Asa TERRILL, proprietor Pacific House, Bedford, Iowa, was born in Shelby county, Iowa, in 1855. When
six years of age his parents moved to Nebraska; remained five years, then went to Worth county, Missouri.
Received his education in the common schools. When sixteen years of age he engaged in a store at Platteville,
this county, with Dr. STANDLEY, and remained in his employ for some time. Had charge of a store at Redding,
in Ringgold county, for a time, then went to Defiance, Missouri, where he engaged in the same business, and
continued two years and returned to Platteville in 1879. He was married August 25, 1878, to Miss Ida M.
STANDLEY, daughter of Dr. J. R. STANDLEY, of this county. They are the parents of one child, Maud A. May 24,
1880, Mr. TERRILL took charge of the Pacific House, Bedford, since which time it has steadily grown in favor
among the travelling public and is now one of the leading hotels of the State. Mr. T., although perhaps the
youngest landlord in Iowa, is fast becoming one of the most popular, and is certainly worthy of the generous
patronage which he receives.
SOURCE: EVANS, Lyman Taylor County, Iowa History
p. 653 - 654.
S.J. Clarke Pub. Chicago. 1910.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008

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