from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 246


SILAS TEDROW, farmer, Athens Township, is among the oldest and most worthy pioneers of the township. He was born
in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1827, son of Joseph and Barbara (GEIST) TEDROW, who were the parents of
five children - Silas, Aaron, Susan, Joseph, and Freeman. His early life was spent in assisting on the farm and
receiving his education from the common schools. When eleven years of age his parents removed to Athens County, Ohio.
Arriving at the age of manhood, he was united in marriage, October 15, 1846 [Athens County, Ohio] with Miss Hannah
Marriah BROWNALD, born in Genesee County, New York. Her parents died when she was quite young, and she was taken to
Ohio, where she was reared to maturity.
In the fall of 1854, Mr. TEDROW, with wife and three children, removed to Iowa, coming by team. They were twenty-seven
days on the road. The first winter was spent in Jones County, and May 10, 1855, he entered 120 acres of Government
land in Athens Township, which was the first prairie Government land entered in the township. His first house was a
log cabin, 12 x 14. The secon house was of hewed logs. Boards were not to be obtained in the county. He went eighty
miles to mill, and salt was sold at seven cents per pount. Mount Ayr was unknown. Mr. TEDROW has made improvements
upon his farm as fast as his means would permit until it is in its present condition. It contains 490 acres of as good
land as can be found in Athens Township. He has a good one-and-a-half-story residence, with modern improvements and
well furnished; also a commodious barn, frame shed with shingled roof, loft for hay, 12 x 112. He has an orchard
of five acres, containing thrity-five varieties of apples, and a native grove of maples. He is engaged in stock-raising
and feeding. he has a large pond stocked with fish, and a hydrant for the same. He also has a large amount of Osage
orange and willow hedges. Mr. and Mrs. TEDROW have seven children - Jane, J. W., Susan H., Lucy Serena, Rose,
Wilbur and Grant. The deceased are Hattie, Joseph, Sarah Ann and Millard.
Politically Mr. TEDROW is a Republican. He assisted in the organization of his township, and through his influence
it was called Athens. He has served as county supervisor, township clerk, justice of the peace, and township
trustee. He has been a worthy and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church since 1852, and has served as
class-leader and steward. By fair and honest dealing he has won the confidence and respect of all who know him.
Postoffice, Kellerton.

NOTE: Silas' father Joseph TEDROW was born July 28, 1799, York, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, and
died October 28, 1839, Athens County, Ohio. He married Silas' mother Mary Ann GEIST on October 17, 1824 in
Pennsylvania. Mary Ann (GEIST) TEDROW was born January 24, 1805, Somerset [now Fayette] County, Pennsylvania, and
died in April of 1844, Athens County, Ohio.
Silas TEDROW died November 17, 1889.
Hannah M. (BROWNALD) TEDROW was died July 10, 1901. Silas and Hannah were interred at Tedrow Cemetery near Kellerton,
Ringgold County, Iowa.
1) Harriet Elizabeth "Hattie" TEDROW, born 30 Jul 1847; died 26 Dec 1867, interred Tedrow Cemetery, Kellerton IA
2) Sarah Ann TEDROW, born 30 Jun 1849, Athens Co. OH; died 28 Aug 1849, Athens Co. OH
3) Louisa "Jane" TEDROW, born 10 Nov 1850, Athens Co. OH; died 06 Mar 1911
married 1st 19 May 1867 Thomas JOHNSON; married 2nd J. W. FULLER
4) Josph Aaron TEDROW, born 23 Nov 1852; died 10 Mar 1858, interred Tedrow Cemetery, Kellerton IA
5) James Wallace TEDROW, born 15 Jan 1856; died 1947, interment Tedrow Cemetery, Kellerton IA
married 15 Sep 1878 Sarah A. WAGGONER (1852-1929), interred Tedrow Cemetery
6) Susannah H. "Susan" TEDROW, born 25 1858; interment Tedrow Cemetery, Kellerton IA
married 15 Sep 1878 Henry M. WAGGONER (1856-1932)
7) Lucy Serena TEDROW, born 21 Aug 1861; died 18 Oct 1950, Denver CO
married 15 Feb 1878 George C. DOWNER
Child: Emery DOWNER, died at 5 months, 26 days, 26 Sep 1880, inter Tedrow Cem.
8) Rose Etta Marie TEDROW, born Sep 1863, died Feb 1908, interment Maple Row Cemetery, Kellerton IA
married James M. WOOLUMS (1853- ?)
9) Silas "Wilbur" TEDROW, born 10 Apr 1866
married Lizzie GILMORE
10 Grant TEDROW, born 01 Jul 1868; died 1934, interment Tedrow Cemetery, Kellerton IA
married 27 Apr 1880 Alice L. GILMORE (1868-1944), interred Tedrow Cemetery
11) Millard TEDROW, born 06 Mar 1873; died 10 May 1873, interred Tedrow Cemetery, Kellerton IA
See The TEDROW FAMILY page, submitted by Mark Higday, 2008.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 246, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
G - L,
M - R, S - Z

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