Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa 1980
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: I am writing for the edition of the Record-News with the nice article about Fannie
SEATON'S 100th birthday. Before I write more, I will introduce myself. I was Emma CROPPER, born May 10, 1893,
to Frank and Fannie CROPPER in Delphos, Iowa; I lived there till I left in a Model T Ford on June 27, 1915, with a sick
husband, Roy A. BLAUER. We were married in October, 1913 at my parents' home in Delphos. Roy was the only child of
Edd and Coebedia BLAUER, born March 30, 1892 and reared about 3 1/2 miles northeast of Delphos. He nor I ever lived
any place else until we went to Colorado for his health. I must tell you I wrote the Delphos news for the
Mount Ayr Record-News for some time in my growing up years. My pay was the paper every week and the highlight
of the position, two tickets to the Redpath-Vawter Chautauqua in late July or early August. I always spent the week
with John and Ollie ROBINSON a short distance northeast of Mount Ayr.
Mrs. Emma Ray 495 Laurel Hill Rd., Apt. 15C Norwich, Conn. 096360

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