from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 327


John MERRYMAN, a prosperpous and enterprising agriculturist of Grant Township, living on section 30, is a
native of Ohio, born March 7, 1835, his parents, William H. and Naoma (THURMAN) MERRYMAN, being natives of the same
State. He was reared to the avocation of a farmer which he has made his life work. At the age of fourteen he
commenced working on a farm by the month, which he followed till twenty years old, when he rented a farm and began
farming on his own account in Knox County, Ill. He was married in the year 1854 to Miss Rebecca MOORE, a daughter of
George and Rebecca (LAYTON) MOORE, the former a native of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. MERRYMAN are the parents of four
children, Arzina, Erma, William and Eva. He lived in Knox County fifteen years and then moved to Ringgold County,
Iowa, and settled on the farm where he now lives. Mr. MERRYMAN has met with success as an agriculturist and has now
a good farm containing 240 acres of well improved land, a fine orchard, and a good house and farm buildings. In
addition to his farming he has for fifteen years been engaged in the manufacture of surgum molasses. In politics he
casts his suffrage with the Democratic party. He is one of the public spirited citizens of Grant Township which he
has served as road supervisor and school director.

NOTE: William H. MERRYMAN was born circa 1792 in Tennessee, and died circa 1840, Illinois. He married Naomia "Amy" THURMAN in
Highland County, Ohio on July 28, 1829. Naomia Amy (THURMAN) MERRYMAN was born circa 1800, and died January 11, 1896.
They were the parents of four children: Elsey (1835- ?), John, E. J. (1836-?), and Ambrose A.
John MERRYMAN died March 17, 1910. Rebecca A. (MOORE) MERRYMAN was born circa 1835,
the daughter of George MOORE (ca. 1806, IN - ?) and Rebecca (LAYTON) MOORE (ca. 1810-?). John
and Rebecca's five children were:
1) Arzina Ellen MERRYMAN
born 26 Apr 1855, Knox Co. IL; died 14 Nov 1931
2) Rachel Emma MERRYMAN
born 1859, Knox Co. IL; died 1930
3) William D. MERRYMAN
born 1861, Knox Co. IL
4) Evangeline M. MERRYMAN
born 1864, Knox Co. IL; died before 1880
born 1873, Grant Twp., Ringgold Co. IA; died Dec 1888
John MERRYMAN's brother was Ambrose M.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 327, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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