John STOLBERG, who is residing in Lamoni, is still operating his farm, which comprises six hundred and sixty acres
of excellent land, three hundred and twenty in Fayette township, Decatur county, and three hundred and forty in Ringgold
county. His birth occurred in Schleswig-Holstein, German, on the 23d of December, 1852, and his parents were John P. and
Mary (HANSON) STOLBERG, the former of whom died when his son was but an infant. In 1856 the mother removed to Will county,
Illinois, but our subject did not emigrate to the United States until 1865. She was married in Illinois to Henry PETERS
and they subsequently went to Grinnell, Iowa, where she died at the age of seventy-seven years. She was a Lutheran in
her religious faith. The subject of this review was the only child born to her first union but by her second marriage
she had a number of children. Our subject, however, is the only one who resides in Decatur County. John STOLBERG
received a little schooling in Germany and attended school for a short time after removing to this [Decatur] county but was
early obliged to earn his own support and it took him two years to repay his passage money to America, which had been lent
him by an uncle. He remained in Will county, Illinois, until April, 1877, when he came to Decatur county, Iowa, where he worked
for a year in the employ of the late David DANCER. He then rented land from Mr. DANCER for three years, at the end of which
time he had accumulated sufficient capital to enable him to buy two hundred and forty acres. Subsequently he added an eighty
acre tract adjoining and still later invested in farming land in Ringgold county. His land was partly improved when it
came into his possession but he has brought it to a higher state of cultivation and has erected a number of good
buildings. He has two large farms besides twenty acres of timber land and has taken his son, Roy H., into partnership with
him in the conduct of his farming and stock-raising interests. They give employment to a number of men and are known as
alert, progressive and successful agriculturists. They receive a handsome financial return from their land and are
substantial and representative citizens of Decatur County. On the 5th of June, 1879, in Will county, Illinois, occurred
the marriage of Mr. STOLBERG and Miss Louisa HANSEN, who was born in Will county, Illinois, on the 2d of March, 1860, of the
marriage of Peter and Anna (WILKINS) HANSEN, both natives of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. They were married in that
province and remained there until 1857, when they crossed the Atlantic to the new world and located in Will county,
Illinois. Both have passed away, the father dying on the 31st of August, 1888, when fifty-eight years of age, and the
mother in 1895, when seventy-two years old. They were the parents of two sons and two daughters and the two sons are still
living in Will county. They were Lutherans in religious faith and the father served the required time in the German
army. Mr. and Mrs. STOLBERG have five living children: Albert Peter, who is farming in Decatur county; Emma Amelia,
who became the wife of Martin NOFTSGER, of Faulk county, South Dakota, by whom she has a daughter, Margaret Louise;
Jessie Belle, who gave her hand in marriage to Samuel P. YOUNG, of Missouri, by whom she has two children, Cecil J. D.
and Alberta Maria; Roy Hansen, who is in partnership with his father; and John Burton, at home. A daughter, Minnie May,
died when five months old. The republican party receives the support of Mr. STOLBERG, who is convinced of the soundness of its
principles. He is identified with the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and his wife is affiliated
with the Daughters of Rebekah. Both hold membership in the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints and take an active part in
the work of that organization, especially in the Sunday School. Since 1906 Mr. STOLBERG has resided in a fine residence
in Lamoni but still gives much time to the supervision of his extensive farming and stock-raising interests. He feeds
many head of fine stock each year and finds that a very profitable business. He takes the greater pride in his success
because it has been gained without the aid of influential firends, as he began his independent career with no capital but
his strength, energy and determination to win prosperity. There has never been any doubt as to his integrity and
honesty and those who know him most intimately are his sincerest friends.
HOWELL, J. M. & CONOMAN, Heman. History of Decatur County, Iowa, and Its People Vol. II. Pp. 232-34.
S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicago. 1915.
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2009

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