NOTE: Spellings have not been corrected and transcribed as best as can be deciphered.

~Middle Fork Township~
SCHEDULE 1. Free Inhabitants in Middlefork Tp. in the County of Ringgold, State of Iowa enumerated by me
on the 20 day of June 1860. John A. MILLER, Ass't Marshall. Post Office - Mount Ayr
Dwelling #126 HIGGINS, Allen, age 32, farmer, born in Illinois
Real Estate $1000, Personal Estate $350
HIGGINS, Louisa, age 38, born in Illinois, cannot read or write
HIGGINS, Mary J., age 9, born in Illinois, attending school
HIGGINS, Milly A., age 7, born in Illinois, attending school
HIGGINS, John A., age 6, born in Illinois, attending school
HIGGINS, Hanah, E., age 4, born in Iowa
HIGGINS, Martha A., age 2, born in Iowa
GINKINS, Abram, age 21, farm laborer, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
Dwelling #127 GRIFFITH, Jas. J., age 33, farmer, bornin New York
Real Estate $744, Personal Estate $350
GRIFFITH, Susan, age 29, born in Illinois, cannot read or write
GRIFFITH, Jehtro J., age 9, born in Illinois, attending school
GRIFFITH, Manither [?] J., daughter age 6, born in Illinois, attending school
GRIFFITH, Mary S., age 4, born in Iowa
Dwelling #128 MARSHAL, Thos D., age 47, farmer, born in Tennessee
Real Estate $805, Personal Estate $690
MARSHALL, Charity L, age 19, house keeping, born in Indiana, attended school
MARSHALL, Isaac, age 17, farm hand, born in Indiana, Real Estate $25
MARSHALL, Sallie, age 13, born in Indiana, attending school
MARSHALL, Mary L, age 12, born in Indiana, attending school
MARSHALL, Permelia J., age 10, born in Indiana, attending school
MARSHALL, Lewis, age 4, born in Indiana
Dwelling #129 TARDY, Alex, age 40, farmer, born in Virginia
Real Estate $3080, Personal Estate $525
TARDY, Caroline, age 34, born in Virginia
TARDY, Jane E., age 14, born in Virginia, attending school
TARDY, Oliver G., age 6 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #130 ALLEN, Martha, age 56, house keeping, born in North Carolina
Real Estate $960, Personal Estate $310, cannot read or write
ALLEN, S. T. L., age 26, farmer, born in North Carolina
Real Estate $1600, Personal Estate $265, cannot read or write
ALLEN, Sele E., daughter age 20, house work, born in North Carolina
ALLEN, Martha W., age 17, house work, born in North Carolina
Dwelling #131 WAUGH, Harvey, age 26, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $3648, Personal Estate $722
WAUGH, Nancy, age 26, born in Indiana, cannot read or write
WAUGH, Lewis B., age 5, born in Indiana
WAUGH, Milo W., age 4, born in Iowa
WAUGH, Sarah A., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #132 McPHETCHER, Jas. M., age 35, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $2037, Personal Estate $370, cannot read or write
McPHETCHER, Amanda F., age 24, born in Indiana
McPHETCHER, Ezra, age 5, born in Illinois
McPHETCHER, Martha J., age 3, born in Iowa
McPHETCHER, Walter C., age 1, born in Iowa
McPHETCHER, Esther, age 72, house work, born in Kentucky
Dwelling #133 MILLER, John A., age 31, farmer, born in Virginia
Real Estate $2240, Personal Estate $554
MILLER, Mary M., age 27, born in Virginia
MILLER, Sidney, W., age 8, born in Virginia, attending school
MILLER, Jas. L., age 3, born in Iowa
MILLER, Rebecka, age 1, born in Iowa
MILLER, Catharine, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #134 MILLER, Horatio L. or T., age 24, farmer, born in Virginia
Personal Estate $425
MILLER, Elizabeth, age 19, born in Virginia
SCHUTZ, Geo. W., age 28, farm laborer, born in Virginia
Dwelling #135 MILLER, Nathan, age 36, farmer, born in Virginia
Real Estate $1376, Personal Estate $546
MILLER, Sarah M., age 29, born in Virginia
MILLER, Margaret A, age 12, born in Virginia, attending school
MILLER, Martha A., age 11, born in Virginia, attending school
MILLER, Erskine W., age 9, born in Virginia, attending school
MILLER, Julias H., age 8, born in Virginia, attending school
MILLER, Virginia B., age 5, born in Virginia, attending School
MILLER, Jenneta M., age 3, born in Iowa
MILLER, Susan A., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #136 DRAKE, Levi, age 58, farmer, born in Virginia
Personal Estate $282
DRAKE, Catharine, age 49, born in Ohio
DRAKE, Eli, age 25, farm laborer, born in Ohio
DRAKE, Robert, age 23, farm laborer, born in Ohio
DRAKE, Nancy, age 21, house work, born in Ohio
DRAKE, Thomas, age 19, farm laborer, born in Ohio
DRAKE, William, age 14, born in Ohio, attending school
DRAKE, Amanda J., age 12, born in Ohio, attending school
DRAKE, Jesse, age 8, born in Iowa, attending school
Dwelling #137 COSSANT, Francis, age 55, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $1281, Personal Estate $347
COSSANT, Mary J., age 42, born in Ohio
COSSANT, James, age 16, born in Ohio, attending school
COSSANT, Geo. W., age 13, born in Indiana, attending school
COSSANT, Gemina, age 10, born in Indiana, attending school
COSSANT, Francis, age 5, born in [illegible], attending school
MILLINGER, A., age 74, graveling stranger, born in Pennsylvania
Dwelling #138 McGAUGHEY, John, age 36, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate #1000, Personal Estate $300
McGAUGHEY, Mary A., age 30, born in Indiana
McGAUGHEY, Thos. D., age 7, born in Missouri
McGAUGHEY, Samuel, age 4, born in Iowa
Dwelling #139 BEARD, Absalom, age 29, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $400, Personal Estate $280
BEARD, Isabel, age 19, born in Indiana
Dwelling #140 DENNIS, E. M., age 26, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $360, Personal Estate $142
DENNIS, Ruth A., age 24, born in Indiana
DENNIS, Geo. T., age 5, born in Indiana
DENNIS, Jno. A., age 3, born in Indiana
DENNIS, Isaac L., age 1, born in Iowa
RUSSEL, Elias W., age 20, farmer, born in Kentucky
RUSSEL, May Y., age 15, house work, born in Kentucky
Dwelling #141 MAUDLIN, Edmund, age 25, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $1470, Personal Estate $599
MAUDLIN, Eliza, age 26, born in Indiana
MAUDLIN, Albert N., age 1, born in Iowa
MAUDLIN, Nathan B., age 29, farmer, born in Indiana
Dwelling #142 BROWN, Willis, age 26, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $880, Personal Estate $321
BROWN, Margaret F., age 20, born in Illinois
BROWN, Miles C., age 2, born in Iowa
BROWN, Mary E., age 8 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #143 unoccupied
Dwelling #144 MAUDLIN, Jas. W., age 31, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $1281, Personal Estate $300
MAUDLIN, Hester, age 23, born in Indiana
MAUDLIN, William M., age 3, born in Iowa
MAUDLIN, July A., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #145 BROWN, Joel, age 29, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $1500, Personal Estate $200
BROWN, Avaline, age 30, born in Indiana
BROWN, William D., age 7, born in Indiana
BROWN, Isaac R., age 3, born in Iowa
BRWON, Clarissa J., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #146 BROWN, Dempsa [?], age 28, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $1596, Personal Estate $413
BROWN, Susanah, age 53, keeps house, born in Kentucky
BROWN, Malina, A., age 25, keeps house, born in Indiana
BROWN, Mary, age 19, keeps house, born in Indiana
BROWN, Isaac, age 14, born in Indian, attending school
BROWN, Jasper, age 10, born in Indiana, attending school
Dwelling #147 DENNIS, Jas. A., age 27, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $658, Personal Estate $190
DENNIS, Rachel, age 30, born in Indiana
DENNIS, Chas. W., age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #148 BURTEN, Amos, age 37, farmer, born in Nova Scotia
Real Estate $480, Personal Estate $155
BURTEN, Malinda, age 21, born in Canada West
BURTEN, Almira, age 4, born in Canada West
BURTEN, ALpheus, age 3, born in canada West
BURTEN, Alice, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #149 STUART, Jno. C., age 49, farmer born in Virginia
Real Estate $14780, Personal Estate $1080
STUART, Lucy, age 45, born [illegible]
STUART, James, age 18, born in Iowa
STUART, John, age 16, born in Iowa
STUART, Alex, age 13, born in Iowa, attending school
STUART, Rhena C., age 11, born in Iowa, attending school
STUART, Malvina, age 7, born in Iowa, attending school
STUART, Emma, age 5, born in Iowa, attending school
Dwelling #150 HUMPHREYS, C. H., age 37, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $1500, Personal Estate $400
HUMPHREYS, Emeline, age 31, born in Ohio
HUMPHREYS, Mary E., age 11, born in Illinois, attending school
HUMPHREYS, Manerva F., age 8, born in Illinois, attending school
HUMPHREYS, Charles B., age 6, born in Illinois, attending school
HUMPHREYS, Clarinda J., age 4, born in Iowa
HUMPHREYS, Jas. M., age 6 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #151 ARNETT, Henry, age 51, farmer, born in Virginia
Real Estate $3600, Personal Estate $622
ARNETT, Lucinda, age 45, born in Missouri
ARNETT, Virginia, age 11, born in Illinois, attending school
ARNETT, Geo. W., age 8, born in Illinois, attending school
ARNETT, Emma C., age 6, born in Illinois, attending school
ARNETT, Chas W., age 3, born in Iowa
Dwelling #152 unoccupied
Dwelling #153 ARNETT, William, age 57, farmer, born in Virginia
Real Estate $1500, Personal Estate $478
ARNETT, Margaret, age 42, born in Pennsylvania
ARNETT, William C., age 17, born in Indiana, attending school
ARNETT, Manda A. C., age 10, born in Indiana, attending school
Dwelling #154 KIRKER, Thos., age 32, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $2240, Personal Estate $250
KIRKER, Jane, age 34, born in Ohio
KIRKER, Amanda, age 6, born in Indiana
Dwelling #155 PORTER, William, age 46, farmer, born in Kentucky
Personal Estate $200
PORTER, Elizabeth, age 42, born in Kentucky
PORTER, Mary, age 15, house work, born in Illinois
PORTER, Isaac, age 20, farm hand, born in Illinois
PORTER, Malinda, age 13, born in Iowa, attending school
PORTER, John, age 12, born in Iowa, attending school
PORTER, Ellen, age 8, born in Iowa, attending school
PORTER, William, age 4, born in Iowa
Dwelling #156 TRULINGER, Nelson S., age 30, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $640, Personal Estate $268
TRULLINGER, Margaret, age 28, born in Indiana
TRULLINGER, Henry, age 6, born in Iowa
TRULLINGER, Mary, age 5, born in Iowa
TRULLINGER, Aaron, age 2, born in Iowa
TRULLINGER, Charlotte, age 2 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #157 PHIPPS, A. B., age 37, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $125, Personal Estate $500
PHIPPS, Mary E., age 23, born in Indiana
PHIPPS, Jas. L., age 2, born in Iowa
PHIPPS, Andrew J., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #158 HOWES, T. F., age 40, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $1000, Personal Estate $500
HOWES, Charlotte, age 29, born in Indiana
HOWES, Aletha, c., age 8, born in Indiana
HOWES, Sarah A., age 6, born in Indiana
HOWES, Mary L., age 1 month, born in Iowa
BROOKS, Sarah, age 66, house work, born in Ohio, cannot read or write
Dwelling #159 RODGERS, Alex, age 30, farmer, born in Ohio
Personal Esate $70
RODGERS, Sarah, age 17, born in Indiana
Dwelling #160 FIELD, John, age 56, farmer, born in Ohio
Personal Estate $70, cannot read or write
FIELD, Jas. age 24,farm laborer, born in Ohio
FIELD, Henry, age 17, farm laborer, born in Ohio
FIELD, martin,a ge 14, born in Ohio
FIELD, Eliza A., age 12, born in Iowa
FIELD, Jas. J., age 10, born in Ohio
Dwelling #161 SIMPSON, Chas., age 36, farmer, born in Maine
Real Estate $1040, Personal Estate $100
SIMPSON, Lucinda, age 24, born in Indiana
SIMPSON, Francis M., age 14, born in Indiana
SIMPSON, Henry C., age 8, born in Indiana
SIMPSON, Martha J., age 6, born in Indiana
SIMPSON, Hiram L., age 2, born in Indiana
SIMPSON, Mahala A., age 1 month, born in Iowa
Dwelling #162 HEBZER, Peter F., age 31, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $600, Personal Esate $286
HEBZER, Catharine, age 24, born in Ohio
HEBZER, Cerilda, age 4, born in Iowa
Dwelling #163 unoccupied
Dwelling #164 McCULLOUGH, A., age 27, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $850, Personal Estate $289
McCULLOUGH, Lucinda, age 22, born in Iowa
McCULLOUGH, William A., age 3, born in Iowa
McCULLOUGH, John, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #165 unoccupied

SOURCE: 1860 United States Federal Census, Ringgold County, Iowa
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2008
