Mabel Olive COIE was the daughter of William G. and Margaret Jane (DUNLAP) COIE. Mabel married on September 9, 1908,
to Earl Bebbe KINNE at Minden, Nebraska. Earl was the only son of Reverend David N. and Caroline (WOLKERSINE) KINNE.
Mabel and Earl were the parents of five children: Margaret, David E., Paul, and Donald Ross. Their daughter Helen died in
infancy. The KINNE family moved to Iowa in 1925, settling on a farm located southwest of Tingley. They moved in 1927 to
the T. W. DARBYSHIRE farm north of Tingley. While residing here, Margaret and David attended Tingley High School,
graduating in 1929 and 1931, respectively. Paul and Donald attended the Eighme and Cozy Corner schools. The family
moved to a farm southwest of Shannon City, then later to a farm southwest of Blockton. Paul graduated from Blockton
High School. They moved to a farm located west of Barnard, Missouri, where David farmed with his father. Paul left to
seek employment in the West. Donald was employed by a big grain farmer. Donald graduated from high school at Barnard.
Three of the KINNE children married Barnard natives. Margaret married Howard SWAN; Donald married Georgia Etta HAINEY; and,
David married Mary Ellen RANDELMAN. Paul married Dorothea DILLON of Colorado. Earl and Mabel moved to a
farm northwest of Barddyville, Iowa during World War II. In 1951, they bought a home in northeast Tingley where they
spent the remainder of their lives. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home in Tingley on
September 6th of 1958. Mabel and Earl were devout Christian people and were involved in church work in every
community where they had lived. They were members of Tingley's United Presbyterian Church.
Margaret (KINNE) and Howard SWAN lived in Hopkins, Missouri all of their married lives. They both passed away in
1978 and were interred in a cemetery near Maryville, Missouri.
David E. KINNE served as a Sgt. of the 1611 Engineers
Fors. Co. during World War II. David E. and Mary Ellen (RANDELMAN) KINNE farmed the COIE farm north of Tingley. They were the parents of two
children: Marvin David and Dorothy Jean. David died May 23, 1951. Ellen died May 24, 1978. They were interred at Tingley Cemetery.
Gravestone Photographs by dukemiester
Paul and Dorothea (DILLON) KINNE lived in the West all of their married lives. Paul was a trucker at Cedaredge, Colorado.
Paul and Dorothea were the parents of four children: Mary Louise, Ronald, Eldon, and Edith Ann.
Donald Ross and Georgia Etta (HAINEY) KINNE lived at Barnard and Kansas City, Missouri before mvoing to Iowa in 1946. Their son
Donald KINNE Jr. graduated with Tingley's last class in 1959. Their daughters Linda Sue and Jane Elaine attended Tingley
grade school and graduated from Mount Ayr Community High School. Donald died in 1993 and was interred at Tingley Cemetery.
Gravestone Photograph by dukemiester
SOURCE: Tingley Centennial book, page 241
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010
