Kingdom Hall, Mount Ayr, Iowa

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses is located on the north side of Highway 2, across the street east of the Dairi Sweet. I've
been told that the congregation is building a new worship hall.
Photograph by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2009
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 21, 2010
Kingdom Hall Being Built for Witness Group

A new Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witnesses is being build in Lamoni to serve members in the Ringgold county area as
well as Decatur county. Plans for the new hall to be located at 28871 163rd Avenue has been in the planning stages
for the past couple of years, but have really taken off the past few weekends. The new place of worship measures
40 feet by 64 feet with modern, handicapped accessible accommodations including two rest rooms and a main auditorium
that will seat close to 100 people. A regional building committee oversses all of the projects in the western half of
Iowa and usually has around 12 building projects a year. The Lamoni project has close to 500 volunteer workers on
site and upwards of 700 total who donated their time and skills, including plumbing, electrical, landscape, concrete,
roofing, masonry, excatvating, food service, safety, first aid and others to make the project a success. Many of the
volunteers came from as far as four to five hour drive in northern Iowa to help. The goal is to erect the building
quickly so the group can get back to sharing the good news of God's kingdom with their neighbors. The public is
invited to visit the new Kingdom Hall when it is finished in mid to late November. An open house and dedication will be
announced in the near future. Meeting times are Thursdays with a 7:30 p.m. Bible study, 8 p.m., theocratic minstry
school and 8:30 p.m. service meeting. Sundays include a public talk at 10 a.m. and Watchtower study at 10:35 p.m.
