Ringgold Record Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Friday, June 12, 1896
Auditor J. F. WALL.

J. W. WALL was born in 1850 in Wapello county [Iowa] and is one of the few men of his age in Ringgold county who is a
native Hawkeye. His parents moved to Marion county in 1853 and he lived there on a farm until about 18 years of age,
being engaged ther in the woolen mill business. Soon after Mr. WALL's arrival in Mt. Ayr he engaged in the grocery
business and followed that line for 15 years partly with his brother and partly on his own account. Mr. WALL was for
several years chairman of the republican county committee. The high ability as an organizer which he displayed in this
position secured his first promotion to the congressional committee, and later to three years on the state central committee.
He served nine years as member of the city council and in 1894 was elected auditor of Ringgold county, which position he
now holds. He makes a courteous and accommodating officer. He has been for years a member of the United Presbyterian church.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010

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