from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 324
Thomas PRICE
Thomas PRICE, deceased, was one of the substantial citizens of Ringgold County, and at the time of his death was
a resident of Tingley Township. He was a native of Hampshire, England, born February 2, 1843, and a the age of five
years was brought by his parents, Thomas and Ann (PRICHARD) PRICE, to America. The family settled in Will County, Illinois,
where both parents died. Of seven children born to them Thomas PRICE, our subject, was the youngest. His eldest brother was
killed in the late [Civil] war. Thomas PRICE enlisted [at Joliet, Illinois as a Private] at the age of nineteen years
in the three-year's service, a member of Company G, One Hundreth Illinois Infantry, and at the expiration of his term of service he re-enlisted
[July 28, 1862 at Joliet, Illinois] and
served [as a Private] till the war closed. He was mustered out in June, 1865 [at Nashville, Tennessee]. In September, 1862
he commenced active duty as a soldier. He paticipated in the battles of Chickamauga, Stone River, in the Atlanta campaign,
and the battle at Franklin. With the exception of a few days in the hospital he was never absent from his regiment.
After the war he returned to Will County, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married in February, 1871, to Miss
Eudora RODGERS, of Will County, a daughter of Thomas RODGERS. To them were born three children, one son and two daughters -
Thomas E., Mary E. and Nellie E. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. PRICE came to Iowa and settled in Ringgold County,
on section 36, Tingley Township, on land which he had purchased the year before. Mr. PRICE improved his farm, which at
the time of his purchase was raw prairie land, and brought it under thorough cultivation, his farm containing 170 acres.
In connection with general farming he was engaged in stock-raising, and was regarded as one of the most successful
stock-raisers in Tingley Township. He was actively engaged until the fall previous to his death, when he was taken with a
severe attack of bronchitis, from which he died in February [10], 1882. In politics Mr. PRICE was a staunch Republican, and at
the time of his death was trustee of his township. He was one of the self-made men of the county, he having commenced here
without means, but having possed of industrious habits and persevering engery he became one of the prosperous citizens of
his township, and left at his death a handsome estate. He was honest and upright in all his dealings, and as a neighbor and
citizen was held in high esteem.
NOTE: Thomas PRICE was
interred at the Johnston Cemetery near Kellerton, Ringgold County, Iowa. Eudora (RODGERS) PRICE was born April 12, 1847,
and died March 20, 1900, with interment at Johnston Cemetery beside her husband Thomas.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 324, 1887.
American Civil Soldiers Database,
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009
Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
G - L,
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