G. E. RIDER was born in Topeka, Mason county, Illinois, on the 12th day of February, 1870. [He] lived in
Havana, Mason Co., a few years, and at the age of ten moved with his parents to
Major Robert G. RIDER] Mt. Ayr, Iowa. At the age
of 17
while attending school began the study of shorthand and after becoming competent was employed by the law firm of
LAUGHLIN & CAMPBELL of the last mentioned city, remaining with them one year. He then secured the position of assistant
stenographer of the United States Court, at Ft. Smith, Ark., remaining as such until Jan. 1st of the present year when
he was appointed Official Reporter of said court.
[He] has reported since being connected with the above court in the neighborhood of one hundred murder cases. Engaged
summer to report the famous Cross murder case tried at Paris, Texas, in the United States Court for the Eastern District
of Texas, resulting in the conviction of six men of murder.
Upon being appointed Official Reporter at Ft. Smith last January formed a general stenographic partnership with
T. H. DuBOIS, under the style of RIDER & DuBOIS.
SOURCE: National Stenographer p. 238. December, 1930.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
