J. A. WESTLAKE, who owns two hundred and sixty-seven and a half acres of land, in the cultivation of which he is
now engaged, was born in Scott county, Iowa, on the 15th of May, 1861, and is a son of Burroughs and Margaret (SMELTZER)
WESTLAKE, the father a native of Ohio and the mother of West Virginia. Mrs. WESTLAKE was a daughter of John and
Christina SMELTZER, and went from her native state to Ohio where she met and subsequently married Mr. WESTLAKE. They began
their domestic life in the Buckeye state where they resided until 1853, when they went to Scott county, Iowa, and
settled on a farm, continuing to reside there for eight years. In 1861 they came to Louisa county, settling in Concord
township where they spent their remaining days. The mother passed away in 1872, and the father on the 20th of July, 1899.
Of their union there were born nine children. Malvina F., born October 6, 1845, was married January 17, 1864, to Wesley
B. COMPTON, had twelve children and died March 15, 1900. Laurine D., born July 14, 1847, was married in Louisa county,
April 24, 1866, to Henry DETTER, and died July 29, 1900. M. F., born May 14, 1849, was married November 2, 1869, to
J. N. FULLER, and died November 11, 1894. Elonzo B., born April 30, 1850, was married December 26, 1887, to Sarah WEBER, who
died December 5, 1899, while his death occurred December 11, 1910. Emily C., born January 29, 1853, is living on the old
homestead. Christina A., who was born August 13, 1855, became the wife of Dave KUDER, of Ringgold county, Iowa, and the
mother of ten children. Cora Belle, born September 29, 1857, was married to Henry B. BRIGGS, September 29, 1880, and
died May 8, 1893. Sarah M., born August 14, 1863, was married May 11, 1881, to Thomas SHELLABARGER, who died April 3, 1897,
leaving his widow and five children. J. A. WESTLAKE was reared on the old homestead in Louisa county, acquiring his education
in the common schools. He early became familiar with the work of the fields for in common with the majority of farm
lads he had to assist in the easier tasks as soon as he was strong enough. After laying aside his books he gave his
entire attention to agricultural pursuits, remaining with his father until he was twenty-two years of age. Feeling at that
time that he was competent to take the management of a farm he rented his father's place until 1898, when he bought
forty acres of land to which he later added another forty, continuing its operation until 1902. He the sold and
purchased the tract he now owns which contains two hundred and sixty-seven and a half acres of finely improved land. Ninety
acres of this is in timber bu the remainder Mr. WESTLAKE is highly cultivating. It is located on section 36, Oakland
township, and is one of the valuable properties of the district. In addition to the cultivation of his fields, which he
devotes almost entirely to cereals, he is handling cattle and hogs. Mr. WESTLAKE's plans for a home were consummated
by his marriage on the 17th of September, 1884, to Miss Fannie M. STONE, who was born in Louisa county, Iowa, on the
17th of August, 1860. Mrs. WESTLAKE is a daughter of Charley and Martha (COLE) STONE, the father a native of Michigan and
the mother of West Virginia, but they were married in Wapell, Iowa, June 17, 1857, where the father followed farming
almost entirely until a few years prior to his demise. The mother passed away on the 17th of April, 1882, and the father
on the 3d of February, 1908. Of their union there were born four children of whom Mrs. WESTLAKE is the eldest, the others
being as follows: Jane, who died in infancy; Ada, who was born in 1866 and married on the 12 of May, 1884, to George JONES;
and Harry who passed away on 7th of September, 1891, at the age of fiften years. Mr. STONE was married again October 1,
1885, his second wife being Miss Mary HUNTER, and unto them were born four children: Henry; Lavina, who died in infancy;
Frank; and Jessie. Unto Mr. and Mrs. WESTLAKE have been born the following children: Elsie May, who was born on the
4th of August, 1885; Charles B., who was born on the 5th of May, 1887; James Franklin, born on the 16th of October, 1889;
Cora Belle, who was born on the 3d of December, 1892, and died on the 10th of September, 1898; Ada F., who was born on
the 8th of May, 1895; Earl A. and Myrl A., twins, born on the 26th of July, 1897; Roy E., born on the 7th of April, 1904;
and Amy P., whose birth occurred on the 20th of June, 1907. Fraternally Mr. WESTLAKE affililates with the Modern
Woodmen of America, being a member of Columbus Junction Camp, No. 3145. Politically he is a democrat but has never
been an office seeker, yet in matters of citizenship he is public-spirited and progressive.
History of Louisa County, Iowa, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1912 Vol. II. Pp. 365-66. S. J. Clarke Pub.
Chicago. 1911
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009
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