Rose (EDIE) RHINEHART STOOPS was born in 1895 near Tingley, in Ringgold County, Iowa. She graduated from the State
University of Iowa (present-day University of Iowa) with a degree in pharmacy in 1918. During the 1920s, EDIE taught Latin
and mathematics in Iowa and Illinois high schools. In 1933, she married Harry RHINEHART and they farmed near Deep River,
Iowa. After RHINEHART died in 1936, Rose moved to Deep River, Iowa, where she began work as a nurse. She moved to
Grinnell, Iowa during World War II, where she worked as a nurse until marrying Grinnell College philosophy professor John
Dashiell STOOPS (1873-1973) in 1951. Rose became involved with the Grinnell Museum Project that year.
From 1951 until 1986, STOOPS served in many local organizations, including the Grinnell Museum Society, Grinnell Museum
Auxiliary, Historical and Literary Club, Tuesday Club, and the Women's Fellowship of the Congregational Church. She served
as acting curator of the Grinnell Historical Museum from 1965-1986. In recognition of her contributions, September 12,
1981, was declared Rose STOOPS Day in Grinnell. John Dashiell STOOPS was a professor of philosophy at Grinnell College
from 1904 to 1943, and Professor Emeritus from 1943 until his death in 1973. His manuscripts, notes, and coorespondence
was donated to Grinnell College Library by his widow, Rose.
Rose's papers and documents are house at the Iowa Women's Archives, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2009
