Ringgold Record Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Friday, June 12, 1896

Few men have filled a larger place in the public affairs and the agricultural enterprises of the county than Hon. W. S.
SHRIVER. Mr. SHRIVER was born in 1845 and has resided in Ringgold county since 1874. He first settled in Benton township,
where he acquired a large farm and brought it to a high state of improvement. In 1884 he settled in Mt. Ayr, where he
has since resided, although he devotes a large portion of his time to his farm property.Mr. SHRIVER is a highly respected
citizen. He is a member of the Methodist church and active in all good works. His reputation for honesty and integrity
is of the highest. During his two terms in the state legislature, 1892-5, he constantly guarded the interests of his constituents
and could always be depended on to vote his convictions regarless of the policy side of the question. Mr. SHRIVER is [of an]
intense public spirit, giving freely of his valuable time and works to advance the interests of the farmers of the county.
For a time he was president of the cuonty fair association and his administration was highly successful. Mr. SHRIVER was
one of the founders of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. of Ringgold county and since its organization in 1887 has been
its president. It was owing to Mr. SHRIVER's indefatigable efforts that the farmers' institute was organized in 1895 and he
is still president of that institute. Farmers' Institute
The farmers' institute was made possible in the several counties of Iowa by an act passed by the 24th general assembly granting
$50,000 to each county holding such [an] institute. The institute was organized in Ringgold county Dec. 15, 1894, and the first
regular meeting was held in Feb. [?] 1895, proving from the very start a complete success in every way. The second
meeting was held Feb. 25-26-27, 1896, and it was highly successful. At both annual meetings prominent speakers from abroad
were present to address the institute, and many subjects were presented an discussed by a large number of Ringgold county
members. The object of the institute is to compare notes and discuss topics of the day on farming, stock raising, fruit
growing, etc. Itenables farmers to combine our knowledge by means of essays and discussions which may be enabled [us]
to do our work in a way that will produce the desired results. The addresses do not exhaust the subjects, but exite
discussions which gives each farmer present the advantage of experience and opinions of the others.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010

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