Twice-A-Week News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa 1898

Joseph H. SAVILLE was born April 21, 1851, in Rockbridge county, Va. In early life he moved with his parents to east
Tennsesse. Mr. SAVILLE's parents being adherents of the Union, during the war it became necessary for them to move from
Tennessee to Ohio. In 1868 they removed to Mt. Ayr. Here Mr. SAVILLE worked at the carpenter trade for a while and
then engaged as clerk with the firm of Thos. ROSS & Sons, remaining with them during the existence of that firm. He
then accepted a position in the store of RICHARDS & YOUNG and when that firm quit business, began with HUGGINS, PERKINS & Co. Mr. SAVILLE soon entered this firm, the style of the firm being J. W. & A. A. HUGGINS & CO., which later on became
HUGGINS & SAVILLE. January 1, 1895, Mr. SAVILLE secured possession of the entire dry goods and clothing business and
also of the general store at Redding, which now has been in existence about 12 years. Mr. SAVILLE'S immense stock
is contained in his large double two-story brick building on the northwest corner of the square, the interior of
which is shown in the above engraving. Mr. SAVILLE lives on a farm inside the corporation in a handsome residence.
He is an official member of the Methodist church. His public spirit is well known, he having been one of the chief promoters of the
great Fourth of July celebration of 1895. He was the most liberal patron of last year's Mt. Ayr ball club, which was
named in his honor, and which outplayed every amateur club which it met during the season, and was the only club in
southwestern Iowa to win a game from Troy, Kan., professionals.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010

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