Lemuel A. PARKER a progressive and intelligent young farmer of Howard county is owner of a fine
estate in Cotesfield precinct which he has built up in the finest possible shape, having one of the
most beautiful and fully equipped modern dwelling in his part of the county. Mr. PARKER was born in
Ringgold county, Iowa, on December 29, 1868, and the first four years of his life was spent there,
then came with his father, mother and balance of the children, to Howard county. Here the family
settled on a tract of land and they went through all the early Nebraska times in establishing a home,
Lemuel remaining at home with his parents durng (sic) their lifetime, the father dying in December,
1895, and the mother in November, 1904. Mr. PARKER has kept the homestead as his home farm, although
he has accumulated other properties adjoining and his holdings comprise in all two hundred and
sixty-three acres of the choicest Loup Valley land. It is improved with good buildings of all kinds,
and is one of the model stock and grain farms in that section of the state. Mr. PARKER was married
June 21, 1899, in St. Paul, to Miss Inez HILL, a daughter of one of Howard county's pioneer families.
They have had two sons, Glenn Earl, who died November 7, 1910, aged nine years, and Harold Hill. The
family have a beautiful home and enjoy the society of a large circle of friends. Mr. PARKER is a man
of friendly and sociable disposition, and although he had the misfortune to lose his hearing some
years ago, he can still enjoy conversing with his family and friends by the aid of an ear trumpet,
which is such a source of blessing to so many afflicted in a like manner.

Source: Compendium of History, Reminiscence and Biography of
Nebraska p. 884. Alden Publ. Co., Chicago. 1912.

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