Robert PRALL, who is engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 23, Des Moines Township, Van Buren County,
was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, August 7, 1832, and is of German, Irish and English descent. The founder of the PRALL
family in America was the grandfather of our subject, Thomas PRALL, a gentleman of German birth who left his native land
and emigrated to America in the early part of the eighteenth century. His son, Asa, father of our subject, was born in
Pennsylvania where he grew to manhood and in 1828, wedded Asenath BOTKIN, also a native of the Keystone State. Her parents
were Robert and Sarah BOTKIN, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of England. They came to America during
Colonial days and settled in Greene County, Pa., where they continued to make their home until called from this life.
For two years after his marriage Mr. PRALL and his wife continued in Pennsylvania but the year 1830 witnessed their
removal to Ohio. He was a farmer by occupation and followed that pursuit in Morgan County until 1842, when accompanied by
wife and children he went to Clark County, Ind. Ten years were there spent and in the winter of 1852 he went to Van Buren
County, Iowa, where he purchased a partially improved farm. At once beginning the work of improvement he soon had a
comfortable home, which continued to be his shelter from the storms of life until 1880, when he was called to his final
rest. His wife who had proved to him a true helpmate, survived her husband some six years. Their family once numbered ten
children, of whom the following are now living — Thomas, who is married and resides in Des Moines Township, Van Buren
County; Robert, of this sketch; Cornelius, who is married and makes his home in Coles County, Ill.; Mrs. Sarah BRADFORD,
of Schuyler County, Mo.; Mrs. Matilda FOWLER, of Harper County, Kan.; and
C. C. who is married and living in Ringgold County, Iowa.
In the usual manner of farmer lads our subject spent the days of his boyhood and youth, and in the common schools of Ohio
and Indiana he acquired his education. On attaining to mature years, he left the parental roof and began life for himself.
Farming has been his chief occupation and his success has proved that his choice of labor was a wise one. His first
purchase of land consisted of a one hundred and sixty-acre tract of timber but he cleared away the trees and brush,
plowed the broad acres, planted crops and soon had a fine farm, the the value of which he also greatly increased by the
erection of a commodious residence and good barns. As time passed and his financial resources were increased, he also
extended the boundaries of his Iand, his possessions now aggregating three hundred and eighty acres, part of which is
under a high state of cultivation, while the remainder affords excellent pasturage to the fine stock which he raises in
considerable numbers. Mr. PRALL is practically a self-made man, having acquired his possessions by industry, energy and
good management. which in almost every instance will bring about success.
In Van Buren County, October 11, 1855, Mr. PRALL led to the marriage altar Miss Aliza SINGLETON, a native of Ohio, born
October 25, 1831, and came to this county with her grandparents in 1836, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SINGLETON, both
of whom died in Ohio some years ago. To this union have been born four children — Asa William, who is married and resides
in Bonaparte, Iowa; Frances, now Mrs. CRAIG, of Des Moines Township, Van Buren County; Carrie and Della at home. Mr.
PRALL manifests considerable interest in political affairs and casts his ballot with the Republican party. He held the
office of Township Trustee, serving with credit to himself and satisfaction to all concerned.
SOURCE: 1890 Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Bueren Counties, Iowa
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2010

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