from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 380-81


Edward STUCK, farmer, section 4, Lott's Creek Township, is one of the old pioneers who has been identified with
the interests of Ringgold County for the past thirty years, and is well worthy of a notice in its history.
He was born in Union County, Pennsylvania, October 10, 1825, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth STUCK. He was reared on a
farm, and received his education in the common schools of that day. When he was about twenty-one years of age, his
parents removed to Henry County, Ohio, where they remained one year, thence to Lucas County, remaining two years, thence
to Seneca County, then returned to Lucas County, thence to Sandusky County.
He was married December 14, 1851, to Miss Catharine WALTER, a native of Stark County, Ohio, and daughter of John and
In 1854 he came to Keokuk, Iowa, and in the spring of 1855 removed to Davis County, Missouri. In September of the same
year he came to Ringgold County, and located in Lott's Creek Township.
In the spring of 1856 he came to his present farm, where he has since resided. It was then in a wild state, and his first
residence was a log cabin, which still stands as a landmark of pioneer days. His farm contains 100 acres, and is in a
good state of cultivation. He has a fine story-and-a-half residence, erected in 1878, modern style and well furnished a
good orchard of 100 trees, small fruits, and a grove of native maples. He is engaged in general farming and stock-raising.
Mr. and Mrs. STUCK have one child - John E., born October 23, 1852. He is a young man of intelligence and good business
qualifications. He resides at home and assists in the care and management of the farm.
Mr. STUCK started in life without means, but by industry and economy he has acquired a fine property. Politically he is a
Republican. Postoffice, Caledonia.
NOTE: Edward STUCK died at the age of 76 years on October 23 1901. Catherine (WALTER) STUCK died
at the age of 74 years on August 2, 1903. Edward and Catherine were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr,
Ringgold County, Iowa.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 380-81, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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