The Church of Christ conducted their services with an occasional preacher passing through the Mount Ayr vicinity. By
October 4, 1882, there were enough members in the congregation to organize with W. M. GADD of Ottumwa as their pastor.
The first officers of the Church of Christ were: J. W. SCONCE and A. V. GULICH, elders; M. J. DONAHOE and E. W. CRITCHFIELD,
deacons; and W. S. BERKEY, clerk.
For some time, the congregation held services in the Presbyterian Church until 1883 when
they built a frame church building at a cost of $2,500 at 203 East Madison Street, a block and a half east of the square. The
new church was dedicated on January 13, 1884, with Rev. George F. CARPENTER, Des Moines, in attendance.
With their membership
growing, the congregation decided to erect a new and larger church building. Their last service in the old church building
was held on August 3, 1913. The old church building was sold on July 7, 1913 to the Catholic Church, except
for the bell, pews, chairs,and other fixtures. The old church building was used by the Catholic Church until the 1990's.
Until their new church building was completed, the congregation conducted
services in the court house.
The cornerstone of the new church was laid on October 8, 1913. The new
church, which was built at a cost of $20,000 with WAGONECHT and WALTER of Wathena, Kansas, was dedicated on March 15, 1914.
The congregations from Mount Ayr's Methodist, United Presbyterian, and Baptist churches attended the dedication ceremony.
Reverend L. C. SWAN was the pastor of the new church.
The Rev. Frank T. CARTER will preach his farewell sermon at the Church of Christ next Sunday evening. He goes to Mount Ayr November 26. Rev. CARTER recently resigned as pastor to accept a call from the Mount Ayr Church of Christ, Mount Ayr. A native of Australia, he has been pastor of the Humeston church for two years.
First Christian Church built in 1913
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr's Christian Church was organized in 1881 by Reverend William GADD of Ottumwa. He remained in Mount Ayr until
1884. The organizing congregation numbered twenty-three members.
The first church was built in 1883, located one block east of the northeast corner of the square. It was built
for a total of $2,700, which included the lot, the building, and the furnishings.
Reverend J. P. LUCAS came to preach
monthly from spring until August of 1884. The church was sold to J. A. McNERNEY in 1913, then to the Catholic parish.
A new Christian church was constructed at the southwest corner of the square in 1911 with dedication in 1912.
The First Christian Church of Mount Ayr celebrated the 75th anniversary of its establishment on October 6, 1957.
The church was destroyed by fire in the 1980's.
Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, January 26 & 29, 1915
The Loyal Daughters of the Christian Church Sunday school have elected the following officers: President, Taca WILSON; vice-president, Ollie DADY; and secretary, Bertha WILSON.
Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, December 03, 1915
The great cash day at the Christian Church last Sunday was one that will be long remembered. The slogan, "$2,500 in 25 Minutes," was more than lived up to for the accomplishment was $2,600 in 24 minutes. The church is now entirely out of debt.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2015
Mount Ayr Record News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 6, 1932
Golden Anniversary of the Founding of Church of Christ is Celebrated.
Appropriate exercises marked the observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Mount Ayr Church of Christ, which was organized October 4, 1882, and which during the fifty years of its existence has exercised its influence for good in the community.
The program Sunday included the Bible school session, which closed with an appropriate program by the junior department under direction of the superintendent, Mrs. W. Harold SMITH. Representatives of Churches of Christ at Kellerton, Tingley, Diagonal, Delphos and Benton, were in attendance at the Bible school session for the morning worship and afternoon session, and Rev. KRATZER, pastor of the Kellerton and Tingley churches, and Rev. Dennis DILLE, pastor of the Diagonal church, assisted the pastor Rev. W. Harold SMITH, in the services, and visiting brethren had charge of the communion service. Following the organ and piano prelude, played by Mrs. Forest STEWART and Miss Regina LESAN, came the call to worship by the pastor with response by a quartet. The invocation was pronounced by Rev. DILLE. The choir, directed by Mrs. Clyde LESAN, sang, “Give Thanks Unto the Lord,” and scripture was read by Rev. KRATZER. "Our Mission as a People," was the subject of the sermon by the pastor who briefly reviewed the history of the church with its plea for the union of all christians.
A basket dinner was enjoyed at noon and the afternoon service at 2:30 included a song service led by Rev. E. J. GREEN, greetings from the sister churches of the county, reading of letters from former pastors and members reading of the history of the church by Geo. H. RAINS, and introduction of former members of the local church who came to attend the anniversary celebration. Among those from a distance were Mrs. Winfred KIRBY MARTIN, of Oak Park, Ill., and daughters, Mrs Bernice MARTIN FARIS of Oak Park, Ill., and Mrs. Daisy MARTIN MANN, of River Forest, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. L.E. CROSE and children, Junior and Mary Lou, of Adel; Mr. and Mrs. J.A. SELLARDS, of Adel;
Mr. and Mrs. H.G. LAUGHRIDGE, of Des Moines; Mrs. J.B. HAMMACK, of McKinney, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. ARNOLD, of Omaha, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. R.R. BERKEY, of Des Moines; Mrs. C A. BENT, of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. R.M. LEWIS, of Des Moines.
A union service of the four churches - United Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist and Christian - with musical program, by the united church choirs under direction of Mrs. J. H. EDDY featured the Sunday evening program. The pastor, Rev. W. Harold SMITH, presided. The invocation was made by Dr. JESSE who also presented greeting from the United Presbyterian church. Numbers by the choir included "The Heavens Resound" (Beethoven), "Send Out Thy Light" (Gounod) and "Unfold Ye Portals" (Gounod); special numbers were duets, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" by Ruth COVERDELL and Beall SPURRIER and "On Life's Highway" by Edwin BROCKMAN and Franklin SPURRIER. Greetings from the Methodist church were extended by the pastor, Rev. E. S. MENOHER, from the Baptist church by Alex G. MOFFATT and from the schools by Superintendent W. F. JOHNSON. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. SMITH.
At the golden anniversary celebration Tuesday evening two former pastors, Rev. L.C. SWAN of Thayer, Kan. and Rev. S. P. WILLIAMSON of Fairfield, were present and the program in the auditorium included the singing of hymns of the church under the leadership of Mrs. Clyde LESAN, with Mrs. Roy SPURRIER at the piano, invocation by Dr. JESSE JOHNSON, soprano solo, "Does Jesus Care" by Mrs. Roy SPURRIER whose daughter, Miss Beall SPURRIER, played the piano accompaniment; sermon by Rev. WILLIAMSON and the reading of the history of the church by Geo. H. RAINS. Rev. SWAN extended greetings, and recalled many incidents of the years during which he served as pastor.
At the close of the program all present were invited to the church basement where the birthday cake bearing 50 candles was cut by Mrs. Ada BEALL, light refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed.
The program incident to the fiftieth anniversary celebration brought joy to all whose privilege it was to attend, and the presence at the closing service of two former pastors, who were popular in church and community during the years they served the church, added joy to the occasion, and the excellent sermons delivered were an inspiration to greater effort. Mrs. WILLIAMSON accompanied Rev. WILLIAMSON to Mount Ayr and her presence also contributed to the joy of the occasion.
History of the Church.
The following history of the church was prepared and read by Geo. H. RAINS. So far as is known the first religious services ever held by the Disciples of Christ in Mount Ayr or Ringgold county, were held in the courthouse, a two-story wooden building which stood on the east side of the square, on the same site here now stands the I.G.A. store. This was in 1868, and the preacher was Bro. R. JUDD, who continued to minister occasionally during that year.
In 1871 Bro. L. D. COOK, of Bedford, held a two weeks' meeting in the above mentioned court house. There were several additions, Mrs. W. S. BERKEY being one of the number. Bro. COOK was one of the leaders among the pioneer preachers in this part of the state. He was a very large man, stood 6 feet 6 inches in height, spare of build and enormous feet and hands and said to be the homeliest man and the best preacher in southern Iowa and north Missouri.
Following the COOK meetings, in the spring of 1871, came James CONORAN and under his leadership, in the fall of 1871, organized a congregation of about forty members, secured the use of the United Presbyterian church for meetings and took up the work as resident pastor, but resigned just before the close of the year and moved away. He was followed by O. E. BROWN, who lived at Greenfield, Iowa, who came on horseback every two weeks and preached to the little band. During his years work meetings were held first in the United Presbyterian church and later in the court house. At the close of the year several families belonging to the church moved away, and those remaining were not able to employ a pastor so the organization gradually went to pieces, although Bro. David RADCLIFF, one of the elders, continued to hold services and break bread from house to house each Lord's day. It was largely due to this noble man that the light did not go out, and through his efforts Bro. John B. VAWTER was secured for a meeting, which was held in 1874 in the Baptist church without visible results.
In the same year, 1874, Mr. Andrew INGRAM invited Bro. F.M. BRUNER, of Illinois, to visit Mount Ayr and preach to the people. Bro. BRUNER was a man of great ability. His visit was greatly enjoyed by all the brethren, but nothing of importance was accomplished.
In the next two years, 1875-76, nothing was done, but in the winter of 1876 Bro. David RADCLIFF succeeded in getting some help from the state board and Bro. A.J. GARRISON was sent here to reorganize the church. Bro. GARRISON was man of great ability, excellent character and the work started out with much promise, but almost at the beginning his eyes began to trouble him and soon compelled him to give up all public work.
In 1877, 1878 and 1879 there is no record of work done or meetings held.
In 1880, Bro. [illegible] of Decatur was invited no preach. The meetings were held in the opera house. Arrangements were made for him to come every four weeks and the Presbyterian church, which stood on the northeast corner of Adams and Jefferson street, was engaged for a meeting place and services were held monthly through the year. Bro. John W. SCONCE, who had been prominently identified with the church in Illinois, had moved to Mount Ayr and gave the brethren the benefit of his ability and experience. Hẹ frequently filled the pulpit. He had a thorough knowledge of the Bible and was a clear and logical teacher.
In the year 1881 Elder Wm. GADD, of Ottumwa, came to Mount Ayr to look after the interests of Christ's kingdom. There were living here at that time 24 persons who were members of the Church of Christ. For some years past they had attempted to organize but had been unsuccessful. Bro. GADD succeeded in getting these people together again. They secured the use of the Presbyterian church and Bro. GADD held a series of meetings for them in the fall of 1882, beginning September 29 and continuing until October 4. There were six added to the church, four by confession and two by statement. After the services on October 4 the members of the church, now 30 in all, remained to perfect the organization.
The charter members are as follows: J.W. SCONCE, Sarah SCONCE, Alfred GULICK, Mary GULICK, M.J. DONAHOE, E.W. CRITCHFIELD, D.S. BAKER, Maggie BAKER, James FOSTER, Arthur RADCLIFF, C.K. BEALL, Eunice MAY BEALL, Lois F. BEALL, Samuel COLBY, Isaac STOUT, Hannah STOUT, Nancy ROBY, Rachael GULICK, Nancy STUCK, John S. KIRBY, Naomi KIRBY, Helen A. RAINS, Mary A. SELLARDS, Cynthia BERKEY, Wm. S. BERKEY, Margaret M. ELLIOTT, Mrs. E.W. CRITCHFIELD, Margie GRAY, Wm. SHERRILL, Agnes SHERRILL.
Of this list of 30 charter members we find there are three still living, D. S. and Maggie BAKER and Margie GRAY, but not living in this vicinity so are not able to worship with us. The first corps of officers were: Elders, J.W. SCONCE, A.V. GULICK; deacons, M.J. DONAHOE, E.W. CRITCHFIELD; secretary, W.S. BERKEY; treasurer, J.S. KIRBY.
The church was incorporated May 25, 1883. At a meeting of the church on January 17, 1883, a committee consisting of J.W. WARD, C.K. BEALL, Andrew INGRAM, J. S. KIRBY and W.S. BERKEY, were appointed to select a site and let the contract for a church building.
The building contract was let to Soles & Case for a house to cost $1,520.00 located on the lot east of the Hucke & Dowling blacksmith shop, 202 East Madison Ave., which was built in 1883 and dedicated January 13, 1884 by Elder Geo. T. CARPENTER, Dean of Drake University, assisted by Bro. A.J. GARRISON and Wm. GADD.
The Bible school was organized January 20, 1884. Bro. J.P. LUCAS, Iowa, watched over the new organization, coming once a month to hold the Lord’s day services and baptize the new converts. Later he held a short meeting. In all he added 21 names to the roll. The growth at this time was quite marked. Additions were recorded often and from one to four at a time.
Bro. J. K. CORNELL, state evangelist, visited the church August 3, 1884, and left an appointment and a recommendation for Bro. J.C. WHITE, of Clarinda. Bro. White came August 24 and was called by the brethren to preach one-half time. His labors began October 5, 1884. He remained three years, devoting his entire time to the work after the first year.
Bro. J.C. WHITE preached half time at Mount Ayr, and one-quarter time at Kellerton and Tingley. He was a great soul and the three churches, Mount Ayr, Kellerton and Tingley, are his children.
In December, 1886, Bro. J.P. MARTINSDALE came and assisted Bro. WHITE in holding a meeting. During this meeting thirty-six names were adde to the roll.
At a business meeting April 3, 1887, Bros. A. JACKSON, E.W. CRITCHFIELD and W. S. BERKEY were appointed as a committee to purchase a bell for the church. The matter was afterward handed over to the Ladies' Aid society, who succeeded in raising the bell fund to the desired amount and a bell weighing 1019 pounds and costing $198.52 was purchased and installed in the belfry and first pealed forth its invitation to worship at 9:30 a.m. June 11, 1887, and this bell still continues to peal forth that same invitation from its new location in this church.
In July, 1887, the young people were organized into a society for Bible study. This society was called the Truth Seekers, and was the parent of the present Y.P.S.C.E.
Bro. WHITE’s personal work added 55 names to the roll, but his health failed and he was forced to give up the work in the summer of 1887. He went from here to the home of his daughter in Clarinda, Iowa, where he spent the rest of his life as a sufferer and passed to his reward January 25, 1898.
After Bro. WHITE's resignation the church called Bro. J.P. MARTINSDALE October 2, 1887. During his pastorate Bro. A.M. COLLINS, of Shelbyville, Ill., held a series of meetings, adding 44 names to the roll, Bro. MARTINSDALE's personal work adding 29 members. Under his care the church enjoyed great prosperity, but after the COLLINS meetings circumstances arose which seemed to indicate that a change would be best both for Bro. MARTINSDALE and the church.
May 20th, 1889, the brethren called Bro. J.H. HAMMOND. He worked with us but one year. In January, 1890, Bro. J.L. PARSONS assisted Bro. HAMMOND in a meeting. In June, 1890, Bro. M.A. JACKSON was called by the church. He worked with us until September, 1892. Bro. COLLINS held a second meeting under Bro. JACKSON.
In the fall of 1892 the brethren called Bro. N.G. BROWN, who labored with the congregation in 1893-1894.
In January, 1894, WHITE and MARTINSDALE held a series of meetings adding 78 names to the roll.
Bro. BROWN's pastorate was especially notable because of the great interest created in missionary work, the effects of which live and tell in our work today. By personal work during his stay 19 names were added.
Bro. E.B. CROSS was called in October, 1894, and worked with the church during 1894, 1895 and 1896.
In August, 1896, Bro. J.L. STEPHENSON visited us and the brethren asked him to stay three months. September 27 the call was extended to one year, but in the summer of 1897 Bro. STEPHENSON resigned and in November the same year the church called Bro. C.E. WELLS, who ministered to the congregation the remainder of 1897 and through 1898 and 1899.
In the winter of 1899 the pulpit was filled each Lord's day by either a professor or student from Drake. Professor Sherman KIRK, at that time dean of the Bible school, came for a time and later the GRIMES brothers.
In the summer of 1900 a call was extended to Bro. L.C. SWAN. He came in the fall of that year and worked with the congregation for six years, 1900-1905.
These were years of great growth and activity for the church, the membership was greatly enlarged and it was during this period that the lot on which the present church now stands was bought and paid for.
On October 5, 1905, Bro. Thomas WALLACE was called and labored with the people until the spring of 1906. Bro. WALLACE was a world traveler and author of some note. In the fall of 1906 Bro. O.M. JOHNSON came and took up the work. He remained through 1906-07 and until September, 1908. Under his leadership in June, 1907, a tabernacle was built on this site and WILSON and LINT held a four weeks' meeting in which over 100 were added to the church.
Bro. E.W. BOWERS came in the fall of 1908 and was with the congregation until the spring of 1909. Bro. VAN DUSEN followed Bro. BOWERS and labored with the church about four months.
To fill out this year (1909) student preachers came each Lord's day from Des Moines and filled the pulpit.
In 1910 a call was extended to Bro. L.C. SWAN to return and work with us. He came and continued with the church six years. It was during these years that the church went forward by leaps and bounds and might be called the golden age in the history of the local church.
In January, 1911, Evangelist Robert WILSON and wife came and held a great four weeks' meeting. Although it was zero weather nearly every night, people came in great numbers and it was found necessary after the first week to move to the courthouse to accommodate the audiences. Over 100 were added to the church.
In 1911 Sister Lois F. BEALL bequeathed a residence property in south Mount Ayr to the church, which later was traded for the present parsonage.
In 1912 again a tabernacle was built on this site and the Lockheart Evangelistic party came and held a five weeks' meeting in which over 100 were added to the roll.
At a meeting of the official board on May 2, 1913, it was decided to build a new church on the lots at the southwest corner of the square, which the church had owned for some years, and the following committees were appointed: General committee - H.G. ROBERTS, Harry SPURRIER, G.A. TENNANT; finance committee, A.R. SHRIMPLIN, S.F. SPURRIER, Jas. P. NEWTON, R.H. STONE, Mrs. A.R. SHRIMPLIN, Mrs. Chas. ROBINSON, Mrs. Geo. H. RAINS; building committee, R.H. STONE, A.R. SHRIMPLIN, J.N. LINEBURG, J.S. SPURRIER, H.L. SEEVERS, James BEARD, Mrs. A.R. SHRIMPLIN, Mrs. Geo. H. RAINS.
The contract for the new building was let to J. H. WAGENECHT, of St. Joseph, August 2, 1913, for all except heating, plumbing and lighting for $15,000.00 and was dedicated by Geo. SNIVELY, of Lewiston, IIl., assisted by Bro. SWAN and the other pastors of the city March 15, 1914.
Bro. Robert WHISTON returned for a short meeting in January, 1915.
Bro. SWAN closed his work with us in 1916, after having ministered to this congregation 12 years altogether. He was followed by Bro. CARTER, who was followed by Bro. W. R. FOSTER, who ministered through 1918.
Following Bro. FOSTER, in the winter of 1918-19, Bro. Chas. BLANCHARD came each Lord's day from Des Moines to fill the pulpit.
In 1918 a call was given Bro. Sam P. WILLIAMSON, who came in October of that year and took up the work and remained through 1919, 1920 and 1921.
Bro. Edgar PRICE was called in 1922 and labored with us until the fall of 1923 when Bro. Ross WILLIAMS was called and he remained until the spring of 1927, when Bro. W. Harold SMITH, our present pastor, came October 8 and took up the work. Now going into the sixth year, the service has been highly satisfactory and shows progress.
In 1930 Bros. CAMPBELL and JACKSON held a short meeting.
In 1931 $500.00 was raised and the church was redecorated.
I am deeply indebted to Bro. SPURRIER, Sister Ada BEALL and Sister MARSHALL, of this city, for furnishing me information and especially to Bro. G.M. KIRBY, of Buffalo, N.Y., who sent me valuable statistics regarding the early church.
Transcription by Tony Mercer, February of 2025
Mount Ayr Record News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 03, 1957
The 75th anniversary of the founding of the First Christian Church in Mount Ayr will be observed with appropriate services and programs next Sunday, Oct. 6, according to announcement by the pastor, Rev. Clyde E. MOSHER.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, February 14, 1980
For the second time in a little over a month, fire struck the First Christian church of Mount Ayr early Tuesday morning. And this one was no minor affair, but a full-fledged disaster. Preliminary estimates Tuesday noon were running in the neighborhood of $150,000, according to one source. There is hardly an area of the church that was not affected by the fire, which was discovered about 5 a.m. Tuesday.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, March 05, 1981
The groundbreaking ceremony for the new First Christian Church in Mount Ayr will be at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 8 at the church site, 201 West Monroe. The groundbreaking will be done by a hand-hewn plow that is over 100 years old and formerly belonged to Hugh TERWILLEGER'S grandfather, then a member of the church. Ropes will be attached to the plow allowing many to provide the "power" needed to move the plow.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 30, 1982
The First Christian Church of Mount Ayr will observe its 100th anniversary on Sunday, October 3, with special services marking the date.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 10, 1993
An attic fire, probably caused by defective wiring, resulted in an estimated $7,500 worth of damage at the Mount Ayr Christian Church. The fire was thought to have smouldered in newly installed insulation for quite a while before the discovery of smoke, noticed outside the building, brought the Mount Ayr volunteer firemen to the scene. As Ringgold county supervior, Doyle TRULLINGER, was coming to the courthouse to work about 8:30 a.m. on Jan. 9, he noticed smoke rolling out of the church attic. He reported this to Pastor Phil KINTON and the fire department was called.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, December 29, 2016, Page 4
By Mike Avitt
Mount Ayr's First Christian Church was gutted by fire in February 1980 while being renovated. The damage was so severe the church had to be razed and the current church building was dedicated March 21, 1982. Thanks to the Mount Ayr Public Library for this week's photo.
Helen Hunt donated a 1957 First Christian Church program for this week's article. The program is from the 75th Anniversary of the First Christian Church and is filled with information about the church building and its congregation. This week we'll look at the formation of the church and its multiple locations.
The early beginnings find religious services being held in Ringgold County's second courthouse. It was a two-story, wood structure sitting where Lucky Lanes is today. The year was 1868 and the congregation was organized in 1872 by James Conoran. They then held worship services in the newly constructed United Presbyterian Church.
The congregation later moved back to the courthouse, members moved away, and soon there was no money to employ a pastor.
The congregation struggled until, in 1880, Brother Porter moved the flock from the opera house back to the United Presbyterian Church with meetings held regularly. John Sconce moved here from Illinois and helped with teaching and preaching. In 1881 and 1882, Brother William Gadd came from Ottumwa to officially organize the Church of Christ and add to its membership.
The church was incorporated May 25, 1883 and a location was chosen for the first church building. The structure was built by Soles & Case for $1,520.00 at 203 East Madison just east of Hucke & Dowling Blacksmith Shop. The new House of Worship was dedicated January 13, 1884.
Preachers came and went, members were added to the roster, and the new bell rang for the first time June 11, 1887.
Reverend L. C. Swan
came for two stints as pastor and his second stay resulted in the new brick church built on the southwest corner of the square. The new church was built for $15,000.00 and dedicated March 15, 1914.
The program says much of this information came from the 50th anniversary held in 1932. George Rains put that information together. Updates were supplied by Ada Beall, Sister Marshall, G. M. Kirby, and Brother Spurrier.
The parsonage west of the church was acquired in 1957. This was the former Dr. C. C. Lawhead home. The church still owns the property today, although it is no longer used as a parsonage.
Nest week we'll look at some folks who started the church and some others who kept it going.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, January 05, 2017, Page 10
By Mike Avitt
The Christian Church congregation outgrew their original church and built new on the southwest corner of the square in 1913. The original Christian Church was built in 1883-84 and was located at 203 E. Madison. It was sold to the Catholics and they dedicated their new church December 9, 1913.
Helen Hunt gave me a program from the Christian Church's 75 Anniversary celebration and I want to point out a few people who started the congregation and kept it going all these years.
William Sherrill is on a list of charter members (1882). Mr. Sherrill's obituary says he built the first hotel and livery barn in Knowlton (1887). I call Sherrill a co-founder of Knowlton as James F. McGinty's obituary says he built the first house in Knowlton.
Corwin Beall is on the charter member list. He was a cousin to my favorite Ringgold County historian, Randolph Beall. Randolph was a Methodist Episcopal.
Helen Rains is also on this list. She was the second wife of George Washington Rains and had been published in Christian periodicals as well as women's magazines.
There is also a list of living, continuous members as of October 1957. Miss Addie Milligan heads this list having joined the church on August 9, 1885. In 5th place was Addie's sister Amanda who joined the church on July 13, 1890.
In eleventh position was Mrs. Nina (Miller) Allyn, widow of Earle K. Allyn. Nina's grandparents were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Critchfield and they were founding members. Nina's father-in-law was the esteemed George S. Allyn, banker, developer, philanthropist, and public servant. Nina wrote her memories in the 1960s and I get some detailed information from her writings about Mount Ayr in the 1890s.
In the history section, Jessie (Fullerton) Lesan is praised for her 30-plus years of service as musical director at the church. Jessie was
involved in many Mount Ayr organizations and contributed greatly to all of them. She was the daughter-in-law of Mary Ann Lesan, another Ringgold County historian. Jessie's husband, Clyde, was the well-known insurance and real estate man.
Franklin Spurrier was on the Education Committee. Frank's dad, Sam Spurrier, became sole owner of the Mount Ayr Record-News in 1911 and Frank took over the paper
in about 1940 upon Sam's death. Franklin Spurrier sold the newspaper to Jack and Helen Terry in 1966.
There are many, many familiar names in this program and I'll mention one more. Lucy Timby. Lucy's husband was William Thomas Timby (his obituary says his membership was with the United Presbyterian Church) and her father-in-law was William Timby, the builder of many Mount Ayr business buildings, some of which are still standing.
Thanks again, to Helen Hunt for the 1957 program.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, November 15, 2007, Page 4
First Christian Church observes 125th anniversary
The 125th anniversary of the founding of the
First Christian Church of Mount Ayr was observed with special services on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007. (The church was officially organized Sunday, Oct. 4, 1882.)
Prior to the Sunday school hour, a special opening ceremony was had in the fellowship hall. Children led the singing accompanied by Charlotte Swank, Kay
Terwilliger had an appropriate devotion.
The church worship service was patterened after the centennial anniversary of Oct. 3, 1982. Perfect attendance
Sunday school pins were awarded to Jentry Ruby (six years); Jesse Ruby (nine years); Josh Case (10 years); Neil Hartman (31 years) and Ike McGehee (67 years).
The greeting song, "The Church on the Square," with words written in 1920 was followed by the ringing of the church bell. The bell has hung in each of the
three buildings to house the congregation since 1882 with the bell being installed July 11, 1887 at a cost of $198.52, the money for the purchase raised by
the Ladies Aid.
The choir sang and other songs of worship were sung, "The Church's One Foundation" had also been sung at the 75th anniversary celebration.
The children, along with the pastor, favored with two, fun, spirit-filled selections.
Pastor Karen Moore's message, "Remembering Who and Whose We Are," with
scripture from Deuteronomy 8:1-18, reminded the congregation of their glorious past history and the unlimited opportunities for the future life and
witness of the church.
The church hour closed with the singing of "God Be With You." Following the worship service, a meal was served of homemade soups,
prepared and made by Cathy Ward and her committee, salads and desserts. Birthday anniversary cakes were furnished by Steve and Gail Trullinger.
the church was officially organized in 1882, a group of the Disciples of Christ had been meeting in Mount Ayr or Ringgold county, in the courthouse as early as
Planning for Sunday's anniverary celebration was done by a committee chaired by Sherry Pooler and including Bill Anderson, Neva Fisher, Mary Hixson,
Mari McGehee, Julie Routh, Steve Trullinger, Tiffany Wimer and Pastor Karen Moore. This committee is planning an anniversary celebration of 140 years of the
church's existance, to be held on Memorial Day Weekend (May 24-25, 2008).
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, May 22, 2008, Page 16
First Christian Church to celebrate 140 years
"Find Us Faithful" is the theme for the 140th anniversary celebration planned by the First Christian Church in Mount Ayr Saturday and Sunday,
May 24-25.
The church was first organized in 1868 and met in the basement of the courthouse. A congregation was chartered in 1882 an a church building built
east of the current fire station in Mount Ayr in 1884, which served the church until a brick church was built in 1913 at the site of the present church. That
church burned down in 1980 and the congregation met in their former building, which was then the St. Joseph Catholic Church, while their present building on
the corner of the square was built.
Two days of celebration of the anniversary of the church will be held and several former clergy and/or their families are
planning to be part of the activities.
The regional church staff will be represented by Richard Guentert and Don Hiscox. Former pastors or their families expected
to attend include Larry Quire, Dr. Richard Reel, Howard Wakeland, Sonja Park, Bill Gardner and Doris Kinton.
Saturday afternoon there will be a sandwich
luncheon, musical entertainment, a time to share memories and an ice cream sundae social.
Sunday there will be a fellowship hour with guests, a special
anniversary worship, a potluck luncheon and more time for sharing and music.
Pastor Karen Moore and the congregation invite the public to share in the
activities of the weekend.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 25 2013
Local artist
envisions mural in downtown Mount Ayr
At right: Local artist Lisa Conklin stands beside her mural that has been erected on the belltower at First Christian
Church in Mount Ayr.
A local artist hopes her dream to bring art to the Mount Ayr square catches on in a big way.
Lisa Conklin hs painted an
8x8 foot mural that currently hangs on the belltower at the First Christian Church in Mount Ayr. Using acryllic painted on
plywood, Conklin finished the project over the course of a few months.
Conklin describes herself as an impressionistic
landscape artist, and she has found Ringgold county a ready source of inspiration.
"Ever since I hoped here," she said,
"I've been impressed with the landscape in this area."
Her belltower mural depicts a tranquil scene featuring the
gazebo and foot bridge at Poe Hollow county park.
. . . First Christian Church funded the $500 cost of materials, and
Conklin donated her time and talents as a gift to the community from herself and from the First Christian Church. (Conklin
is the wife of First Christian pastor Chris Conklin.)
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, April 02, 2015, Page 11
Working for a good cause
Youth and volunteers from the First Christian Church collected over 400 food items for the Neighborhood Center Food Bank. Fifteen youth are
learning the value of giving back to their communties and earning a summer pool pass by completing 10 hours or more of community service around Mount Ayr
on their Spring Break. The group cleaned up the parks and lakes, helped out with bingo at Clearview Homes and crried out the food drive.
mentor Michell Ricker said, "It is a joy and a privilege to be a part of this Pool Pass Scholarship program, work along side these capable youth, watch
them experience the satisfaction of giving back to their community and to help them earn a summer pool pass that would be a burden for their family to
Youth pictured include Taylor Clymer, Skylar Armstrong, Alisha and Preston Dine, Bianca Beamgard, Hunter and Alyssa Jay, Daron Drake,
Robbie, Scott, Rhianna and Chaddlan Suppinger, Lauren and Logan Conklin and Nickolas Roemer.
Adult members pictured are Michell Ricker, Liz Faris,
Juanita Sickels, Karen Denny and Barb Vaal.
Not pictured are Alexa Drayton, Cameron Charter, Terri Chafa, Daniel Roemer, Karen Schaefer and Pastor
Chris Conklin.
List of pastors who have served
This list is not all inclusive;
interim or temporary pastors may not have been recorded
William GADD (1881-1884)
J.C. WHITE (1884-1887)
J.P MARTINSDALE (1887-1889)
J.H. HAMMOND (1889-1890)
M.A. JACKSON (1890-1892)
N.G. BROWN (1892-1894)
E.B. CROSS (1894-1896)
J.L. STEPHENSON (1896-1897)
C.E. WELLS (1897-1899)
L.C. SWAN (1899-1904)
Thomas WALLACE (1905-1906)
O.M. JOHNSON (1906-1908)
E.W. BOWERS (1908-1909)
L.C. SWAN (1910-1916)
Frank T. CARTER (1916-1917)
W.R. FOSTER (1917-1918)
Sam P. WILLIAMSON (1919-1922)
Edgar PRICE (1922-1923)
Ross WILLIAMS (1924-1926)
W. Harold SMITH (1927-1945)
Harold A. REEL (1946-1956)
Clyde E. MOSHER (1957-1959)
Howard O. WAKELIN (1960-1964)
David L. BARNES (1964-1967)
William A. KNIGHT (1967-1968)
Jeen S. PARK (1968-1972)
Larry SQUIER (1973-1977)
Phil & Doris KINTON (1977-1998)
John BRILLO (1999-2007)
Karen L. MOORE (2007-2009)
Chris CONKLIN (2009-2015)
Darin DOLECHECK (2016-2021)
Rodney GLAZEBROOK (2023-present)
AVITT, Mike. Pages and Pictures from the Past . . . Ringgold County, Iowa: 1885-2005 p. 23.
Paragon Publications, Inc. Mount Ayr, Iowa. 2009.
LESAN, Mrs. B. M. Early History of Ringgold County: 1844 - 1937 p. 59. Blair Pub. House. Lamoni IA. 1937.
2009 Photograph & Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009; updated September of 2012; updated September of 2013; updated September & October of 2015; updated December of 2015; updated April of 2017