NOTE: Spellings have not been corrected and transcribed as best as can be deciphered.

~Lotts Creek Township~
SCHEDULE 1. Free Inhabitants in Lotts Creek Tp. in the County of Ringgold, State of Iowa enumerated by me
on the 25 day of June 1860. John A. MILLER, Ass't Marshall. Post Office - Caledonia
Dwelling #166 DEVERE, William E., age 39, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $1200, Personal Estate $475
DEVER, Mary, age 34, born in Ohio
DEVER, Joseph D., age 15, farm laborer, born in Ohio
DEVER, John F., age 12, born in Ohio, attending school
DEVER Diantha M, age 9, born in Ohio, attending school
DEVER, William H., age 6, born in Ohio, attending school
DEVER, Geo., E., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #167 TAYLOR, Jno., age 31, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $580, Personal Estate $291
TAYLOR, Alpha M., age 26, born in Ohio
TAYLOR, Martin L, age 8, born in Iowa, attending school
TAYLOR, Tabitha A., age 5, born in Iowa
TAYLOR, John W., age 3, born in Iowa
Dwelling #168 HUGHES, Thos., age 35, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $2000, Personal Estate $2000
HUGHES, Jane, age 32, born in Indiana
HUGHES, Hanah, age 7, born in Iowa, attending school
HUGHES, Francis, age 5, born in Iowa, attending school
HUGHES, George, age 3, born in Iowa
HUGHES, Sarah , age 1, born in Iowa
BYERS, John, age 14, born in Ohio, attending school
HUGHES, Geo., age 28, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Dwelling #169 THOMPSON, Jesse, age 49, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $2000, Personal Estate $624
THOMPSON, Jane, age 49, born in Kentucky
THOMPSON, Jemima K., age 21, house work, born in Indiana
THOMPSON, John T., age 18, farm hand, born in Indiana
THOMPSON, David W., age 16, born in Indiana, attending school
THOMPSON, Jesse H., age 14, born in Indiana attending school
THOMPSON, Lethard J., age 12, born in Indiana, attending school
THOMPSON, Jas. M., age 8, born in Indiana, attending school
THOMPSON, Catharine, age 24, house work, born in Ohio
THOMPSON, William H., age 5, born in Iowa
THOMPSON, John S., age 3, born in Iowa
Dwelling #170 PITMAN, Geo. W., age 20, farmer, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $50
PITMAN, Margaret A., age 24, born in Ohio
PITMAN, Mary E., age 10 months, born in Indiana
WILSON, Elizabeth, age 77, house work, born in Maryland
Dwelling #171 COHOL, EDWARD, age 25, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Personal Estate $200
COHOL, Catherine, age 25, born in Indiana, cannot read or write
COHOL, Richard, age 7, born in Indiana, attending school
COHOL, Hulda, age 5, born in Indiana, attending school
COHOL, Phebe, age 3, born in Indiana
COHOL, Benjamin, age 1, born in Indiana
Dwelling #172 PITMAN, Richard, age 47, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $873, Personal Estate $800
PITMAN, Hulda, age 47, born in Ohio, cannot read or write
PITMAN, Thomas, age 16, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
PITMAN, Camfert [sp?], daughter age 17, house work, born in Indiana
PITMAN, William, age 8, born in Indiana, attending school
PTIMAN, Nancy, age 8, born in Indiana, attending school
Dwelling #173 GERE [?], Sanford, age 30, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $900, Personal Estate $180
GERE [?], Elizabeth A., age 27, born in Indiana, cannot read or write
GERE [?], Mary H., age 7, born in Illinois
GERE [?], Owen F., age 3, born in Iowa
GERE [?], Isaac W., age 9 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #174 STEPHENS, Henry, age 36, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $800, Personal Estate $404
STEPHENS, Margaret, age 24, born in Ohio, cannot read or write
STEPHENS, Lavina J., age 7, born in Ohio
STEPHENS, George W., age 6, born in Ohio
STEPHENS, Mary A., age 4, born in Iowa
STEPHENS, Simon P. age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #175 BARBER, Andrew, age 78, farmer, born in Maryland [?]
Real Estate $934, Personal Estate $218
BARBER, Christina, age 49, born in Sweden
KUNDBLADE, Samuel, age 12, born in New York
KUNDBLADE, Charles, age 7, born in Connecticut
KUNDBLADE, Gustavus, age 18, farm laborer, born in Sweden
Dwelling #176 ISENEW [?], H. J., age 25, farmer, born in Illinois
Real Estate $320, Personal Estate $80, cannot read or write
ISENEW [?], Harriet, age 22, born in Indiana
ISENEW [?], Joseph A. or O., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #177 CUMMINS, Cno, age 40, operates steam mill, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $2500, Personal Estate $400
CUMMINS, Susan, age 37, born in Indiana, cannot read or write
CUMMINS, Elizabeth, age 19, school teaching, born in Indiana
CUMMINS, Samuel, age 16, milling, born in Indiana, attended school
CUMMINS, Sarah W., age 14, born in Indiana, attending school
CUMMINS, Margaret E., age 12, born in Indiana, attending school
CUMMINS, Emeline, age 10, born in Indiana, attending school
CUMMINS, Angeline, age 10, born in Indiana, attending school
CUMMINS, John W., age 8, born in Iowa, attending school
CUMMINS, Daniel A. or H., age 3, born in Iowa
CUMMINS, Bertha S., age 1 month, born in Iowa
Dwelling #178 WOODS, Joseph, age 54, plasterer, born in England
Real Estate $820, Personal Estate $375
WOODS, Ann, age 57, born in England, cannot read or write
Dwelling #179 PEELER, Russel, age 27, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $2782, Personal Estate $118
PEELER, Louisa J., age 25, born in Ohio
PEELER, Milton W., age 4, born in Ohio
Dwelling #180 JOHNSTON, J. W., age 25, farmer, born in Virginia
Real Estate $1500, Personal Estate $185
JOHNSTON, Margaret A., age 24, born in Indiana
JOHNSTON, Lucretia J., age 5, born in Indiana
JOHNSTON, Emily L., age 3, born in Indiana
JOHNSTON, Geo. W., age 1, born in Indiana
JOHNSTON, Aaron, age 24, working on mill, born in Indiana
Dwelling #181 JOHNSTON, Robert, age 40, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $900, Personal Estate $175
JOHNSTON, Mariah, age 30, born in Virginia [Note: Neither Robert or Mariah can read or write.]
JOHNSTON, Washington, age 9, born in Iowa
JOHNSTON, Nancy J., age 7, born in Iowa
JOHNSTON, Emily F., age 4, born in Iowa
JOHNSTON, Benjamin F., age 3, born in Iowa
JOHNSTON, Joseph W., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #182 MARTIN, William,a ge 23, farm laborer, bornin Indiana
MARTIN, Meryweather, age 57, farmer, born in Georgia
Real Estate $640, Personal Estate $214 [Note: Neither William or Merriweather can read or write.]
MARTIN, Elizabeth, age 45, born in Kentucky
MARTIN, Catharine, age 17, house work, born in Indiana, attended school
MARTIN, Elizabeth, age 15, born in Indiana, attending school
MARTIN, Chas. W., age 14, born in Indiana, attending school
MARTIN, Jas. M., age 12, born in Indiana, attending school
Dwelling #183 STUCK, Johnathan, age 32, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $1000, Personal Estate $259
STUCK, Mary B., age 23, born in Indiana, cannot read or write
STUCK, Wm. F., age 7, born in Ohio
STUCK, Johnathan H., age 5, born in Ohio
STUCK, Elizabeth J., age 2, born in Iowa
STUCK, Mary A., age 9 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #184 SCHOOLER, C. H., age 53, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $2120, Personal Estate $1000
SCHOOLER, Mahitable, age 41, born in Ohio
SCHOOLER, Marivah [?], son age 13, born in Indiana, attending school
SCHOOLER, Chas. L., age 11, born in Indiana, attending school
SCHOOLER, Benjamin H., age 7, born in Indiana, attending school
SCHOOLER, John E., age 5, born in Missouri
SCHOOLER, Clarissa, age 25, house work, born in Ohio
Dwelling #185 WALTERS, Abraham, age 53, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $2000, Personal Estate $825
WALTERS, Martha, age 45, house keeper, born in Pennsylvania, cannot read or write
WALTERS, Sarah, age 20, born in Ohio
WALTERS, Peter, age 18, farm laborer, born in Ohio, attended school
WALTERS, Lucy A., age 16, house work, born in Ohio, attending school
WALTERS, John, age 15, farm hand, born in Ohio, attending school
WALTERS, Catharine, age 12, bonr in Ohio, attending school
WALTERS, Susan, age 8, born in Ohio, attending school
Dwelling #186 WALTERS, Andrew, age 27, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $600, Personal Estate $175
WALTERS, Lucinda, age 22, born in Kentucky, cannot read or write
WALTERS, Samuel, age 2, born in Iowa
WALTERS, Marth J. or Y., age 5 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #187 JOHNSON, William A., age 25, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $120, Personal Estate $148
JOHNSON, Elizabeth, age 22, born in Ohio, cannot read or write
JOHNSON, Mahala A., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #188 JOHNSON, Jas. R., age 49, farmer, born in North Carolina
Real Estate $40, Personal Estate $342
JOHNSON, Juriah, age 47, born in Kentucky [Note: Neither James nor Juriah can read or write.]
JOHNSON, Margaret, age 17, house work, born in Indiana, attended school
JOHNSON, Alexander, age 14, born in Indiana, attending school
JOHNSON, John L., age 5, born in Iowa
Dwelling #189 SUMMERS, John, age 37, farmer, born in Virginia
Real Estate $694, Personal Estate $689
SUMMERS, Eliza, age 27, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
SUMMERS, Jas. M., age 6, born in Iowa
SUMMERS, John S., age 2, born in Iowa
SUMMERS, William H., age 9 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #190 unoccupied
Dwelling #191 unoccupied
Dwelling #192 STUCK, Edward, age 32, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $900, Personal Estate $270
STUCK, Catharine, age 31, born in Ohio
STUCK, Johnathan, age 7, born in Ohio
Dwelling #193 SOLES, E. L., age 57, carpenter, born in Rhode Island
Real Estate $1500, Personal Estate $600
SOLES, Elizabeth, age 50, born in New Jersey, cannot read or write
SOLES, Cinderilla, age 16, house work, born in Indiana
SOLES, Ferdinand B., age 15, born in Indiana
SOLES, Joseph W. S., age 12, born in Indiana
SOLES, Isaac R., age 10, born in Indiana
Dwelling #194 HULSE, Joseph, age 49, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $800, Personal Estate $393
HULSE, Atie [?], age 45, born in Ohio
HULSE, Amanda, age 17, house work, born in Illinois
HULSE, Marquis L. or T., age 15, farm laborer, born in Illinois, attended school
HULSE, Perry S., age 12, born in Illinois, attending school
HULSE, Joseph A., age 10, born in Illinois, attending school
HULSE, Sanford E., age 8, born in Illinois, attending school
HULSE, Myron W., age 3, born in Iowa
Dwelling #195 HULSE, Henry A., age 24, farmer, born in Ohio
Personal Estate $150
HULSE, Caroline, age 21, born in Ohio
HULSE, Joseph B., age 1, born in Iowa
HULSE, E. L. Rul, age 35, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $1000, Personal Estate $300
HULSE, Hanah, age 33, born in Indiana
HULSE, Isaac, age 12, born in Indiana
HULSE, Aerial [?], age 9, born in Indiana
HULSE, Dennis, age 4, born in Iowa
HULSE, Darius, age 4, born in Iowa
Dwelling #196 WILEY, Samuel, age 45, farmer, born in North Carolina
WILEY, Nancy S., age 42, born in Ohio
WILEY, Benjamin A., age 14, born in Iowa, attending school
WILEY, Abner L. or T., age 11, born in Iowa, attending school
WILEY, Zemura [?], age 8, born in Iowa, attending school
WILEY, Mariah, age 6, born in Iowa, attending school
WILEY, Josiah, age 6, born in Iowa, attending school
WILEY, S. H., son age 4, born in Iowa
Dwelling #197 WILEY, Alex, age 30, farmer, born in North Carolina
Real Estate $3000, Personal Estate $1025
WILEY, Elizabeth J., age 28, born in Virginia
WILEY, Oscar, age 3, born in Iowa
WILEY, Dora, age 5 months, born in Iowa
WILEY, Abner, age 70, farmer, born in North Carolina
STUART, Mary, age 20, House work, born in Tennessee, cannot read or write
Dwelling #198 unoccupied
Dwelling #199 STRATON, Joseph A., age 49, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $1500, Personal Estate $200
STRATON, Elizabeth A., age 50, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
STRATON, Ruth Y., age 19, house work, born in Indiana, attended school
STRATON, Levi, age 17, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
STRATON, Margaret, age 15, house work, born in Indiana, attended school
STRATON, Robert, age 13, born in Indiana, attending school
STRATON, Benjamin, age 11, born in Indiana, attending school
STRATON, John, age 9, born in Indiana, attending school
STRATON, Mary E., age 8, born in Indiana, attending school
STRATON, Alfred V., age 7, born in Indiana, attending school
DRENIN [?], Joseph C. or O., age 19, farm laborer, born in Illinois, attended school
DRENIN [?], Nancy L, age 16, house work, born in Illinois, attended school
DRENIN [?], James W., age 13, born in Illinois, attending school
DRENIN [?], Lewis, age 8, born in Illinois, attending school
DRENIN [?], William L. or T., age 21, farmer, born in Illinois
DRENIN [?], John E., age 18, farmer, born in Illinois
Dwelling #200 HAGANS, M. G., age 22, farmer, born in Illinois
Personal Estate $370
HAGANS, Louisa, age 22, born in Illinois
HAGANS, Amanda, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #201 HAGANS, Jasper, age 24, farmer, born in Illinois
Personal Estate $185
HAGANS, Sarah J., age 20, born in Ohio
HAGANS, Jas. A., age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #202 GOLDEN, G. B., age 37, farmer, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $285
GOLDEN, Mary A., age 27, born in Indiana
GOLDEN, John A., age 12, born in Indiana, attending school
GOLDEN, Amanda J., age 6, born in Indiana, attending school
GOLDEN, Eldon, age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #203 PUTOFF, George, age 24, farmer, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $200
PUTOFF, Nancy, age 25, born in Indiana [Note: Neither George or Nancy could read or write.]
PUTOFF, Samuel, age 4, born in Indiana
PUTOFF, Mary E., age 2, born in Indiana
Dwelling #204 CASEY, Jacob, age 43, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $1100, Personal Estate $525
CASEY, Mary B., age 37, born in Tennessee
CASEY, R. J., son age 17, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
CASEY, Sarah J., age 15, house work, born in Indiana, attended school
CASEY, Peter M., age 12, born in Indiana, attending school
CASEY, Mariah, age 10, born in Arkansas, attending school
CASEY, William age 6, born in Iowa, attending school
CASEY, Mary A., age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #205 LAMB, David, age 23, mercantile business, born in Ohio
Real Estate $700, Personal Estate $500
LAMB, Nathan, age 21, mercantile business, born in Ohio
STEPHENS, William L., age 23, mercantile business, born in Ohio
Dwelling #206 HACKER, Chas., age 27, carpenter, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $50
HACKER, Mary E., age 15, born in Indiana
GIBSON, L. W., age 20, carpenter, born in Indiana
Dwelling #207 HARSHMAN, Isaac, age 58, shoe maker, born in Virginia
Real Estate $70, Personal Estate $123
HARSHMAN, Mary, age 46, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
HARSHMAN, William J., age 17, farm laborer, born in Indiana
HARSHMAN, Tempa E., age 14, born in Indiana, attending school
HARSHMAN, Joseph L., age 9, born in Indiana, attending school
Dwelling #208 PERRYMAN, Stephen H., age 27, physician, born in Tennessee
Personal Estate $100
PERRYMAN, Rachel, age 17, born in Missouri
Dwelling #209 BEMER, John, age 35, shoe maker, born in Ohio
Real Estate $250, Personal Estate $70
BEMER, Nancy, age 26, born in Ohio
BEMER, Nancy J. or Y., age 8, born in Indiana, attending school
BEMER, Angeline, age 7, born in Indiana, attending school
BEMER, Malina, age 5, born in Indiana, attending school
BEMER, Clark, age 3, born in Iowa
BEMER, Hanah, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #210 HACKER, Samuel, age 32, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $545, Personal Estate $575
HACKER, Catharine, age 28, born in Indiana [Note: Neither Samuel or Catharine could read or write.]
HACKER, Daniel, age 8, born in Indiana
HACKER, John, age 6, born in Indiana
HACKER, Nineva [?], son age 4, born in Iowa
HACKER, Mary A., age 2, born in Missouri
Dwelling #211 WILLIAMS, A. J., age 26, farmer, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $25
WILLIAMS, Helena, age 18, born in Indiana
WILLIAMS, Agnes, age 16, born in Indiana
Dwelling #212 HARROW, J. D., age 28, merchant, born in Kentucky
Personal Estate $1250
HARROW, Sarah E., age 25, born in Ohio
HARROW, Sidney S., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #213 HARROW, John N., age 42, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $1550, Personal Estate $220
HARROW, Sarah, age 34, born in Kentucky
HARROW, Jas. M., age 16, farm hand, born in Iowa, attended school
HARROW, Nancy J., age 7, born born in Iowa, attending school
HARROW, Samuel, age 5, born in Iowa, attending school
HARROW, William, age 4, born in Iowa
HARROW, Lucinda, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #214 unoccupied
Dwelling #215 GRIMES, P. A., age 37, physician, born in Ohio
Real Estate $1280, Personal Estate $300
GRIMES, Caroline, age 27, born in Ohio
GRIMES, Sarah J. or Y., age 8, born in Ohio, attending school
GRIMES, William W., age 7, born in Ohio, attending school
GRIMES, Jas. E., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #216 WILSON, William, age 71, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Personal Estate $140
WILSON, Jane, age 68, born in Kentucky, cannot read or write
Dwelling #217 WILSON, Thomas, age 38, farmer, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $103
WILSON, Mary E., age 28, born in Ohio [Note: Neither Thomas nor Mary could read or write.]
WILSON, Hester J., age 9, born in Illinois, attending school
WILSON, Sarah E., age 7, born in Illinois, attending school
WILSON, William E. age 4, born in Iowa
WILSON, Mary J. or Y., age 2, born in Missouri
Dwelling #218 JOHNSON, Abraham, age 41, farmer, born in Kentucy
Real Estate $1025, Personal Estate $200
JOHNSON, Lucinda, age 41, born in Indiana [Note: Neither Abraham nor Lucinda could read or write.]
JOHNSON, Mary J, age 18, born in Indiana
JOHNSON, Kily A., daughter age 17, born in Indiana
JOHNSON, James, age 16, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
JOHNSON, Jno., H., age 13, born in Indiana, attending school
JOHNSON, Sarah age 10, born in Illinois, attending school
JOHNSON, Jappa S., son age 6, born in Illinois, attending school
JOHNSON, Martha A., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #219 TAYLOR, James, age 53, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $800, Personal Estate $395
TAYLOR, Nancy, S., age 57, born in North Carolina, cannot read or write
TAYLOR, Levi J., age 20, farm hand, born in Ohio
TAYLOR, Isaac, age 17, farm hand, born in Indiana
Dwelling #220 BARBER, W. M., age 32, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $640, Personal Estate $172
BARBER, Mariah, age 30, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
BARBER, Oral, age 9, born in Iowa, attending school
BARBER, Elam E., age 8, born in Iowa, attending school
BARBER, Malicy, J., daughter age 5, born in Iowa, attending school
BARBER, Phebe, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #221 unoccupied
Dwelling #222 BARBER, Stu, age 31, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $300, Personal Estate $150
BARBER, Elizabeth, age 22, born in Ohio
BARBER, Mary J., age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #223 RUBY, William, age 25, farmer, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $90
RUBY, Rhoda, age 24, born in Indiana [Note: Neither William nor Rhoda could read or write.]
RUBY, Elizabeth J., age 5, born in Indiana
RUBY, Sampson, age 3, born in Missouri
RUBY, William, age 1, born in Missouri
Dwelling #224 MOFFAT, Peter, age 37, farmer, born in Nova Scotia
Real Estate $250, Personal Estate $170
MOFFAT, Eliza, age 29, born in Nova Scotia
MOFFAT, FATINA, age 7, born in Nova Scotia, attending school
MOFFAT, Mary, age 6, born in Nova Scotia, attending school
Dwelling #225 WALTERS, Geo., age 25, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $500, Personal Estate $172
WALTERS, Lucinda, age 24, born in Indiana
WALTERS, Fatina, age 5 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #226 ASHFORD, John A., age 45, day laborer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $100, Personal Estate $50
ASHFORD, Hanah, age 44, born in Virginia [?]
ASHFORD, George, age 11, born in Ohio, attending school
ASHFORD, Sarah E., age 9, born in Indiana, attending school
ASHFORD, Hanah, age 6, born in Indiana, attending school
ASHFORD, William, age 3, born in Indiana
Dwelling #227 DUTTON, Samuel, age 37, carpenter, born in Indian
Real Estate $250, Personal Estate $50
DUTTON, Sarah, age 27, born in Indiana
DUTTON, Alice, age 7, born in Indiana, attending school
DUTTON, David, age 5, born in Missouri, attending school
DUTTON, Mary, age 2, born in Missouri
DUTTON, Daniel, age 8 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #228 WALTERS, J. or Z. G., age 33, carpenter, born in Ohio
Personal Estate $275
WALTERS, Susan, age 29, born in Ohio, cannot read or write
WALTERS, Harriet, age 12, born in Ohio, attending school
WALTERS, Mary E., age 8, born in Ohio, attending school
WALTERS, Catharine A., age 8 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #229 CORNELISON, Marsh, age 31, blacksmith, born in Ohio
Personal Estate $100, cannot read or write
CORNELISON, Lydia M., age 25, born in Ohio
CORNELISON, Jas. D., age 6, born in Indiana, attending school
CORNELISON, Hanah, E., age 3, born in Indiana
Dwelling #230 CAMPBELL, Wm. M., age 48, carriage maker, born in Nova Scotia
Real Estate $300, Personal Estate $200
CAMPBELL, Ann L., age 26, born in Nova Scotia
CAMPBELL, Jas. W., age 16, student at academy, born in [illegible]
CAMPBELL, Thomas, age 14, born in [illegible], attending school
CAMPBELL, Sally A., age 13, born in [illegible], attending school
CAMPBELL, Mary F., age 11, born in [illegible], attending school
CAMPBELL, William C., age 10, born in [illegible], attending school
CAMPBELL, Maston [?], age 8, born in [illegible], attending school
CAMPBELL, Eliza, age 9 months, born in [illegible]
Dwelling #231 NEEDLE, David D., age 61, cabinet maker, born in Tennessee
Real Estate $250, Personal Estate $400
NEEDLE, mary, age 55, born in Tennessee
NEEDLE, Jasper, age 23, blacksmith, born in Indiana
NEEDLE, Thomas O., age 15, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
SULIVAN, David, age 15, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
SULIVAN, Martha, age 13, born in Indiana, attending school
SMITH, John, age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #232 NEEDLE, William, age 35, balcksmith, born in Indiana
Real Estate $200, Personal Estate $60
NEEDLE, Polly, age 34, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
NEEDLE, Mariah, age 15, house work, born in Indiana
NEEDLE, Jas. age 10, born in Indiana
NEEDLE, Elizabeth, age 7, born in Indiana, attending school
NEEDLE, David D., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #233 LOOK, Thos. D., age 35, farmer, born in Illinois
Personal Estate $100
LOOK, Annie, age 28, bron in England
LOOK, Alice L., age 7, born in Illinois
LOOK, Charles W., age 6, born in Illinois
LOOK, Annie M., age 4, born in Illinois
LOOK, Thos. H., age 2, born in Iowa
LOOK, Francis W., age 7 months, born in Iowa
LOOK, May F., age 7 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #234 WALTERS, Abraham F., age 24, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $600, Personal Estate $100
WALTERS, Nancy, age 20, born in Indiana
Dwelling #235 unoccupied
Dwelling #236 unoccupied
Dwelling #237 unoccupied
Dwelling #238 GRAVES, Joseph M., age 28, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $200, Personal Estate $397
GRAVES, Eliza, age 32, born in Ohio, cannot read or write
GRAVES, William M., age 10, born in Illinois, attending school
GRAVES, Chas. A., age 8, born in Illinois, attending school
GRAVES, Mary J., age 6, born in Missouri
GRAVES, John C., age 4, born in Iowa
GRAVES, Martha E., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #239 LANTZ, Samuel, age 31, carpenter, born in Pennsylvania
Personal Estate $140
LANTZ, Delia, age 27, born in Ohio
LANTZ, William H., age 11, born in Ohio, attending school
LANTZ, Richard M., age 8, born in Ohio, attending school
LANTZ, Francis T., age 6, born in Ohio, attending school
LANTZ, Stella A., age 4, born in Ohio
Dwelling #240 WILSON, Levan, age 35, farmer, born unknown
Personal Estate $250, cannoth read or write
WILSON, Jane, W., age 26, born in Indiana
Dwelling #241 PUTOFF, Garret, age 51, farmer, born in Indiana
Real Estate $1860, Personal Estate $380
PUTOFF, Seintra, age 29, born in Indiana, cannot read or write
PUTOFF, Sarah E., age 9, born in Indiana, attending school
PUTOFF, Nancy J, age 6, born in Indiana, attending school
PUTOFF, Moses, age 3, born in Iowa
PUTOFF, William W., age 2, born in Iowa
PUTTOFF, Martha A. or E., age 1 month, born in Iowa
Dwelling #242 STEPHENS, Martin, age 65, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $200, Personal Estate $815
STEPHENS, Mary, age 57, born in Pennsylvania [Note: Neither Martin nor Mary can read or write.]
STEPHENS, Joseph, age 31, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
STEPHENS, John, age 27, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
STEPHENS, Abraham, age 21, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
STEPHENS, Redere, age 18, farmer, born in Pennsylvania, attended school
Dwelling #243 WALTERS, John, age 62, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $1000, Personal Estate $500
WALTERS, Elizabeth, age 24, born in Ohio
WALTERS, Annie, age 22, house work, born in Ohio
WALTERS, Christian, age 19, farm work, born in Ohio, attended school
SWAGGART, Isaac, age 30, farmer, born in Ohio
SWAGGART, Francis, wife age 29, born in Ohio
SWAGGART, Samuel, age 8, born in Ohio, attending school
SWAGGART, Peter, age 6, born in Ohio, attending school
SWAGGART, Catharine A., age 5, born in Iowa
SWAGGART, John T., age 4, born in Iowa
SWAGGART, Annie E., age 2, born in K.T. [?]
Dwelling #244 WALTERS, George, age 43, farmer, born in Pennsylvania
Real Estate $2720, Personal Estate $356
WALTERS, Catharine, age 39, born in Maryland, cannot read or write
WALTERS, Jeremiah, age 16, born in Ohio, attending school
WALTERS, Gerry H., son age 8, born in Ohio, attending school
WALTERS, Francis, daughter age 5, born in Ohio, attending school
Dwelling #245 WALTERS, Henry, age 27, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $400, Personal Estate $60
WALTERS, Sarah J. age 19, born in Kentucky
Dwelling #246 unoccupied
Dwelling #247 ANDREWS, Peter, age 40, farmer, born in Nova Scotia
Real Estate $630, Personal Estate $163
ANDREWS, Annie W., age 16, born in Nova Scotia, attending school
ANDREWS, Henry C., age 14, born in Nova Scotia, attending school
ANDREWS, Elizbeth, age 12, born in Nova Scotia, attending school
Dwelling #248 BROOKS, Lewis, age 29, farmer, born in Indiana
Personal Estate $250
BROOKS, Ann, age 30, born in Indiana
BROOKS, Ellen, age 7, born in Indiana
BROOKS, William, age 4, born in Missouri
BROOKS, Thomas, age 2, born in Missouri
Dwelling #249 SHAKER, Jas. W., age 27, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $1680, Personal Estate $514
SHAKER, Elizabeth J., age 24, born in Indiana
SHAKER, Euphia, S., daughter age 1, born in Iowa
STRICKLAIN, Joseph, age 54, farmer, born in Virginia
GLINES, F. P., age 5, born in Missouri, attending school
RICKABAUGH, Ruben, age 16, farm laborer, born in Ohio, attended school
STRICKLAIN, Levi, age 17, farm laborer, born in Illinois
Dwelling #250 BLADES, J. F., age 42, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $1600, Personal Estate $570
BLADES, Rosan, age 40, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
BLADES, John, age 17, farm laborer, born in Ohio, attended school
BLADES, Geo., age 13, born in Ohio, attending school
BLADES, Mary E., age 12, born in Ohio, attending school
BLADES, Albert, age 11, born in Ohio, attending school
BLADES, Manerva, age 9, born in Ohio, attending school
BLADES, Cleicy, daugher age 6, born in Iowa
BLADES, Joan, age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #251 JOHNSON, Adam, age 33, farmer, born in Kentucky
Real Estate $400, Personal Estate $70
JOHNSON, Lucy A., age 18, born in Ohio
JOHNSON, William A., age 9, born in Iowa, attending school
JOHNSON, Charles F., age 6, born in Iowa
JOHNSON, Anna E., age 4, born in Iowa
JOHNSON, John R., age 2, born in Iowa
Dwelling #252 SHERM, S. D., age 44, farmer, born in Ohio
Personal Estate $375
SHERM, Sarah, age 30, born in Illinois
SHERM, Howard, age 18, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
SHERM, Knoles, son age 17, farm laborer, born in Indiana, attended school
SHERM, Amy, age 15, house work, born in Indiana, attended school
SHERM, Sarepta, age 12, born in Illinois, attending school
SHERM, John, age 11, born in Illinois, attending school
SHERM, James, age 9, born in Illinois, attending school
SHERM, Solomon, age 7, born in Illinois, attending school
SHERM, Anathea, age 5, born in Illinois, attending school
SHERM, Susana, age 3, born in Iowa
Dwelling #253 MERRIT, Jackson, age 26, farmer, born in Ohio
Real Estate $500, Personal Estate $250
MERRITT, Matilda, age 19, born in Illinois, cannot read or write
MERRIT, John F., age 1, born in Iowa
Dwelling #254 SKINNER, Issac, age 36, farmer, born in Virgiania
Real Estate $1200, Personal Estate $120
SKINNER, Mary, age 29, born in Ohio
SKINNER, William H., age 7, born in Ohio
SKINNER, Isaac M., age 6, born in Ohio
SKINNER, Sarah J., age 3, born in Indiana
SKINNER, Matilda, age 2, born in Indiana
SKINNER, Floy S., daughter aged 9 [?] months, born in Indiana
Dwelling #255 EGLEY, Joseph, age 27, farmer, born in France
Real Estate $1020, Personal Estate $125
EGLEY, Mary A., age 26, born in France
EGLEY, Christian, age 4, born in Iowa
EGLEY, Joseph, age 1, born in Iowa
EGLEY, Peter, age 3 months, born in Iowa
Dwelling #256 SALTZMAN, Nicholas, age 58, farmer, born in France
Real Estate $3840, Personal Estate $1750
SALTZMAN, Barbra, G., age 57, born in France
SALTZMAN, Nicklas, age 32, born in France
SALTZMAN, Annie, age 20, born in France
SALTZMAN, Peter, age 28, born in France
SALTZMAN, Christopher, age 25, born in France, attended school
SALTZMAN, Mary, age 15, house work, born in France
SALTZMAN, Andrew, age 13, born in France
SALTZMAN, Margaret, age 19, house work, born in France, attended school
Long, Amos, age 20, farm laborer, born in Ohio
Dwelling #257 SALTZMAN, Joseph, age 37, farmer, born in France
Real Estate $2000, Personal Estate $300
SALTZMAN, Barbra, age 25, born in Ohio
SLAUGHTER, Samuel, age 4, born in Illinois
SALTZMAN, Mary, age 3 months, born in Illinois
SALTZMAN, Catherine, age 3 months, born in Illinois
Dwelling #258 unoccupied

SOURCE: 1860 United States Federal Census, Ringgold County, Iowa
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2008
