Caledonia, since 1855; Peak Pop. 270. For over 80 years Caledonia was an important community and trading center. Serving
the area were two churches (Methodist and Baptist), a school, a doctor, a hotel, an I.O.O.F. Lodge, and a post office.
There were also general and furniture stores, blacksmith and harness shops, and more. Times have changed. Now only the
memories remain of the sturdy folks who lived here. They served God and their fellow man. -Ringgold County Historical Society.
Caledonia First Baptist Church and I.O.O.F. Lodge 293 Located 1/8 Mi. West
The Caledonia Baptist Church was organized on March 5, 1879, and the church was built and dedicated
on October 3, 1880.
SOURCE: Banner, Raymond V. Ringgold City, Iowa 1844-2002: From First Settlement to Forgotten Community p. 33. 2002.
Photographs and Text by Sharon R. Becker, May 22, 2009
Submitted by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009

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