from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 242


Robert WATSON, a prominent agriculturist of Rice Township, residing on section 18, is a native of England,
born in Durham county, March 24, 1843, a son of John and Isbella WATSON, the mother dying when he was two years old, and the
father when he was eight years of age. Being left an orphan so young he was early inured to a life of toil, and from
the age of eleven years he has cared for himself. He found employment as a farm hand in his native country till 1858, when
he immigrated to America, landing at New York in March of that year. He then proceeded to Canada and about six years lived
in the providence of Ontario, where he was married to Miss Sarah Ann BRYANS, a daughter of John BRYANS. Mrs. WATSON
was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1841, but from her childhood was reared in Canada. To Mr. and Mrs. WATSON
have been born seven children, of whom six are yet living - Mrs. Margaret BLUNCK, John, Lavins, Oscar, Jane and Cora.
Their sixth child died in 1875. In 1865 Mr. WATSON settled in Rock Island County, Illinois, where he lived on rented
land until coming to Ringgold County, Iowa, in 1868. He settled where he now lives in March, 1869, where he has
120 acres of well-improved land. This was the pioneer home of one of Ringgold County's first settlers, a Mr. PAGE, who
was afterward killed in the army. The first religious services in Ringgold County were held at the old log house
which stood on this place. The claim changed hands many times before Mr. WATSON bought the land, which at that time
was in a natural state - covered over with brush and briar. Besides his home farm Mr. WATSON owns forty acres on
section 17 of the same township, and eighty acres on section 13, Benton Township, all of his lands being under
improvement. Both Mr. and Mrs. WATSON were reared in the faith of the Episcopal church. They are well known and
highly respected for their integrity, and many other good qualities. They have become prosperous citizens of the
county, having by their careful habits and excellent management gained a good and comfortable home. In his political
views Mr. WATSON affiliates with the Republican party.

NOTE: Robert WATSON died August 31, 1906. Sarah Ann (BRYANS) WATSON died January 1, 1906. They
were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 242, 1887
WPA Grave Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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