Goshen, Ringgold County, Iowa

On September 6, 1881 [1883 by some accounts], the Methodist congregation completed building a new frame church in Goshen
under the pastorate of J. P. EVANS. At the time, Rev. EVANS was serving four churches - Goshen, Centenary, Union and Siloam.
To raise money for the brass bell,
the town hosted a hometown talent-show.
The bell was cast in Ohio and weighed 400 pounds. It was purchased for $100.
On September 16, 1898 during a meeting of the quarterly conference held at the Goshen Methoidst Church, it was
voted to give the church to Diagonal providing the people would move and repair it for worship without incurring
a debt. It was estimated that it would cose $500 to do the work of moving and re-fitting the church. At the time,
over $300 had been raised. The conference expressed a desire to move the building before winter.
The Goshen church was cut in half, the tower removed, and all was moved to Diagonal where the church was rebuilt.
While the church was being prepared for its removal to Diagonal, the Methodist Society rented the Odd Fellows Hall for
their Sabbath School and preaching services. The first Sabbath observance with the Goshen and Diagonal congregations
was held on October 30, 1890. On July 6, 1905, it was noted that woodpeckers had been playing havoc with the spire on the
Church. Brothers STEWARD and HARVEY suggested to remove the spire which would encourage the woodpeckers to 'give bent to
their mischief' elsewhere. The Goshen Church was moved once again in April of 1911 to make way for the construction
of a new brick church building. It was
destroyed by a fire years later. In observance of the 100-year anniversary of Methodism in the town of Diagonal, the
brass bell was installed on a bell tower made of native stone and located beside the Diagonal Methodist Church,
nearly 100 years after it was purchased for
the Goshen Church. It rang out on September 27, 1970, opening the
Knowlton Lives Again festivities hosted by the
Ringgold County Historical Society.
Goshen Methodist Ladies Group
Diagonal, Iowa: Centennial History 1888-1988 Pp. 157-8. 1988.
JOHNSON, Mrs. Esther. "Bethel Church"
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010
