WILSON, Jno. F., farmer, post-office Mormontown. Subject was born in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, in 1842, and was
educated at home, having attended school but nine months. In 1857 he went to Illinois and settled at Yates City,
Knox county, where he remained until August 4, 1862 (page 739) when he enlisted in company F, Eighty-sixth Illinois,
and served until the close of the war. He was engaged in the battles of Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga,
Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain and numerous other battles, including Kenesaw, where his brother was killed fighting
by his side. The subject was engaged in twenty-seven battles and received three wounds. Was discharged June, 1865,
at Washington, and returned to Illinois, where he engaged in teaming. In 1867 he was married to Miss Mary H. KENNEDY,
of Appanoose county, Iowa, by whom he has five children: Cornelia, Musetta, Lulu M., Floyd and Grace. In 1878 he
removed to Ringgold county, Iowa, remaining one season, then came to Taylor county, where he now resides, and is one
of our most successful farmers.
SOURCE: EVANS, Lyman. "Jefferson Township". Taylor County, Iowa History Pp. 738 - 739. 1881
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008

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