from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 339-40


J[ames]. O[liver]. MILLER, postmaster and proprietor of MILLER’s Store, was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, October
14, 1851. His parents, Thomas C. and Martha (McCULLOUGH) MILLER, reared four children – Laura, J. O., Anna and Maggie
Etta. When he was three years of age his parents removed to Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois, where he was reared,
and obtained his education at the district school and at Carthage graded school.
He was married December 26, 1872 [Carthage, Illinois], to Miss Josephine SPANGLER, of Hancock County, daughter of
William and Emily
and they have six children – William H., Martha, Mary, Eva, Maggie, Fred and an infant unnamed.
Mr. Miller came to Ringgold County in the spring of 1873, and located on section 9, Monroe Township. He has 160 acres of
land, which he has cultivated and improved, a comfortable residence, barn, orchard, out-buildings for stock, and
everything about the place shows the industry and thrift of its owner.
In the spring of 1886 he purchased the store building, goods and residence where he now lives, of George W. BRADFORD.
He carries a good assortment of general merchandise, and keeps in stock everything usually kept in a country store.
He was appointed postmaster July 8, 1886. He served as township trustee five years; is a member of the Presbyterian
organization at High point, and politically is a Republican. Although a young man, he has gained a social and financial
position among the leading citizens of his township.
NOTE: James O. MILLER died in 1913. His gravestone gives 1850 as his birth year.
Josephine Emily (SPANGLER) MILLER
was born April 24, 1853, near Fountain Green of Hancock County, Illinois, and died on August 22, 1928. James and
Josphine were interred at Oliver Cemetery near Ellston, Ringgold County, Iowa.
William H. MILLER died at the age of 26 years, 6 months and 8 days on August 6, 1900, with interment at Oliver Cemetery near Ellston, Iowa.
M. Mary MILLER died on July 25, 1895, and was interred at Oliver Cemetery near Ellson, Iowa.
Eva S. MILLER died at the age of 17 years, 6 months and 11 days on June 19, 1895, and was
interred at Oliver Cemetery near Ellston, Iowa.
James' father Captain Thomas Craig MILLER was a soldier during the Civil War and was in charge of the
guard protecting President Abraham LINCOLN's body as it lay in state in Springfield, Illinois. Captain MILLER died
in Carthage, Illinois in 1905. His wife, Martha Mary (McCULLOCH) MILLER died in 1906, Carthage, Illinois.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 339-40, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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