Ringgold County Biographical Sketches
Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company, 1887. pp. 583-84.

"HENRY A. STEBBINS, of Lamoni, is a native of Ohio, born in Lucas County, January 28, 1844, a son of Charles and Julia E. (Pease) Stebbins, the father a native of Massachusetts, and the mother born in Connecticut, a daughter of Chandler Pease, a soldier of the war of 1812, who died September 22,1837. The parents of our subject were married in Ohio, where both were reared, and to them were born five sons and one daughter - Henry A., our subject; Charles M., a man of wealth, who has spent the past five years traveling in Europe; George I died at Denver, in 1877; Homer P., living at Atchison, Kansas; William R., a general banker of New York City, with branch offices at Deadwood, Dakota, Billings, Miles City and Livingstone, Montana, and at other points in Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming; and Harriet S., wife of Dr. Thomas Stevens, of Mechanicsburgh, Pennsylvania. When our subject was seven years old his parents removed to Rock County, Wisconsin, and there he grew to manhood. August 5, 1862, he enlisted, during the late war, from Winnebago County, Illinois, in Company B, One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Illinois Infantry, and was in General Buell's department, in Kentucky. He was at the battle of Perryville, although not actively engaged, and soon after was broken down by hard marches, and was finally sent to a hospital, at Danville, Kentucky. March 20, 1863, he returned to his mother's home, in Winnebago County, his father having died in 1858, making his home with her till her death, which occurred in 1874. Henry A. Stebbins was married at Burlington, Iowa, to Miss Clara B. Sellon, who was born in Shiawassee County, Michigan, December 13, 1858, a daughter of W. R. Sellon, a resident of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins have one daughter -- Helen V., born July 4, 1880, in Plano, Illinois. In November, 1880, Mr. Stebbins became identified with the business interests of Lamoni, when he became associated with David Dancer and A. S. Cochran in the grain and lumber business, under the firm name of Dancer & Co., which partnership was dissolved a year later. In the summer of 1863 he united with the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-Day Saints, and in 1868 began service in the ministry, since which he has devoted his life to the service of his church, excepting during the one year named above, his mission fields having been principally in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Iowa. Before coming to Lamoni Mr. Stebbins was associate editor of the Saint's Herald, at Plano, Illinois, from April, 1876, till October, 1880. He is presiding elder of the Decatur District, including six counties in Iowa -- Decatur, Wayne, Appanoose, Lucas, Union and Ringgold, and two counties in Missouri -- Harrison and Worth. In the spring of 1886 he resigned his charge as pastor of the Lamoni congregation and as superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He is secretary and recorder of his church, and as such, keeps a record of names of all the members throughout the world, including churches in Australia, Society Islands, England, Wales, Denmark, Switzerland, United States and Canada, showing their births, baptisms, and confirmations; also the official record of all ordained to the ministry. And as secretary he issues licenses and certificates of appointment to the ministry, also other official documents of the church."
Submitted to the Ringgold County IAGenWeb Project by Christy Jay, email:
