Joe REYNOLDS and wife of Kellerton, Iowa, were the parents of the only triplets I can find in Ringgold County. They were
born inthe spring of 1885. The night these triplests were born, Joe Reynolds was in Mount Ayr on the jury. The next
morning a neighbor was sent to Mount Ayr for Joe. This neighbor met Joe on his way to court. He told him his wife had
triplets. Joe took a "b-line" for the livery barn, saddled his horse and went out of the barn like he was going to a
fire. It did not take him long to make it home. The neighbor [who was] sent for him knew Joe did not get excused
from court by the judge, so he went to the judge, and told him the news and he was excused. Had the man not had more
presence of mind than Joe, it might not have been so well for Joe. One baby lived only three or four days and the
other two died a few days later. Joe lived south of Kellerton at this time but later moved to Kellerton and was a
stock buyer for several years. He and his wife are both dead. He has three children living yet [1936].
LESAN, Mrs. B. M. Early History of Ringgold County: 1844 - 1937 p. 72. Blair Pub. House. Lamoni IA. 1937.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010
