John C. F. REED who devotes his time and energies to the pursuits of farming and stock-raising, is the owner
of a valuable and well improved farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 26, Platte township, where he
resides, and also has a tract of forty acres in another section. He is numbered among the worthy native sons
of Iowa, his birth having occurred in Union county, this state on the 26th of May, 1863. His father, J. H.
REED, was born, reared and married in Ohio. In 1852 he made the overland trip to California, spending about
two years in the gold mines of that state. His wife passed away while he was in the west and after returning
from the Pacific coast he made his way to Union county, Iowa, about 1855. There he opened up a new farm,
gradually transforming the once barren land into a rich and productive property. Subsequently he disposed of
the place and came to Taylor county, where he spent the remainder of his life, his demise occurring in 1885
when he was sixty-nine years of age. He owned six hundred acres of valuable land in this county and was long
numbered among its most prosperous, enterprising and representative citizens. While a resident of Union
county he married Miss Demaris BLISS, who was born in the east but was reared in that county. She survived
her husband for eight years. By his first wife J. H. REED had one son, J. H. Jr., who now follows farming in
Adams county, Iowa. By his second marriage he had five sons and seven daughters, those still living being:
John C. F., of this review; William, a prominent agriculturist of Taylor county; Truman, a resident of Adair
county, Iowa; and David, who lives on the old home place near Lenox. John C. F. REED was reared on the
home farm in this county, early becoming familiar with the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the
agriculturist through the assistance which he rendered his father in the work of the fields. When twenty-four
years of age he left the parental roof and bought the farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 26,
Platte township, where he has since resided and in the cultivation and improvement of which he has been
busily engaged to the present time. He built a commodious and substantial two-story residence, two large
barns and good outbuildings and also planted an orchard and a fine grove of maple trees. In addition to the
cultivation of cereals he also raises and feeds hogs and horses, both branches of his business returning to
him a gratifying annual income. About 1898 he purchased an additional tract of forty acres in this county
and also owns one hundred and sixty acres of pasture land in Ringgold county. As the years have gone by his
capable management and energy have brought to him well earned and justly merited success and he is widely
recognized as a most progressive and substantial citizen.
On the 19th of December, 1888, in Adams county, Iowa, Mr. REED was united in marriage to Miss Lenora A. CUSTER,
who was born in Henry county, this state, but was reared in Adams county. They now have a family of six sons
and two daughters, as follows: Harry, Alpha E., Ralph E., Glen C., Adis M., Harley O., Mary E. and Helen A.
Mr. and Mrs. REED lost a daughter, Lola E., who died at the age of two years.
In his political views Mr. REED is a stanch republican and has capably served in the office of road
supervisor, while at the present time he is a member of the school board, with which he has been connected
for some years. Fraternally he is identified with the Woodmen at Clearfield, while his religious faith is
indicated by his membership in the Calvary Methodist Episcopal church, with which his wife is also affiliated.
Long a resident of Taylor county, he is widely known within its borders and the substantial qualities which
he has displayed in his citizenship and in his business relations have gained him a high place in the regard
and good will of his fellow townsmen.
SOURCE: CROSSON, Frank E. History of Taylor County, Iowa: From The Earliest Historic Times to 1910 Pp. 527 - 528.
S.J. Clarke Pub. Chicago. 1910.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008

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