Erick WALL, who is widely known as a leading stock raiser and dealer of Nodaway township [Page County, Iowa], his
home being on section 7, is a native of Sweden, his birth having occurred near the little village of Nykoping, in
Sodermanland, February 10, 1870. His parents are Carl Gustaf and Eva (SPONGBORG) WALL, who spent their entire lives
in Sweden. Their family numbered seven children but Erick WALL was the only one who came to the United States. He
remained a resident of his native land until 1890, when he came single and alone to Iowa. He had no money but he
possessed what constitutes a better capital — determination, energy and industry. At once he sought employment as a farm
hand and worked in that way in Page county for six years. He afterward rented land for five years, during which time he
carefully and economically saved his earnings until he was enabled to purchase property. Gradually he has worked his way
upward, winning in honorable manner the success which he now enjoys and which has enabled him to become the owner of
two hundred and eighty acres of valuable land in Douglas township, Page county, on the Montgomery county line. He
resided thereon for three years and then rented his place and came to the Ed ANDERSON farm, which comprises twelve
hundred and fifty- eight acres. He is a partner of Mr. ANDERSON in the operation of this farm, which is devoted to the
raising of live stock of all kinds. He feeds cattle on quite an extensive scale, keeping on hand about five hundred head
annually. Here Mr. WALL has resided for five years. He has stock upon his own farm, which he is operating in partnership
with the man who now resides upon it. Besides his property in this county he also owns six hundred and fifty-two acres
near Tingley, Ringgold county, Iowa.
In 1896 Mr. WALL was united in marriage to Miss Carrie LINQUIST, who was born in Page county, Iowa, March 21, 1876. She
is a daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (BEECHLER) LINQUIST, natives of Sweden and of Illinois, respectively. Mr. and Mrs.
WALL now have five children: Herb, Florence, Viola. Bernard and Russell.
Mr. WALL has never had occasion to regret his determination to seek a home in the new world, for he here found the
opportunities which he sought and in their utilization has made steady progress in the business world, being now
numbered among the substantial residents of Page county.
SOURCE: KERSHAW, W. L. History of Page County Iowa: Also Biographical Sketches of some
Prominent Citizens of the County Vol. 11. Pp. 225-26. The S.J. Clarke Publ. Co. Chicago. 1909.
