Leon Journal-Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, September 12, 2012
Smith/Martin Reunion

The families of Charles SMITH and Everett MARTIN gathered for a family reunion, held Saturday, August 25, 2012 at the
Davis City Community Center, Davis City. A potluck dinner was enjoyed with Garry HENDERSON asking the blessing over the
food. Attending were Alta and Bennie McDANIEL, Cathy and Garry HENDERSON of Davis City; Donna WEBB of Kellerton;
Martha PALMER of Van Wert; Larry and Virginia SMITH of Weldon; Martha SNELL of Osceola; Twyla and Elvin SOLL of Murray;
Gary and Vivian SMITH, Tom SMITH, of Chariton; Steven and Martha SMITH, Samantha and Ava SMITH, Hannah SMITH, of Milo;
and Melba BAZER of Council Bluffs. Reported changes since the 2011 reunion included the death of Donna Mae KASPER
March 2, 2012; Roger Earl SMITH April 2, 2012; and Martha BAIN May 18, 2012; the marriage of Marie SNELL and Justin
MORRISON June 16, 2012; and the birth of Whittney Ann SNELL to Matthew and Stephanie SNELL March 20, 2012. Door prizes
were give with a good time being enjoyed by all. We hope even more will attend next year to enjoy the fellowship
and good food!
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2012

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