Among the prominent stock-raisers of Decatur county is William Hamilton YOUNG, who owns and operates three hundred and
eighty-five acres of excellent land in Richland township. He was born in that township on the 29th of September, 1854. His father,
John D. YOUNG, was a native of Indiana and came of German ancestry. He removed to Decatur county, Iowa, with his parents,
John L. and Judy A. YOUNG, and the grandfather of our subject entered from the government two hundred and forty acres of
land on section 22, Richland township, and two hundred and sixty acres on section 33, which was totally unimproved
when it came into his possession. The first thing that he did after entering it was to erect a log cabin, which remained
the family residence for several years. As time passed he brought his land under cultivation and in the course of years
his place became highly developed and well improved. John D. YOUNG built a cabin on the farm on section 22 and at
once began cultivating the land. He became a prosperous farmer and an influential citizen and passed the remainder of
his life on his farm. He was a democrat in politics, as was his father before him, and his religious faith was that of
the Baptist church. He died on the 12th of February, 1909, when in his seventy-ninth year. His wife, who bore the name of
Catherine WARRICK, was born in Tennessee, a daughter of Robert and Martha (HATFIELD) WARRICK. Her father, who was also a
farmer by occupation, emigrated to Iowa in 1852 and located in Doyle township, Clarke county, becoming a very successful
farmer and highly esteemed citizen of his community. He served in the Union army during the Civil war and while at
the front contracted a disease which eventually caused his death. His wife has also passed away. Mrs. YOUNG died in 1875
when thirty-six years of age. She was the mother of six children, namely: William H.; John L., who died about 1880, leaving
a family; Robert and Martha J., both of whom died in infancy; Henry H., of Eaton, Colorado; and George W., a farmer
of Morrill county, Nebraska. William H. YOUNG was reared upon the home farm in Richland township and as a boy and youth
attended the district school, thus acquiring a good education. He continued to assist his father with the work of the
fields and the care of the stock for several years after putting aside his textbooks. Eventually he purchased a portion of
the home farm and at the demise of his father he inherited one hundred and eighty acres. He has also acquired additional
land and now owns in all three hundred and eighty-five acres in Richland township. He has always given special attention
to stock-raising and breeds shorthorn cattle, Percheron horses and Poland china hogs, the sale of which yields him a good
income. He also follows general farming and in both branches of his business is meeting with gratifying success.
On the 31st of December, 1874, Mr. YOUNG married Miss Nervesta EDWARDS, who was born in Richland township, on the 29th of
October, 1855, of the marriage of Anderson and Armina EDWARDS, residents of Long Creek township. Five children have been
born to Mr. and Mrs. YOUNG: Luella, born January 10, 1879, is now the wife of Fred B. Bramon, of Delphis (sic, should be
Delphos), Ringgold County, by whom she has four children; Nora C., born February 18, 1882, married Lloyd GILREATH, by whom she has
four children; Carrie A., born October 1, 1885, is now the wife of J. L. MENDENHALL, a farmer of Franklin township [Decatur
County], by whom she has four children; Frederick M., born February 22, 1887, is operating the home place. He married Miss
Ruth WARD, a daughter of Daniel and Loretta WARD, and two children have been born to this union. Martha J., whose birth
occurred on the 27th of October, 1890, is now the wife of Herbert JOHNSON (sic, should be Horace JOHNSTON), a farmer of
Richland township. Mr. YOUNG is a democrat and has held various township offices. His personal popularity in the
county and the confidence which is placed in his integrity is attested by the fact that in 1900 he was elected county
treasurer, although Decatur county is normally republican. He took his seat in January, 1901, and served for five years,
holding over one year, due to a change in the election law. He proved a very efficient custodian of the funds and there
was never the slightest doubt of his absolute honesty and trustworthiness. Fraternally he belongs to the Masons and
Odd Fellows, and in his life exemplifies the spirit of brotherhood which characterizes these orders.
NOTE: John L. YOUNG served under General Andrew JACKSON, participating in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812.
Robert WARRICK enlisted as a Private on July 28, 1862, from Hopeville, Clarke County, Iowa, and served with Company
B of the 18th Iowa Infantry. He received a disability discharge on February 1, 1863 at St. Louis, Missouri.
HOWELL, J. M. & CONOMAN, Heman. History of Decatur County, Iowa, and Its People Vol. II. Pp. 101-03.
S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicago. 1915.
American Civil War Soldiers, ancestry.com
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2009

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