from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 233
John MILLER, farmer and dealer in thorough-bred horses, section 2, Monroe Township, was born in County Armaugh,
Ireland, June 28, 1831, son of David and Elizabeth MILLER. He resided in his native country until he was twenty years
of age, then came to America. He first located at Pittsburg. where he served an apprenticeship at blacksmithing for
about three years. He then removed to Fulton County, Illinois, where he followed his trade two years, then removed to
Mason County, where he engaged in farming and blacksmithing until 1873, when he came to Ringgold County and
settled upon his present farm in Monroe Township. He purchsed 280 acres of land, forty of which were broken. He has
added to and improved it until he has 380 acres of one of the best improved farms in the township. He has a good
residence, an orchard of 300 bearing trees, a vineyard and small fruits. Mr. MILLER is making a specialty of
breeding and dealing in valualbe draft horses. In his stables are to be seen several of these horses of Norman,
Clydesdale, and Cleveland Bays. He has spent much time and money in obtaining his stock, and it will compare
favorably with any in Southern Iowa. His farm adjoins Beaconsfield. He was married March 13, 1858, at Yates City,
Illinois, to Ardelia AMES, and they have six children - Loring D., J. E., John R., Charles W., Almira, and
Mattie. Mr. MILLER is a member of the Odd Fellows order, and is a member of the United Brethren in
Christ church, and is a trustee of the same. Politically he is a Republican. Postoffice, Beaconsfield.
NOTE: Ardelia (AMES) MILLER was born circa 1838 in Illinois, the daughter of Loring AMES (1806, MA- ?)
and Almira (JONES) AMES (ca. 1817, NY -?), and died May 17, 1907. John MILLER died June 30, 1910. They were interred
at Oakland Cemetery, Bethany, Harrison County, Missouri.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 233, 1887
WPA Grave Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009; updated July of 2010
JOHN MILLER was born in Couty Armaugh, Ireland, in 1832. In 1852, he and his brother William, now of Lucas county,
emigrated to Pittsburg. Here Mr. MILLER learned balcksmithing and worked at it, and afterwards in Fulton county, Ill.,
where he moved in 1855 and again in Knox county, Ill., where he stopped from from (sic) 1857 to 1860. In 1860 he bought 320
acres in Mason county Ill., and began farming. In 1854 we find him in the livery business in Havana, that county. He was
burned out in 1867 losing a round $6,000. In 1872 he came to his [Ringgold] county. He owns 160 acres in Monroe
[township]. His farm is very well improved with big barn and house, four miles of hedge, nicely trimmed, 210 apple trees,
large grove, etc. Mr. MILLER handles stock of different kinds, more especially horses. Ships from one to three cars of
horses every year. His Messenger Stallion "Old Printer," has a wide reputation for speed and breeding qualities. He also
owns on eof the best Jacks in Southern Iowa. Mr. MILLER has prospered since coming into Ringgold - is quite well off,
as men of his usiness ability are sure to be wherever they live, and he is withal an extremely sociable and genial person,
who we are persuaded, knows nothing about Mr. JAMDYCE'S "east wind," never having the "blues." He is a Republican.
SOURCE: Believed to be 1880 or 1881 article from Ringgold Record
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Submission by Mike Avitt, July of 2010
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