from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 249


Michael STAHL, one of the old and honored pioneers of Ringgold County, and an active and public-spirited
citizen of Grant Township, was born in Ohio September 17, 1831, his parents, John and Elizabeth (HOFFMAN) STAHL, being
among the early pioneers of that State, locating in Ohio in the year 1806. Our subject remained in his native State
till 1849, when he removed to the State of Indiana, and located in Madison County, where he followed the carpenter's
trade till 1856. In July of that year he came to Ringgold County, Iowa, and pre-empted the land where he now resides, on
section 1, of Grant Township. he is at present devoting his attention to farming, and stock-raising on his farm,
which contains 400 acres of choice land. Mr. STAHL was united in marriage to Miss Mary TALLEY, who was born in
Pennsylvania, October 3, 1834, a daughter of Adam and Sarah (ALDRED) TALLEY, natives of Delaware. To this union
were born ten children - two daughters are married and reside in Grant Township; three daughters and one son are
attending [Simpson] college at Indianola, Iowa. Mr. STAHL was the first postmaster in Grant Township, holding that
office before Goshen was incorporated. He has always taken an active interest in the affairs of his township, and
by his honorable dealings and strick integrity has gained the respect and confidence of all who know him.

NOTE: "Grandmother" STAHL, born 1799; died 23 Sep 1885,
Interment row 10, Bethel Cemetery, Grant Township, Ringgold Co. IA.
Michael STAHL served during the Civil War with Company C of the the Southern Border Brigagde.
Michael died March 16, 1921, and was interred in Row 6 at Bethel Cemetery, Grant Township of Ringgold County, Iowa.
Martha "Mary" (TALLEY) STAHL died at the age of 71 on May 5, 1905, and was interred beside her husband Michael
at Bethel Cemetery.
Michael and Mary's daughter Mary J. STAHL married
Charles M. KING in 1885.
John F. STAHL died at the age of 22 years on September 5, 1876 and was interred in Row 6 of
Bethel Cemetery. Was he a son of Michael & Mary?
Mary B. (TALLEY) and Michael STAHL Biography
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 249, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
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