from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 333-34


Richard SHAWLER, a prominent and successful agriculturist of Grant Township, living on section 31, where he is
engaged in farming and stock-raising, is a native of Kentucky, born [in Edmonson County, Kentucky] March 25, 1839, his parents,
James B. and Martha (RAY) SHAWLER, being natives of the same State. He was reared to the vocation of a farmer, remaining
on the home farm till attaining the age of twenty-one years. He then began working for himself, beginning life as a
farm hand. He worked for the farmers by the month until he saved enough to purchase a team, when he rented land which he
farmed till 1869. For his wife he married Miss Elizabeth SALLING, January 27, 1861 [in Edmonson County, Kentucky],
who was born in Kentucy, April 11, 1839, a daughter of Thomas and Catherine (JONES) SALLING. They are the parents of
four children - Belle, born December 13, 1861; Ida, born May 14, 1863; Viola, born October 21, 1866; and Estella,
born September 13, 1872. Mr. SHAWLER came to Iowa in October, 1869, when he located in Union County, remaining there
six years, and in 1875, came to Grant Township, Ringgold County, when he located on his present farm, and by his
industry and good management has accumulated a fine property, his farm containing 240 acres of well-cultivated land.
Mr. SHAWLER in his religious faith is a Baptist. In politics he is an Anti-monoply Republican*. He is a member of the
Masonic fraternity, belonging to the lodge at Clearfield. he is an ex-justice of the peace, having served in that
office for eight years in the township in which he lives.
* The Anti-Monopoly Party, also known as Re-form or Independent parties, was a short-lived U.S. political party that was founded as a national political party
in 1884 at its convention in Chicago, which took place on May 14 of that year. The party's platforms were similar to
those of other parties identified as progressive, as the party advocated such measures as direct election of senators, a
graduated income tax, legal rights for labor unions, and antitrust legislation, among others. Many of the Anti-monopoly
parties were organized by farmers, many of whom were members of the Grange (Patrons of Husbandry.)
NOTE: Richard SHAWLER died on October 19, 1914, Clearfield, Iowa. Elizabeth (SALLING) SHAWLER died
on August 19, 1916, Clearfield, Iowa. Richard and Elizabeth were interred at Clearfield Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Bellzora "Belle" SHAWLER was born on December 13, 1861, Warren County, Illinois, and died
December 16, 1932, Cedar Bluff, Nebraska. She married on September 13, 1894, Cedar Bluff, Nebraska, to
Ida V. SHAWLER, born May 14, 1863, Warren County, Illinois, and died August 8, 1937,
with interment at Clearfield Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa. She married Charles W. SAGE (1853-1943).
Viola SHAWLER, born October 2, 1866, Warren County, Illinois, and died January 10, 1944, Ringgold
County, Iowa. She married Roy E. NICKEL.
Mary "Estella" SHAWLER, born September 13, 1872, Warren County, Illinois, and died December 25,
1953, Ringgold County, Iowa, with interment at Clearfield Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa. She married Mr. REESE.
James B. SHAWLER, Richard's father, was born on November 17, 1801, Kentucky, and died on June
29, 1877, Warren County, Illinois. Richard's mother, Martha RAY, was James' second wife. She was born October 12, 1837 in
Kentucky, the daughter of Richard RAY (1788, KY-1873, IL) and Katherine (OLIVER) RAY (1790, KY-1850, KY). Richard was
the youngest of six children born to James and Martha RAY.

Richard RAY, one of the oldest residents of the County [Warren County, Illinois] died at the residence of
his son Elder John RAY, in Swan Creek township, last Sunday evening [March 31, 1873]. At the time of his death he was
near 90 yrs of age, and had been a resident of the county over thirty years. He remains were interred in the burying
ground near the Union Church in Roseville Township last Tuesday.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 333-34, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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