Twice-A-Week News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa June 12, 1896

R[obert] H. SPENCE was born in 1852 in Henry county, Ills., and lacks only three months of being a native Hawkeye, having
moved with his parents to Iowa at that tender age. His home has been made in Ringgold county since 1872, and he has
been practicing law in Mt. Ayr since 1875, in which year he graduated from the law department of the state university
of Iowa. He has been associtaed in the practice of law in turn with Capt. R[obert] F. ASKREN, Judge I[ssac] W. KELLER,
Judg R[obert] C[heney] HENRY, the latter being his present partner. Their commodiuous quarters are over the Mt. Ayr
bank. Mr. SPENCE is of state-wide reputation in legal and political matters. He has a large and successful practice before the
supreme court of Iowa, but is not without honor in his own conty, as he rarely fails to win his suits in the lower
courts. This success is largely due to an almost marvellous power of discerning all the weak and strong points in both
sides of a case. Mr. SPENCE was county attorney two terms, and is now at St. Louis attending as a delegate to the
republican national convention.
Submission by Mike Avitt Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2010

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