dec 2000 AR
8) Lewis Turpie LAWRENCE, born 24 Sep 1871, Rochester IN; died 11 Sep 1905, Tulip AR
married 1st 20 Jun 1894 Wilma "Willie" POWERS (1873-1903)
Children of Charles Edward and Wilma "Willie" (POWERS) LAWRENCE:
1) Bessie Estelle (LAWRENCE) DAVIS, born 12 Nov 1895, Tulip AR; died 1926, Leola AR
2) Daisy LAWRENCE, born 10 Mar 1900, Tulip AR; died 02 Oct 1905, Tulip AR
married 2nd 09 Mar 1905 Alice ATCHLEY (1856-?)
Children of Charles Edward and Alice (ATCHLEY) LAWRENCE:
1) Lewis Turpie LAWRENCE, born circa 1905
6) Zachariah "Lewis" MAIN, Jr.
born 14 Aug 1830, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 26 Sep 1907, Moravia IA
interment Salem Cemetery, Iconium, Appanosse Co. IA
Lewis MAIN enlisted at the age of 32 from Moravia, Appanoose County, Iowa, for service during the Civil War on
August 9, 1862. He was mustered into service as a Private on October 4, 1862 with Company of of the 36th Iowa Infantry.
Private MAIN was mustered out of service on August 24, 1865 a Devall's Bluff, Arkansas. - American Civil War Soldiers
MAIN, LEWIS, JR., farmer, Sec. 12; P. 0. Moravia; born in Monroe Co., Ohio, August, 1830. When four years of age,
his father, Lewis, Sr., removed to Ripley Co., Ind., cleared a farm and wore it out; came to Appanoose [County, Iowa] in
1855, and settled where he now resides, in Taylor Tp.; his mother, Elizabeth (nee FUNKHOUSER), was born in Pennsylvania
in 1802, and died in this county in 1867. In 1851, in Ripley Co., Ind., Lewis MAIN married Miss Mary E. BROSHER; born in
Indiana in 1833 ; in the fall of 1855, came to this county, where he first purchased 110 acres, now owns 323 acres, valued
at 820 per acre; have eight children: Alice J., John E., Zacharias L., Levi M., Mary E., Reuben F., Flora E. and
Ludocia E. Republican. Holds the office of School Director. Enlisted in the 36th Iowa V. I., Co. F., Aug. 9, 1862; was
at Shell Mound, Helena, Mark's Mill, Prairie de Ann, Little Rock, Elkins' Ford, Jenkins' Ford, Spring Mound and others;
mustered out at Duvall's Bluff, August, 1865. - The History of Appanoose County, Iowa, Western Historical
County, Chicago. 1878
LEWIS MAIN, a prominent old settler and active farmer of Chariton Township, Appanoose County, residing on section
12, was
born in Monroe County, Ohio, August 14, 1830. He was reared on a farm and educated in the schools of Ripley County,
Indiana, to which county his parents had removed when he was four years of age. He was married in February, 1851, to
Mary E. BROSHAR, who was born and reared in Ripley County, and they are the parents of four sons and four daughters:
Alice J., wife of Isaac McCOY; John E., Zack L., Levi W., Mary E. (wife of Edwin HOSKINSON), Reuben F., Flora E. and
Stella, living at home. Mr. MAIN left Ripley County, Indiana, in the fall of 1855, coming with his family to Appanoose
County, Iowa, when he located on his present farm which contains 275 acres of choice land. He is engaged in general
farming and stock-raising, and is one of the most successful hog-raisers in his neighborhood. He takes an interest in
educational matters, and has served as school director.
In 1862 he enlisted in the Union Army, in the Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry, and served faithfully for three years without
receiving a wound, although he endured many hardships and privations. He participated in the battles of Little Rock,
Helena, Elkin Ford, Mark’s Mill, at which place he was taken prisoner, April 25, 1864. He was then taken to Texas and
imprisoned at Camp Ford, where he was confined ten months, where his principal food consisted of corn bread and water. He
was paroled while in prison, and sent to the mouth of the Red River, where he was exchanged, after which he was sent to
New Orleans, where he drew a suit of clothes. He was then furloughed for thirty days, when he returned to his regiment
at St. Charles, Arkansas. He was mustered out at Duvall’s Bluffs, Arkansas, and was discharged at Davenport, Iowa, in
Our subject’s father, Lewis MAIN, was a native of Wheeling, West Virginia, born October 14, 1800, and was married in 1820,
to Elizabeth FANKHOUSER (sic), mother of our subject. She was born in Pennsylvania, in 1802. They were the parents of eleven
children, five sons and six daughters, of whom only one son is deceased. This son, Charles B., was killed during the late
war, at the battle of Mark’s Mill, in 1864. Lewis MAIN, the father, came to Appanoose County, Iowa, in the fall of 1861,
where his wife died in 1867. His death occurred in Chariton Township, Appanoose County, January 18, 1885.
- Biographical and Historical Record of Wayne and Appanoose Counties, Iowa, page 590. 1886; American Civil War
Soldiers' Database at
Mary Elizabeth (BROSHAR) MAIN was born in Napoleon of Ripley County, Indiana, on February 8, 1833, the daughter of
Zachariah BROSHAR (1804-1887) and Mary (LINEBAUGH) BROSHAR (1810-1862). She married Zachariah "Lewis" MAIN in Ripley County,
Indiana, on February 16, 1851. Mary died at the age of 88 on November 25, 1921, Appanoose County, Iowa. Mary Elizabeth
(BROSHAR) and Zachariah "Lewis" MAIN were the parents of nine children:
1) Alice Jane MAIN, born 01 Dec 1853, Taylor Twp. Appanoose Co. IA; died 11 Dec 1907, Moravia IA
married 30 May 1875 Isaac Edwin McCOY (1855-1937)
Children of Alice Jane (MAIN) and Isaac Edwin McCOY:
1) Maudie McCOY
2) Harvey Lewis McCOY, born 22 Feb 1876 IA; died 01 Feb 1956 TX
3) Stark Edwin McCOY, born 26 Aug 1882 Monroe Co. IA; died 19 Apr 1956, North Bend OR
4) Guy McCOY, born Jun 1889
2) John Edward MAIN
born 01 Jun 1856, Moravia IA; died 03 Jul 1931, Eureka Springs AR
married 02 Apr 1890 Mount Ayr IA Ada Sylvia IMUS 02 Apr 1890, Mount Ayr IA
born 17 Oct 1871, Mount Ayr IA; died 24 Jan 1957, San Andreas CA
daughter of Andrew Jackson IMUS (1840-1921)
and Sarah Corinthia (BASSETT) IMUS (1850-1921)
Children of John Edward and Ada Sylvia (IMUS) MAIN:
1) Otto E. MAIN
born 23 Jun 1891, Mount Ayr IA; died 13 Apr 1953, San Francisco CA
2) Carson Emmet MAIN
born 07 Jan 1894, Mount Ayr IA; died 24 Nov 1973, Bakersfield CA
3) Oral Wain MAIN, born 27 Nov 1896, Mount Ayr IA; died 09 Oct 1957, Calaveras CA
4) John Veryl MAIN, born 13 Mar 1899, Mount Ayr IA; died 20 Sep 1967, San Joaquin CA
5) Ray Ellis MAIN, born 31 Jan 1904, Springdale AR; died 20 Feb 1994, Lak Isabella CA
6) Argyl Louis Ted MAIN, born 11 Mar 1908, Springdale AR; died 11 Nov 1980, Tulare CA
7) Arlyn Andrew William MAIN, born 11 Mar 1908, Springdale AR
3) Zachariah Lewis MAIN, born 25 Aug 1858, Taylor Twp. Appanoose Co. IA; died 22 Dec 1935 MO
married 1st 27 Feb 1887 Martha A. COULSON (1868-1887), sister of Florence Ann COULSON
daughter of Jabez Jeremiah COULSON (1839-1913) & Chloe J. (HOBART) (1845-1900)
Children of Zachariah Lewis and Martha A. (COULSON) MAIN:
1) Royal Lafayette MAIN, born 10 Dec 1887 IA; died 03 Feb 1961, Grant City MO
married Ora Celia WIGGANS (1886-1958)
Zachariah Lewis MAIN married 2nd 08 Jan 1891 Martha Delilah O'NEAL (1865-1925)
Children of Zachariah Lewis and Martha Delilah (O'NEAL) MAIN:
1) O'Neal MAIN, born Dec 1891, Ringgold Co. IA
2) Bertha Elizabeth MAIN
born 02 Jan 1895, Ringgold Co. IA; died 23 Dec 1985, South Haven KS
married Paul CUNNINGHAM (1894-1971)
3) George Lewis MAIN, born 15 Jul 1897 IA; died 04 Dec 1964
married 02 Mar 1919 Macon MO Sylvia Edith LANE (1897-1968)
4) Floyd Earl MAIN, born 01 Apr 1899, Ringgold Co. IA; died 27 Mar 1946, Macon MO
married 26 Feb 1921 Macon MO Daisy May DENNIS (1901-1986)
5) Flora Alvira MAIN, born 04 Apr 1901, La Plata MO; died 28 Mar 1980, Fremont CA
married Orville Thomas ANDREWS (1901-1978)
6) Vergie Viola MAIN, born 04 Nov 1902, Ringgold Co. IA
married 23 Dec 1922 Earl Arthur McCARTIE (1897-1964)
7) Ada Inez MAIN, born 23 May 1904, Macon Co. MO
married 16 Apr 1923 Frank Herman WALLEN (1903-1956)
4) Josephus L. "Joe" MAIN, born circa 1859, Appanoose Co. IA
5) Levi William MAIN, born 22 Mar 1861, Taylor Twp. Appanoose Co. IA; died 01 Jun 1945
married 1886 Florence Ann COULSON, sister of Martha A. COULSON
Florence Ann COULSON, born 31 Jul 1866, Moravia IA; died 28 Dec 1933, Alfalfa Co. OK
the daughter of Jabez Jeremiah COULSON (1839-1913) & Chloe J. (HOBART) (1845-1900)
Children of Levi William and Florence Ann (COULSON) MAIN:
1) Pearl W. MAIN (son), born 08 Aug 1886 IA
2) Harry Raymond MAIN, born 01 Apr 1889 IA; died in Oklahoma
6) Mary Elizabeth MAIN
born 25 Aug 1866, Taylor Twp. Appanoose Co. IA; died 18 Jul 1950, Moravia IA
married 25 Sep 1885 Cyrus Edwin HOSKINSON, born Sep 1860
Children of Mary Elizabeth (MAIN) and Cyrus Edwin HOSKINSON:
1) Gail C. HOSKINSON, born 1889, Denver CO
2) William H. HOSKINSON, born 20 Jul 1890, Denver CO
3) James Madison HOSKINSON, born 21 Jun 1894, Denver CO
7) Reuben Francis MAIN
born 21 Feb 1869, Taylor Twp. Appanoose Co. IA; died 16 May 1954, Portland OR
married Florence Ignita DOGGETT 16 Feb 1893 Appanoose Co. IA
born Aug 1871 IA; died 25 May 1934, Hysham MT
Children of Reuben Francis and Florence Ignita (DOGGETT) MAIN:
1) Florence Esther MAIN
2) Ivan Glenn MAIN, born 23 Apr 1894, Appanoose Co. IA; died 02 Jul 1929, Custer MT
married 07 Dec 1914 Iconium IA Birdie Mae BROWN (1893-1984)

EUGENE G. MAIN June 21 1922 - June 18, 1945 son of Ivan Glenn and Birdie Mae (BROWN) MAIN
3) Mary Ethel MAIN, born Aug 1895 IA; died 1983
married 1918 Charles Franklin HOUSER (1893-1969)
4) Winnie E. MAIN, born Oct 1898 IA
5) Hazel Evelyn MAIN, born 1898
8) Flora Ellen MAIN, born 10 Jan 1872, Moravia, Appanoose Co. IA; died 29 Apr 1949 MO
married 02 Apr 1980 Appanoose Co. IA William Oliver HIATT (1864-1949)
Children of Flora Ellen (MAIN) and William Oliver HIATT:
1) Arlie Ethel HIATT, born 15 Apr 1891 IA
married 10 Jan 1910 William O. LOUMASTER (1890-?)
2) Clara Estella HIATT, born 25 Aug 1893 IA
married Arie CARBIN
3) Claudia Irene "Claudie: HIATT, born 14 Jan 1896 IA
4) Lillie Avis HIATT, born 07 Sep 1898; died 09 Sep 1992, Brunswick MO
married 1st 14 Nov 1917 Ernest H. ARP (1893-1967)
married 2nd B. Everett MASON
5) Lois M. HIATT, born 1902 IA; died 02 Oct 1911
6) Harley William HIATT, born 09 Dec 1904 IA
married Freda SMITH
7) Cynthia Bernice HIATT, born 04 Sep 1907 IA
married Perry PANGRAC
8) Edith Blanche HIATT, born 17 May 1912 MO
9) Thelma Juanita HIATT, born 25 Jan 1915 MO
married Max KENT
9) Estella Ludocia "Stella" MAIN
born 26 Feb 1878, Taylor Twp. Appanoose Co. IA; died 19 Mar 1948
married Edward Stephen CARTER 21 Sep 1924 Appanoose Co. IA
born 23 Oct 1869 IA; died 24 Oct 1930 IA
NOTE: Edward married 1st Effice C. HIATT (1869-1920); 4 children: Halbert, Raleigh, Cecil & Loyd
7) Minerva Jane MAIN
born 20 Jun 1833, Jackson Twp. Monroe Co. OH; died 10 Dec 1898, Cainsville, Harrison Co. MO
married 1st Bateman THACKERY [brother of Amanda (THACKERY) MAIN] 26 Dec 1850 IN
born 01 Sep 1829 Ripley Co. IN; died 03 Nov 1858, Ripley Co. IN
Bateman was son of Joseph THACKERY (1800-1881) & Mary (DuBOIS) (1806-1894)
Children of Minerva Jane (MAIN) and Bateman THACKERY:
1) Isaac Newton THACKERY, born 13 Jun 1851, New Salem IN; died 13 June 1851, New Salem IN
2) Missouri Ellen THACKERY
born 25 Oct 1852, Franklin Co. IN; died 27 Nov 1907 or 1929, Cainsville, Harrison Co. MO
married 28 Jan 1869 IN James Monroe BROWN (1845-1929)
Children of Missouri Ellen (THACKERY) and James Monroe BROWN:
1) Charles Eddie BROWN, born 16 Aug 1869, Cainsville MO; died 23 Jan 1886, Cainsville MO
2) Olive Bell BROWN, born 02 Jan 1871, Cainsville MO; died 08 Jan 1951, Alva, Woods Co. OK
married 27 Oct 1889 Cainsville MO John Clarke STANLEY (1864-1932)
3) Laura Alice BROWN, born 02 May 1875, Cainsville MO; died 04 Feb 1955, Cainsville MO
married Charles YODER
4) Leonard Ronayne BROWN, born 22 May 1880, Cainsville MO; died 31 Jul 1957 CA
married 19 Oct 1900 Naomi Esther HAPPER (1882-1958)
5) Audie R. BROWN, born 20 Mar 1884, Cainsville MO; died 26 Mar 1985, Cainsville MO
6) Elda Lois BROWN, born 20 Jan 1893, Cainsville MO; died 06 Jun 1920, Alfalfa Co. OK
married Ora BOOTH
7) Gertie Goldie BROWN
born 08 Jul 1897, Cainsville MO; died 01 Jan 1974, Bethany, Harrison Co. MO
married Everett BAKER (1894-1967)
3) Mary Jane THACKERY, born 05 Dec 1853, Ripley Co. IN; died 15 Feb 1948 OK
married 1st 26 Jan 1880 Henry Walter WATROUS (1850-1907)
Children of Mary Jane (THACKERY) and Henry Walter WATROUS:
1) Bessie WATROUS
2) Malchus Owen WATROUS
3) Olga A. WATROUS, born 24 Apr 1871; married John ELKINS
4) Howard Sanford WATROUS, born 05 Dec 1872; died 20 Dec 1961
5) Laura Ellen WATROUS, born 12 Jul 1877; married Harley MURRAY
6) Elizabeth Minerva WATROUS
born 15/19 Mar 1880, Kiousville OH; died 06 Feb 1956, Springfield MO
married 03 Oct 1896 William Elbert REESE (1872-1927)
7) Loman Carey WATROUS
born 17 Jun 1883, Kiousville OH; died 20 Jun 1959, Ponca City OK
married Dessie PIATT
8) Beulah WATROUS, born 30 Jun 1888; married Rufus BELCHER
Mary Jane (THACKERY) WATROUS married 2nd Jefferson BOOTH
Minerva Jane (MAIN) THACKERY married 2nd 08 Jun 1861 Ripley Co. IN Isaac BROWN
Isaac BROWN, born 02 Feb 1820 OH; died 16 Jul1879, Mercer Co. MO
Children of Minerva Jane (MAIN) and Isaac BROWN:
1) Ellis Josephus BROWN, born 05 Feb 1861, Indianapolis IN; died 03 May 1929, Jet OK
married 15 Jul 1880 Martha Jane CONSTABLE (1860-1942)
Children of Ellis Josephu and Martha Jane (CONSTABLE) BROWN:
1) Clellan BROWN married Nettie (?)
2) Ina BROWN
3) Maggie BROWN
4) Oden BROWN
5) Wilma BROWN
6) Elmer Franklin BROWN, born circa 1897 MO
7) Clay Orton BROWN, born circa 1900 MO
8) Amy BROWN, born 22 Dec 1902, Grundy MO; died circa 1990, Cleo Springs OK
married John Thomas MORRIS (1902-1936)
9) Infant BROWN, died in infancy
10) Infant BROWN, died in infancy
2) Anna Mariah BROWN, born 1863 IN; died 1962
married Sharp ROBINSON, born 1863; died 1971
3) Janetta Emmazetta (BROWN) STEWART, born 1865 IN
4) Florence Victoria BROWN, born 1868 IN
married William CAIN
Children of Florence Victoria (BROWN) and William CAIN:
1) David CAIN
2) Lela CAIN
3) Lloyd CAIN
4) Minnie CAIN
5) William Henry BROWN, born 20 Jan 1871, Mercer Co. MO; died 28 Apr 1960, Jet, Alfalfa Co. OK
married 17 Sep 1892 Luvena Almetta WILMONT (1875-1940)
Children of William Henry and Luvena Almetta (WILMONT) BROWN:
1) Bessie Olive BROWN, born 16 Jun 1893, Mercer Co. MO; died 10 Feb 1970 Enid OK
married 20 May 1913 OK John OAKLEY (1894-1960)
2) Lura Mearl BROWN, born 27 Dec 1894 MO; died 14 Sep 1896 MO
3) Carl Maltby or Malsby BROWN, born 06 Dec 1896 MO
married Josie N. REECE (1897-?)
4) Harvey Gaston BROWN, born 08 Oct 1898 OK; died 08 Oct 1898 OK
5) Austin Harry BROWN, born 08 Oct 1898 OK
married 1st Mary DAGUE (1895-1978)
married 2nd Audrey Marie RADER (1900-1924)
6) Oklahoma Hazel BROWN, bor 11 Dec 1900, Jet OK; died Dec 1981, Jet OK
married 22 Jul 1917 Enid OK Carl Alesta KEESECKER (1898-1960)
7) Leon Lillian BROWN, born 30 Apr 1907 OK
married William Alvis MORRIS (1903-?)
8) William Judson BROWN, born 17 Nov 1910, Jet OK; died 27 Feb 1982, Jet OK
married Lulu ELLIOT (1914-?)
6) Alva Edwin BROWN, born circa 1874, Mercer Co. MO; died 26 Aug 1947, Snohomish WA
married 1st Minnie NICHOLSON
Children of Alva Edwin and Minnie (NICHOLSON) BROWN:
1) Allie BROWN
2) Edward BROWN
3) Paul BROWN
4) Ray BROWN
Alva Edwin BROWN married 2nd 30 Dec 1930 Springfield CO Reatha Ellen WEST (1904-?)
8) Charles B. MAIN
born 21 Feb 1836, Greenfield, Hancock Co. IN died 25 Apr 1864, Battle of Mark's Mill, Fordyce, Cleveland Co. AR
interment Salem Cemetery, Iconium, Appanoose Co. IA
married Amanda H. LOUTHAN 08/11 Sep 1856, Ripley Co. IN
born 25 Feb 1836, Guilford OH; died 25 Aug 1900, Glasco KS
NOTE: Amanda H. (LOUTHAN) MAIN married 2nd Hiram DALRYMPLE in 1878
Children of Charles B. and Amanda H. (LOUTHAN) MAIN:
1) Martin J. MAIN, born Nov 1858, Franklin Twp. Monroe Co. IA; died 1922, San Bernadino Co. CA
married 1st 1881 Ella A. (?) (1865-1895)
Children of Martin J. and Ella A. (?) MAIN:
1) Lawrence MAIN, born 14 Jul 1882 KS; died 07 Nov 1940 Toppinist WA
married Verna HISER (1901-?)
2) Charles B. MAIN, born Jun 1884 KS; died Vancouver WA
3) George W. MAIN, born Jun 1887 KS; died 1915, Bend OR
4) Lewis MAIN, born Feb 1890 KS
5) Bessie B. MAIN, born 01 Aug 1894, Mitchell KS; died Jul 1979, Klamath Falls OR
Martin J. MAIN married 2nd circa 1907 KS Emily Anne BARNEY (1855-1929)
2) Sarah A. MAIN, born 1861 IN
married 1879 John J. CRITCHFIELD (1861-?)
Children of Sarah A. (MAIN) and John J. CRITCHFIELD:
1) Erma CRITCHFIELD, born circa 1879 KS
2) Martin J. CRITCHFIELD, born Oct 1881 KS
3) Anna M. (CRITCHFIELD) REEVES, born Aug 1885 KS
4) Lottie E. CRITCHFIELD, born Sep 1888 KS
5) Stella E. CRITCHFIELD, born Sep 1890 KS
6) Retta A. CRITCHFIELD, born Oct 1895 KS
7) Netta A. CRITCHFIELD, born Oct 1895 KS
8) Alice L. CRITCHFIELD, born Jan 1898 KS
3) Charles W. MAIN, born 02 Dec 1862, Appanoose Co. IA; died 31 Oct 1863, Appanoose Co. IA
interment Salem Cemetery, Iconium, Appanoose Co. IA
Charles B. MAIN enlisted at the age of 26 from Moravia, Appanoose County, Iowa, for service during the Civil War on
August 9, 1862. He was mustered into service on October 4, 1862, with Company F of the 36th Iowa Infantry. Private
MAIN was killed during the Battle of Mark's Mills, Arkansas, on April 25, 1864. - American Civil War Soldiers Database,
BATTLE of MARK'S MILL, April of 1864
RED RIVER CAMPAIGN. On April 20, 1864, a Union supply train from Pine Bluff, Arkansas arrived with 10
days half-rations. On April 23, Confederate General SHELBY crossed the Ouachita River to raid Union supply routes. The
following day General FAGAN learned that the Union supply train had left Camden under heavy guard, returning to Pine
Bluff.FAGAN immediately selected a crack force of four brigades of cavalry and set off to intercept this prize. After a
forced march of 52 miles, he crossed the Ouachita River at Moro Bay and headed north toward the junction of the Camden,
Mount Elba and Pine Bluff roads [near the present junction of Highways 8 and 97 east of Fordyce, Arkansas]. The Union
wagon train included 240 government wagons and a number of private vehicles. It was guarded by three full regiments of
infantry, 240 cavalry, and 4 pieces of artillery, in all some 1600 men, not including the First Iowa Cavalry which
remained out of the battle.
Using tactics similar to those employed at Poison Spring, the Confederates blocked the Union advance, then, around 9:30 a.m.,
attacked the flank of the wagon train. The battle lasted 5 hours with the main unit of Confederates entering the battle
dismounted and in piecemeal order, then the mounted Missourians charged from the north and mounted Arkansans from the
south, sealing the fate of the Federal force. The Confederates successfully subdued the two lead Union regiments then the
rear guard and finally scattered 500 veterans of the 1st Iowa Cavalry who were marching a few miles behind the main column
en-route home on furlough.About 1600 Union troops were engaged in battle against 2500 Confederates. Union losses could
not have been less than 1300, the majority being captured. Southern losses were fewer than 500 including those slightly
wounded The victors found themselves with the entire train, some 1500 horses and mules, private vehicles, ambulances,
four guns, and valuable official reports concerning STEELE's army.
9) Jacob Wesley MAIN
born 20 May 1838, Liberty Twp. Ripley Co. IN; died 31 Jan 1899, Mount Ayr IA
married Amanda THACKERY 03 Mar 1858 Ripley Co. IN
born 27 Oct 1839, Ripley Co. IN; died 09 Oct 1926, Mount Ayr IA
Amanda was daughter of Joseph THACKERY (1800-1881)
& Mary (DuBOIS) (1806-1894); sister of Bateman THACKERY
Jacob and Amanda interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co. IA
Children of Jacob Wesley and Amanda (THACKERY) MAIN:
1) Indiana MAIN, born 23 Aug 1858 [1868?], Batesville, Ripley Co. IN
2) Selector L. MAIN
born 18 Apr 1862, Batesville, Ripley Co. IN; died 31 Mar 1941, Orange, Orange Co. CA
married 1st Armina (?) (1864-?)
Children of Selector L. and Armina (?) MAIN:
1) Everett E. MAIN, born 12 Oct 1882 IA
2) Arthur MAIN, born circa 1884, Ringgold Co. IA
3) Goldie May MAIN, born Apr 1890 KS
4) Vera V. MAIN, born Aug 1892 KS
5) Melvoll Leonard MAIN
born 16 Aug 1895 Elk City KS; died 19 Feb 1972, Redding, Shasta Co. CA
Selector L. MAIN married 2nd 1898 KS Mary HEATON (1876-1963)
Children of Selector L. and Mary (HEATON) MAIN:
1) Lizzie "Dimple" MAIN, born 1902, Montgomery Co. KS
2) Otis Eldon MAIN, born 19 Aug 1909 CA; died 16 Mar 1983, Orange CA
3) Elnora MAIN
born 25 Mar 1864, Batesville, Ripley Co. IN; died 26 May 1946, Davenport, Scott Co. IA
married 08 Apr 1882, Centerville IA John F. IRWIN (1855-?)
Children of Elnora (MAIN) and John F. IRWIN:
1) Luella B. IRWIN, born 1886 IA
2) John W. IRWIN, born 1891 IA
3) George M. IRWIN, born 1894 NE
4) Lewis Cass MAIN
born 23 May 1866, Batesville, Ripley Co. IN; died 31 Jul 1944, Moravia, Appanoose Co. IA
Lewis, Luella interred Hillcrest Cemetery, Moravia, Appanoose Co. IA
married 1st 1887 Mary E. McDANEL (1868-1895), interment Salem Cemetery, Iconium IA
Children of Lewis Cass and Mary E. (McDANEL) MAIN:
1) Russell Alger MAIN, born 19 Jan 1889 IA; died 17 Aug 1943, Darby, Appanoose Co. IA
married 24 Feb 1909 Sylvia Gail HUTTON (1893-1956)
Russell and Sylvia interred Fairview Cemetery, Unionville IA
2) Icil M. MAIN, born Jan 1892 IA
Lewis Cass MAIN married 2nd 18 Mar 1897 Luella M. PLATT (1865-1946)
Children of Lewis Cass and Luella M. (PLATT) MAIN:
1) Eunice E. MAIN, born Jan 1898 IA
2) Sybil I.MAIN, born 25 Nov 1900, Moravia IA; died 09 Oct 1994, Castro Valley CA
3) Lafawn A. MAIN, born 1908 IA
5) Jane "Jennie" MAIN, born 03 Jul 1869, Batesville, Ripley Co. IN; died 14 Dec 1952, Miltonvale KS
married 25 Jan 1893, Mount Ayr IA Henry Brown PARSONS (1870-1950)
Children of Jane "Jennie" (MAIN) and Henry Brown PARSONS:
1) Violet Beryl (PARSONS) WILKINS, born 18 Oct 1893, Northbranch KS
2) Jay Howard PARSONS, born 05 Apr 1895, Northbranch KS; died 20 Jul 1986 KS
3) Lavilla Mae (PARSONS) EASTHAM, born 09 Nov 1896 Northbranch KS; died 1919
4) Glenn Wesley PARSONS
born 26 Dec 1900, Northbranch KS; died 14 Oct 1992, Clay Center KS
5) Elgar Laverne PARSONS
born 18 Feb 1903, Red Cloud NE; died 07 Aug 1990 Northbranch KS
6) Amelia Fay (PARSONS) HOOD, born 23 Dec 1904, Webster Co. NE
7) Florence Amanda (PARSONS) HAWKINS, born 06 Oct 1910
6) Ida May MAIN, born 12 Nov 1870, Batesville, Ripley Co. IN; died 03 Jul 1911, Mount Ayr IA
married Lewis Castetter MAIN, born 17 Jan 1872, Hartsville IN; died 03 Feb 1962, Lamoni IA
Lewis son of Josephus MAIN (1841-1893) and Sarah Elizabeth (CASTETTER) (1841-1919)
Ida May and Lewis interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co. IA
Children of Ida May (MAIN) and Lewis Castetter MAIN:
1) Clarice Marcelyne MAIN
born 10 Nov 1908, Ringgold Co. IA; died 20 Aug 1909, Ringgold Co. IA
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co. IA
7) Joseph MAIN
born 10 Mar 1872, Batesville, Ripley Co. IN; died 1941, Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co. IA
married Lona TERWILLIGER circa 1896 IA
born 27 May 1878, Mount Ayr IA; died 1951, Mount Ayr, IA
daughter of Levi Stockwell TERWILLGER (1839-1915)
& Sarah (McCONNELL) TERWILLIGER (1849-1934)
Joseph and Lona interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co. IA
Children of Joseph and Lona (TERWILLGER) MAIN:
1) Orville Merritt MAIN
born 23 Apr 1897, Liberty Twp. Ringgold Co. IA; died May 1982, Mount Ayr, IA
married Florence (?) (1899-1922)
Orville and Florence interred Tingley Cemetery, Tingley, Ringgold Co. IA
Children of Orville Merritt and Florence (?) MAIN:
1) Paul A. MAIN, born 1936; died 1960
2) Hazel Bernice MAIN, born Aug 1898, Liberty Twp. Ringgold Co. IA
married G. Ralph JENNINGS, born circa 1898 IA
3) Adrain Truman MAIN, born 02 Feb 1900, Mount Ayr IA; died 03 Mary 1978, Puyallup WA
married 04 Jun 1921 Myrtle Leona CAMPBELL (1902-1986)
4) Chloris M. MAIN, born circa 1902, Ringgold Co. IA
5) Avis J. MAIN, born 16 Jul 1903, Ringgold Co. IA; died 20 Feb 1995, Los Angeles CA
6) Iva Justine MAIN, born 27 Dec 1905, Ringgold Co. IA; died Mar 1987, Mount Ayr IA
married Leland Francis MINNICK (1901-1991)
Leland son of Jesse M. MINNICK (1859-1931) and Laura Elizabeth (MAIN) (1862-1929)
7) Franchan Z. MAIN, born circa 1908, Ringgold Co. IA
8) Levi J. Gordan MAIN, born circa 1910, Ringgold Co. IA
9) Marion J. MAIN, born 27 Jun 1912, Ringgold Co. IA; died 15 Oct 1995, Ringgold Co. IA
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co. IA
10) Herschel H. MAIN, born circa 1918, Ringgold Co. IA
11) Francis C. MAIN, born circa 1922, Ringgold Co. IA
8) Lucy B. MAIN, born Sep 1875, Batesville, Ripley Co. IN; died Howard Co. IN
married 02 Aug 1893 Howard Co. IN Augustus Edward "Ed" REED (1867-?)
Children of Lucy B. (MAIN) and Augustus Edward "Ed" REED:
1) Opal H. REED, born Feb 1894, Kokomo City, Howard Co. IN
2) Calvin Wesley REED, born 27 Aug 1896, Kokomo City IN; died 09 Mar 1959
3) Forest Otto REED, born Sep 1899, Kokomo City IN; died 10 Dec 1900, Kokomo City IN
4) Beatrice Belle (REED) SHIMER
born 27 Sep 1901, Kokomo City IN; died 09 Aug 1981, Seal Beach CA
5) Amanda Juanita REED, born 02 Jan 1908, Kokomo City IN
Jacob Wesley MAIN enlisted at the age of 24 from Moravia, Appanoose County, Iowa, for service during the Civil War on
August 9, 1862. He was mustered as a Private on October 4, 1862, with Company F of the 36th Infantry. Private
MAIN received a disability discharge from Keokuk, Iowa, February 28, 1863. - American Civil War Soldiers Database,
10) Josephus MAIN
born 03 May 1841, Liberty Twp. Ripley IN; died 19 Feb 1893, Mount Ayr IA
Civil War: enlisted 15 Oct 1861 Co. A, 37th IN Infantry & Ripley Rangers
wounded in hip, Battle of Stones River; Civil War pension
married Sarah Elizabeth CASTETTER 14 May 1865, Ripley Co. IN
born 16 May 1841, Ripley Co. IN; died 18 Dec 1919, Liberty Twp. Ringgold Co. IA
daughter of George Washington CASTATOR (1818-1900)
and Elizabeth Jane "Eliza" (WATSON) (1821-1900)
Josephus and Sarah interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
Children of Josephus and Sarah Elizabeth (CASTETTER) MAIN:
1) Charles Edward MAIN, born 07 May 1866, Hartsville IN; 23 Jan died 1936, Ringgold Co. IA
married 1889 Alvira E. CLATON (1867-1956)
Charles and Alvira interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
Children of Charles and Alvira (CLATON) MAIN:
1) Vernie E. MAIN (1890-1892)
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
2) Corwin Ernest MAIN (1893-1975)
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
3) Homer LaRue MAIN (1897-1946)
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
4) Dorothy I. MAIN (1902-1993)
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
2) Franklin Marion "Frank" MAIN
born 09 Sep 1869, Hartsville IN; died 22 Oct 1953, Ringgold Co. IA
married Nannie l. TARR, born 1871
3) Oliver E. MAIN, born 12 Jan 1871, Hartsville IN; died 31 Jan 1871, Hartsville IN
4) Lewis Castetter MAIN, born 17 Jan 1872, Hartsville IN; died 03 Feb 1962, Lamoni IA
married 1913 Clara Leona SMITH (1892-1987)
Lewis and Clara interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
Children of Lewis and Clara (SMITH) MAIN:
1) Franklin Smith MAIN (1916-2008)
married 1937 Donna Louise BURCHETT
5) Alexander Melville "Mel" MAIN
born 16 Jun 1874, Hartsville IN; died 11 Aug 1939, Ringgold Co. IA
married Minnie Lucinda MORRIS (1878-1972)
Mel and Minnie interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
Children of Mel and Minnie (MORRIS) MAIN:
1) Alta MAIN, born circa 1899 IA
2) Eva MAIN, born circa 1903 IA
3) Richard M. MAIN, born 1917 IA
6) Wesley Hayes MAIN, born 25 Nov 1876, Hartsville IN; died 22 May 1953, Ringgold Co. IA
married 1st 1887 Sarah Gertrude GLEASON (1841-1912)
married 2nd 1912 Mary Elizabeth BROWNELL (1878-1947)
Wesley, Sarah and Mary interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
Children of Wesley Hayes and Sarah Gertrude (GLEASON) MAIN:
1) Peter Roe MAIN (1896-1964)
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
2) Mamie E. MAIN (1898-?)
3) Franklin L. MAIN (1903-?)
4) Hugh B. MAIN (1905-?)
7) Leonora F. MAIN, born 12 May 1879, Hartsville IN; died after 1951, Ringgold Co. IA

Standing: Burl and Lena
Seated: Addie, Weldon, Dwight |
Addie, Weldon Lena, Burl, Dwight (seated) |
8) John "Dwight" MAIN, born 06 Nov 1885, Ringgold Co. IA; died 22 Dec 1968, Mount Ayr IA
married Adeline Amelia "Addie" WHEELER circa 1905, Ringgold Co. IA
born 11 Apr 1886, Ringgold Co. IA; died 16 Jul 1960, Ringgold Co. IA
daughter of Cassius H. WHEELER (1861-1938)
and Harriet Agnes "Hattie" (DANT) WHEELER (1860-1930)
Dwight and Addie interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
Children of Dwight and Addie (WHEELER) MAIN:
1) D. Burl MAIN, born 11 Jul 1905, Ringgold Co. IA; died 07 Nov 1969, Boone IA
married 1926 Doris E. CORNWALL (1908-1985)
Burl and Doris interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
2) Lena E. MAIN, born 20 Mar 1907, Ringgold Co. IA; died 02 Jan 1982, Mount Ayr IA
married Forrest Darrell JOHNSTON (1904-1951)
Lena and Forrest interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
3) Weldon C. MAIN, born 19 Feb 1909, Ringgold Co. IA; died 16 Jul 1980, Mount Ayr IA
married 1930 Elma Elnore STEPHENS (1912-1993)
Weldon and Elma interred Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
4) Francis Evan MAIN, born 31 Oct 1914, Ringgold Co. IA; died 29 Dec 1927, Mount Ayr IA
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
11) Sarah Elizabeth MAIN
born 18 Oct 1843, Liberty Twp. Ripley Co. IN; died 24 May 1910, Iconium, Appanoose Co. IA
married 1st Thomas Charles HELLYER 06 Oct 1862, Iconium, Appanoose Co. IA
born 07 Aug 1842, Iconium IA; died between 1867-1872, Iconium IA
son of Thomas Charles HELLYER (1800-1882) and Margaret (BREWER) (1802-1896)
Children of Sarah Elizabeth (MAIN) and Thomas Charles HELLYER:
1) Joseph Lemuel HELLYER, born 03 Jan 1864, Iconium IA; died 26 Sep 1927, Iconium IA
married Martha Isadora "Dora" SMITH 11 Oct 1901, Iconium IA
born 07 Jan 1866 IA; died Jul 1945, Ottumwa, Wapello Co. IA
daughter of Charles Bevin and Margaret Ellen (RINEHART) SMITH
married 1st 1886 George Francis "Frank" EATON (1864-1899); 6 children
Children of Joseph L. and Dora (SMITH) HELLYER:
1) Lenna Elizabeth "Lennie" (HELLYER) HOLMAN (1902-1978)
2) Thomas Bevan HELLYER (1905-1910)
3) Charles Andrew HELLYER (1907-1980)
2) Mary Jane HELLYER, born 10 Dec 1864, Iconium IA; died 08 Feb 1944, Parkston SD
married John Henry HUEY 25 Dec 1881, Iconium IA
born 28 Nov 1857, Decatur Co. IN; died 12 Jul 1935, Parkston SD
Children of Mary Jane (HELLYER) and John Henry HUEY:
1) Lillie Florence (HUEY) PARK (1882-1943)
2) William Jessie HUEY (1884-1952)
3) Frank Leslie HUEY (1886-1950)
4) Benjamin Harrison HUEY (1888-1966)
5) Laura Belle HUEY (1890-?)
6) Howard Thomas HUEY (1893-1918)
7) Lemuel Leroy HUEY (1895-1968)
8) Charles Henry HUEY (1903-1963)
9) Mary Josephine (HUEY) EGGLESTON (1905-?)
3) Charles Madison HELLYER, born 05 Feb 1867, Iconium IA; died 12 Mar 1942, Miles City MT
married 1889 NE Hannah Rhoda SPRINGER (1869-1950)
Children of Charles M. and Hannah (SPRINGER) HELLYER:
1) Harry Nathan HELLYER (1891-1971)
2) Flossie Nellie (HELLYER) TAYLOR (1893-?)
3) Victor Thomas HELLYER (1896-1910)
4) Charles Floyd HELLYER (1898-1965)
5) Goldie Leota (HELLYER) JACKSON (1900-1986)
6) Lawrence Leon HELLYER (1904-1990)
7) Martha May (HELLYER) FULLER (1907-?)
8) Clarence Merle HELLYER (1909-1965)
Sarah Elizabeth MAIN married 2nd John Milton McINTIRE 11 Apr 1872 (1892?), Appanoose Co. IA
John Milton McINTIRE, born circa 1849 IA
the son of John Milton (1824-1878) and Dinell (?) (1828-?)

SOURCES: "Taylor Township" The History of Appanoose County, Iowa Western Historical Co. Chicago. 1878.
American Civil War Soldiers Database,
Contribution and photographs by Julie Watts, August of 2009
For more information on the MAIN Family, visit fanflower's site on
