What kind of a church would the Redding Church be if every member was just like me?
1. Have I made a definite consecration of myself to the work of the Redding Church as I have to my other work?
2. How many of the regular services do I attend that I might attend?
3. Do I regularly and proportionately give to the support of the church and for its Benevolences?
4. Do I think of myself as a Host and welcome visitors to the services as cordially as I would in my own home?
5. Have I during 1922 sought to win one to Christ and for membership in the Church?
6. Have I in any way helped the Pastor by informing him of matters that need his attention and tried to do team
work with him?
7. How many Methodist organizations can I name and what do I know of the work they do?
8. Do I take the Advocate, our demonimational paper, and one or more of our Missionary publications?
9. Do I regularly pray for the pastor, the work of the Methodist Church and the spread of the Kingdom?
10. Do I have a regular system of Bible study and devotion for my own life, or for that of home?
Honestly, carefully, thoughtfully rate yourself. Ask yourself in what ways you might do better. Resolve, with God's help,
to attain a higher standing.
Submission by Friends of Old Redding

To submit your
County items, contact
The County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.
