from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 355-56


B[lanchard]. NEVILL, engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 22, Lincoln Township, where he has eighty acres of fine
land, is a native of England, born December 3, 1844, a son of John and Hannah (BOND) NEVILL, who were also natives of
England. April 7, 1852, they left their native county with their family, and landed at New York the following May, when they
proceeded to Wisconsin, where they resided a number of years. Our subject [Blanchard NEVILL] grew to manhood on his father's
farm in Wisconsin, and has made farming the principal avocation of his life. He remained in Wisconsin until 1863, when he enlisted
in Company F, Thifty-third Wisconsin Infantry, and was in the service three years. He was mustered out at Vicksburg
August 9, 1863, receiving his final discharge at Madison, Wisconsin, when he returned to his home. In 1866 he came to Iowa
and beganworking on the railroad, which he followed for four years when he rented a farm in Washington County, of this State
[Iowa], on which he resided three years. He then came to Ringgold County and has since followed agricultural pursuits on
the farm where he now resides. For his wife he married Cynthia E. PRATT, a daughter of E. P. and Amanda (ROBERTS) PRATT.
Mrs. NEVIL is a native of Iowa, born in Johnson County, January 28, 1854. Mr. and Mrs. NEVILL have six children - Lizzie B.,
Stella, John A., Mary, Lelia and Boyd B. Mr. NEVILL, since coming to Lincoln Township, has filled the offices of township
clerk and trustee, and has served as treasurer of the School Board. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In
politics he casts his suffrage with the Greenback party. He is a comrade of Edd Ottier Post, No. 290, G.A.R., of Clearfield,
NOTE: Blanchard NEVILL died on June 5, 1936. Cynthia E. (PRATT) NEVILL was born January 28, 1854,
and died May 8, 1923. Blanchard and Cynthia were interred at Clearfield Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Lizzie Etta NEVILL was born on March 11, 1872, and died on December 6, 1891, with interment at
Clearfield Cemetery.
Lelia M. NEVILL died in early childhood and was interred at Bethel Cemetery near Diagonal,
Ringgold County, Iowa.
John A. NEVILL was born on January 25, 1877, and died October 10. 1969. John's wife Rose B. was born
on July 23, 1880, and died June 4, 1973. John and Rose were interred at Clearfield Cemetery.
Boyd B. NEVILL was born in 1883, and died in 1964, with interment at Clearfield Cemetery.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 355-56, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
G - L,
M - R, S - Z

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