James Murice WHITE, M. D. Among the younger members of the medical profession of Lake County, one who
has won prominence in his calling and popularity as a citizen is Dr. James M. WHITE. Commencing his
career as a school teacher, he subsuquently attended medical college and received his degree, and
since 1926 has made his headquarters at Gary, where he has well-appointed headquarters in the Gary
State Bank Building. He has found the time to take an active part in community affairs and is
president of the Gary Exchange Club. Doctor WHITE was born at Mount Ayr, Iowa, April 20, 1898, and
is a son of Elmer E. and Anna (BEVINGTON) WHITE. His paternal grandfather, Hugh WHITE, was born in
Pennsylvania, and shortly after the close of the war between the states moved with his family to
Ringgold County, Iowa, where he became a pioneer agriculturist. He was one of the substantial and
highly esteemed citizens of his community and for several years served in the office of sheriff of
Ringgold County. He and his wife are buried in the Mount Ayr [Rose Hill] Cemetery.
Elmer E. WHITE was born in Pennsylvania and as a child was taken by his parents to Iowa, where he
obtained a public school education. Mr. WHITE was a merchant practically all of his life at Mount
Ayr, although he also conducted a merchandise business at Guilford, Missouri, where he was a member
of the school board and active in community affairs. He was a Mason and a member of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, and throughout his life was a pillar of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died
in 1919 and was laid to rest in the cemetery at Mount Ayr. Mr. WHITE married Miss Anna BEVINGTON, who
was born and reared at Mount Ayr, where she was educated in the public schools and for some years
previous to her marriage was a teacher. Coming to Gary in 1926, with her son, Dr. James M. WHITE, with
whom she still lives, she has been active in the work of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Order of
the Eastern Star and the Gary Woman's Club. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. WHITE: Orr B.,
engaged in the insurance business at Mount Ayr, who married Carrie BRUCE and has four children, Doris,
Anna and Arline and Maurine, twins; Dr. Hugh Carl, born May 30, 1889, a graduate Doctor of Dental
Surgery of Drake University class of 1912, who has done post-graduate work at Northwestern
University, now engaged in an excellent practice at Gary, with offices with his brother in the Gary
State Bank Building, married Miss Mildred HARPER; and Dr. James M., of this review.
James M. WHITE attended the public schools of Mount Ayr, Iowa, graduating from the high school with
the class of 1916. He then spent one year at the Maryville [Missouri] State Teachers College,
following which he was engaged in the teaching school for three years at Guilford and Burlington
Junction, Missouri, and then resumed his own educational training at the University of Chicago,
where he received the degree of Bachelor of Science as a member of the class of 1922. He pursued his
medical studies at Northwestern University Medical School, from which he was graduated as a member of
the class of 1926, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, then doing intern work at Harper Hospital,
Herman Keifer Hospital and the Children's Hospital, all of Detroit, Michigan. In the latter part of
1926 he settled at Gary, where he has been engaged in the general practice of medicine and surgery
and has built up a large and lucrative professional business.
Doctor WHITE has a splendidly equipped suite of offices in the Gary State Bank Building, 504 Broadway.
For one and one-half years after his arrival he was associated in practice with Dr. A. A. WATTS, but
this partnership was dissolved and Doctor White now practices alone. He is a member of the staff of
Mercy Hospital and secretary of the staff of the Methodist Hospital, and belongs to the Lake County
Medical Society, the Indiana State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He belongs
to Guildford (Missouri) Lodge No. 343, A. F. and A. M., the South Bend Consistory, thirty-second
degree, the Phi Rho Sigma fraternity and the Pi Kappa Epsilon honor medical fraternity, is president
of the Exchange Club and an active member of the Gary Commercial Club. Doctor WHITE is a consistent
Methodist and a Republican in politics.

Source: ROLL, Chales, A.M. Indiana: One Hundred and Fifty
Years of American Development Vol. V. Lewis Publ. Co., Chicago. 1931.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2008

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