NOTE: Spellings below as best as can be deciphered.
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Athens Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died September of Jaundice
Aged 7 years, Born in Iowa, Died February of [illegible]
Aged six months, Born in Iowa, Died August of Cholera Infantism
BAR[illegible], Armina
Aged eight months, Born in Iowa, Died November of Cholera Infantism
BABB, Alexander
Aged one year, Born in Iowa, Died September of Cholera Infantism
[illegible], Herman
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died March of Measles
REYNOLDS, Mary, housewife
Aged 34 years, Born in Indiana, Died March during Child Birth
TAYLOR, Nancy S., housewife
Aged 63, Born in North Carolina, Died in July from Dyspexioria
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Benton Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
HUFFMAN, David, farmer
Aged 38, Born in Ohio, Died October of unknown causes
SKINNER, Ella, student
Aged 12, Born in Pennsylvania, Died October of Typhoid Fever
Aged 7 hours, Born in Iowa, Died May of Premature Birth
WILSON, Nathan
Aged 7 hours, Born in Iowa, Died May of Premature Birth
GEE, Hannah
Aged 21, Born in Ohio, Born February of Consumption
Aged 96, Born in Ireland, Died February of Cancer
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Clinton Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
Aged 79, Born in Virginia, Died July of Old Age and Hip [fracture?]
BAIRD, John W.
Aged 17, Born in Iowa, Died September of Meorbusleoxausn [?]
ABARR, Bartley R., farmer
Aged 46, Born in Illinois, Died Ocotber of Typhoid Fever
Aged 1 month, Born in Iowa, Died May of Meningitis
Aged 7, Born in Iowa, Died April of Billious Fever
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Grant Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
McCORD, Sarah, housewife
Aged 59, Born in Virginia, Died September of Chronic Diarrhea
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Jefferson Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
JONES, William A.
Aged 7 months, Born in Iowa, Died January of Meningitis
CLAWSON, Mary H., housewife
Aged 24 years, Born in Pennsylvania, Died October of [illegible]
Persons who Died during the Year ending May 31st, 1880, in Liberty and Monroe Townships, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, E. R. RIGGS, Enumerator.
SMITH, Ann [?]
Aged 3 years, Born in Iowa, Died October of Catarrhl Fever
Attending Physician Dr. MERRILL
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died July of Catarrhl Fever, Infantiam
Attending Physician Dr. CORNSMITH
SMITH, Benjamin M., preacher
Aged 49 years, Born in Pennsylvania, Died December of Lung Fever
Attending Physician Dr. CAMP
BEAR, John, farmer
Aged 38 years, Born in Pennsylvania, Died August of Lung Fever
Attending Physician Dr. J. W. SLINKER
SMITH, John, minister
Aged 54, Died March of Pneumonia
Attending Physician Dr. J. W. SLINKER
BIERLY, Peter, farmer
Aged 82, Died September Apopexy
Attending Physician Dr. J. W. SLINKER
Aged 7 months, Died August of Spine Disease
Attending Physician Dr. J. W. SLINKER
DUFFORD, Mary, housewife
Aged 27, Died February of Puerporae [?] Fever
Attending Physician Dr. J. W. SLINKER
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Lincoln Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
LYNCH, Marrietta
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died August of Cholera Infantium
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1860, in Lotts Creek Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, John A. SHILLER, Ass't Marshal.
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died September of Disentary and Fever after 7 days illness
KELLER, Benjamin, farmer
Aged 64 years, Born in Virginia, Died May of Typhoid Fever after 3 months illness
POWELL, John, farmer
Aged 55 years, Born in North Carolina, Died May after falling on a log & wounded 2 days after injury
[illegible], youngest child [daughter]
Aged 1 month, Born in Iowa, Died June of Bold Hives after 5 days illness
JAMES, Ellen
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died September of Congestion and Chills after 10 days illness
MOSES, Stephen, farmer
Aged 65 years, Born in Virginia, Died September of Ptyfoid Fever after 3 weeks illness
TURNER, Elizabeth
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died April of Whooping Cough after 2 weeks illness
HUFFMAN, Gabriel, famer
Aged 42 years, Born in North Carolina, Died October of Pneumonia in Lungs after 3 weeks illness
CASMAN [?], Jane E., housewife
Aged 23 years, Born in Ohio, Died April of Severe Cold after 3 months illness
WEST, Manda Jane
Aged 5 years, Born in Iowa, Died August of Infirmation in Head after 5 days illness
BRAMON, George W.
Aged 5 months, Born in Iowa, Died May of Whooping Cough after 6 weeks illness
Aged 2 years, Born in Iowa, Died September of unknown causes after 1 year illness
Lotts Creek Township
DEVORES, Charles B.
Aged 2 years, Born in Ohio, Died in June of Croup after illness of 5 days
Aged 6 months, Born in Iowa, Died March of unknown causes after illness of 1 month
Aged 12 years, Born in Indiana, Died December instantly from a horse kick
Enumerator's note at bottom of page: Was inadvertantly killed instantly by the horse's being tied to him and running with him.
STRATON, Marshum, farm laborer
Aged 20 years, Born in Indiana, Died October of Pthforid Fever after illness of 3 weeks
DORYMAN [?], Rosamond
Aged 9 months, Born in Missouri, Died October of Congestive Colic after illness of 3 weeks
BERSHER, youngest child of Stu
Age 1 month, Born in Iowa, Died September of Red [illegible] after illness of 2 days
SHAW, David
Aged 4 months, Born in Iowa, Died June of unknown causes after illness of 3 days
PATRICK, Charles
Aged 5 months, Born in Iowa, Died September of unknown causes after illness of 1 day
PATRICK, Mahtola
Aged 5 moths, Born in Iowa, Died September unknown causes after illness of 6 days
Mount Ayr Township
DENNIS, youngest child
Age not given, Born in Iowa, Died January of unknown causes after illness of 1 day
Aged 8 months, Born in Iowa, Died December of unknown causes after illness of 3 months
SMITH, Wilder, carpenter
Aged 25 years, Born in Pennsylvani, Died August of Billious Typhoid after illness of 14 dyas
WALTON, Susan, housewife
Aged 27 years, Born in Indiana, Died September of Dyspepsia after illness of 6 weeks
BALL, Parthena
Aged 4 years, Born in Iowa, Died April of Ptyfoid [illegible] after illness of 10 days
RAINES, James, blacksmith
Aged 73 years, Born in Virginia, Died September of Nervous Fever after illness of 6 days
BALL, B. F., runs mill
Aged 25 years, Born in Indiana, Died June of Fever after illness of 2 weeks
Sand Creek Township (Silver Street P.O.)
NICHOLS, Isaiah, mail carrier
Aged 28 years, Born in Missouri, Died May of Tresipilius after illness of 12 days
Age not given, Born in Iowa, Died November of unknown causes after illness of 1 day
WALTERS, Wm., farmer
Aged 29 years, Born in Ohio, Died October of Consumption after illness of 8 weeks
Persons who Died during the Year ending May 31st, 1880, in Lotts Creek, Riley, Athens and Townships, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumeration District 202, Wm. H. BROWN, Enumerator.
PRAY, Charles, farmer
Aged 17 years, Born in Illinois; Both parents born in Vermont,
Resident of Iowa 5 years, Died march of Lung Fever, Attending Physician Dr. James HEMPHILL
TERREL, Mary [illegible]
Aged 8 hours old, Born in Iowa; Father born in Missouri/Mother
born in Iowa, Died May of Conditional weakness, Attended by midwife Glorinda HARVEY
Enumerator's note at bottom of page: Premature birth, Infant lived eight hours, Mother overworked,
delivered at seven months [gestation]
HASKIC, Mary, housewife
Aged 22 years, Born in Virginia, Resident of Iowa 6 years,
Died October of Lung Fever
Attending Physician Dr. D. W. THOMPSON
KIRKPATRICK, infant son
Aged 9 months, Born in Iowa, Died November of Weak Stomach
Attending Physician Dr. D. W. THOMPSON
WILSON, William, pauper
Aged 99 years, Born in Ohio, Resident of Iowa 15 years, Died September of Ague
Attending Physician Dr. D. W. THOMPSON
Enumerator's note at bottom of page: There are no relatives of the late Wm. WILSON in the district a present but it is the opinion of good citizens that he was nearly one hundred years old.
LANDON, Arthur
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Father born in New York/Mother born in Illinois,
Died of Cholera Infantrum
Attending Physician Dr. J. W. WHITE
Aged 3 months, Born in Iowa; Father born in Ohio/
Mother born in Ireland, Died February of Cold
Attending Physician Dr. D. W. THOMPSON
STEPHENS, Mary, housewife
Aged 74 years, Born in Tennessee, Resident of Iowa
22 years, Died of Dropsey
Attending Physician Dr. CAMBELL
MORRIS, Kate, pauper
Aged 24 years, Born in Illinois, Died July [illegible]
Attending Physician Dr. D. W. THOMPSON
TITISS [?], William E.
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa; Father born in Ohio/Mother
born in New York, Died August of Cholera Infantum
Attending Physician Dr. A. M. WILLEY
HAPES [?], Charles
Aged 3 or 8 months, Born in Iowa; Father born in Illinois/
Mother born in Ohio, Died September of Lung Fever
Aged 1 month, Born in Iowa; Father born in Iowa/Mother born in
Ohio, Died October of [illegible]
Attending Physician Dr. M. LAMB
HIGGINS, Asa [?]
Aged 11 months, Born in Iowa; Father born in Ohio/Mother born in
Missouri, Died October of Apoxia Infantum
Attending Physician Dr. MONROE
FULLER, [illegible] female
Aged 2 years, Born in Iowa; Father born in Ohio/Mother
born in Indiana, Died November of Typhoid Fever
Attending Physician Dr. M. CAMP
FILTRO, Wm., farmer
Aged 22, Born in Iowa; Father born in Ohio/Mother born in
Indiana, Died March of Pneumonia
WHITE, Sofa, housewife
Aged 46, Died December of Pneumonia
Attending Physician Dr.
Aged 8 years, Born in Iowa, Died January of Sore Throat
Attending Physician Dr. D. W. THOMPSON
MERRITT, William, farmer
Aged 74 years, Resident of Iowa 24 years, Died September
of Cancerous Mouth
CREEK [?], Sallie [?], housewife
Aged 20 years, Resident of Iowa 4 years,
Died July of Consumption
Attending Physician Dr. CAMBELL
BENCH, [illegible], male
Aged 8 months, Died August of Cholera Infantum
BENCH, P., female
Aged 1 year, Died July of Cholera Infantum
[illegible], Jacob
Aged 1 year, Died February of Croup
FILTRO [?], Bertha [?]
Aged 14 years, Born in Iowa; Both parents born in Ohio,
Died February of Consumption of Brain
Attending Physician Dr. L. O. THAYER
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Middle Fork Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
SLAUGHTER, Erumphium
Aged 16 years, Born in Indiana, Died November of Carditis
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Monroe Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
BABB, Hammond
Aged 7 months, Born in Iowa, Died March of Acute Bronchitis
Persons who Died during the Year ending May 31, 1880, in Rice Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, John HUTCHISON, Enumerator.
SCONEY, Omare, male
Aged 9 months, Born in Iowa; Father born in Illinois/Mother born in Tennessee,
Died November of Lung Fever
Attending Physician Dr. BAILEY
[illegible], Marget
Aged 22 years, Born in Iowa; Father born in Ohio/Mother born in Pennsylvania,
Died March of Consumption of Lungs
Attending Physician Dr. BAILEY
Aged 4 years, Born in Iowa; Father born in Pennsylvania/Mother born in Ohio, Died
January of Diptheria
Attending Physician Dr. BAILEY
HALL, Nina
Aged 9 months, Born in Iowa; Father born in North Carolina/Mother born in Indiana,
Died May of Typhus [?]
Attending Physician Dr. CAMBELL
DAYLEY, James F.
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa; Both parents born in Iowa, Died December of Croup
Attending Physician Dr. WHITE
BYERLY, Jacob, farmer
Aged 56 years, Born in Ohio, Died May of Disease of Heart
Attending Physician Dr. BAILEY
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Tingley Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, W. C. ANDREWS, Ass't Marshal.
Aged 8 months, Born in Iowa, Died September of Meningitis
Persons who Died during the Year ending May 31, 1880, in Union and Tingley Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, Abner GOODELL, Enumerator.
MILLER, Jesse M.
Aged 1 month, Born in Iowa; Both parents born in Iowa, Died July, a weak baby
Attending Physician none
BROWN, Charles C.
Aged 8 years, Born in Iowa; Both parents born in Ohio, Died July of Scarlet Fever
Attending Physician Dr. BISMONT of Hopeville
MOLAIR, Martha E., housekeeper
Aged 19 years; Born in Iowa, Died July of Consumption
Attending PhysicianDr. ROGERS of Westerville
Aged 2 years, Born in Iowa; Father born in New York/Mother born in Pennsylvania,
Died April of Catarrethal Fever
Attenting Physician none
MORRIS, Wesley F.
Aged 5 years, Born in Ohio; Both parents born in Ohio, Died October of Diptheria
Attending Physician Dr. St. JOHNS of Eugene
SMITH, Mordoni
Aged 73 years, Born in Ohio, Died March of Pneumonia
Attending Physician Dr. St. JOHNS of Eugene
McCLANAHAN, Ruffus R., farm laborer
Aged 25 years, Born in Iowa; Both parents born in Vermont, Died
August of Abcesses of Liver
Attending Physician Dr. NICHOLS of Eugene
Enumerator's note at bottom of page: Different Doctors were called to see Ruffus R. McCLANAHAN, he was afflicted with consumption & dropsey Before death, sick a long time, perhaps 6 or 8 months.
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1860, in Washington Township, in the
County of Ringgold, State of Iowa, enumerated by me, John A. MILLAN, Ass't Marshal.
GRIMES, C. K.'s youngest child, a son
Aged 1 month, Born in Iowa, Died April of Infirmation of
[illegible] after illness of 3 days
CARAOLD, Jno. B., farmer
Aged 52 years, Born unknown, Died April of [illegible] after
illness of 3 days
PARMER, Oliver D.
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died September of Typhoid Fever after illness of 3 weeks
Aged 61, Born in Ohio, Died July of [illegible- of 2 weeks
WATSON, Jas., pauper
Aged 60 years, Born in Delaware, Died instantly in January from burns
Aged 4 years, Born in Illinois, Died August of Ptypoid Fever after illness of 3 days
CASTEEL, Nancy, housewife
Aged 48 years, Born in Ohio, Died February of Dropsey in Head after
illness of 5 1/2 weeks
Aged 1 year, Born in Iowa, Died September of Bronchial Ague after illness of 6 days
PLETERIS, Samuel, farmer
Aged 60 years, Born in Ohio, Died September of Yellow Fever after illness of 5 days
Aged 5 months, Born in Iowa, Died March of Typhoid Fever after illness of 9 days
SOURCE: U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedues 1850-1880, Ringgold County, Iowa
Nonpopulation Census Schedules for Iowa, 1850-1880, T1156, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington D.C.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2008
