Playwright and librettist Frank Moffett MOSIER was born on May 15, 1929 in Ringgold County, Iowa. He graduated from William Jewell
College in 1951, and received his M.F.A. in playwriting in 1956 from the University of Iowa, Iowa City. He is a past member
of of the New Dramatists committe and Actors' Studio Playwrights Unit. From 1960 to 1975 he was the head of the
English Department.
His plays include The Birth of Venus, first produced by the Lincoln Center Library of the Performing Arts in
New York City; Christine Vonnegra, first published by the University of Iowa; The Degenerate, first
produced by the new Dramatists of New York City; The Duchess of Santiago, first produced by the Actor's Studio of
New York City; and, Iscariot, first produced by the New Dramatists of New York City, among many others.
Frank taught for fifteen years at Quintano's School for Young Professionals and had his own off-off Broadway theatre in
St. Luke's Church, Greenwich Village. Frank and his wife Diane started the Lively Arts Foundation which serves the Fresno
California area.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2009
