from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 356


Frank McGUGIN is a native of Washington County, Pennsylvania, born near Hickory, July 24, 1843, the fourth in
a family of six children of Daniel and Elizabeth (CAMPBELL) McGUGIN. In March, 1846, the parents settled in Knox
County, Ohio, where they are still living, on the old homestead. Frank McGUGIN passed his youth on the farm in Knox
County, Ohio, receving his education in the common schools of his neighborhood. At the outbreak of the war of the
Rebellion he enlisted [as a Private on August 14, 1861] in Company A, Thirtieth Ohio Infantry, and spent the first two years of his term of service in
Virginia. In 1863 he was transferred to the Army of the Potomac, Ninth Army Corps, and in October of the same year to
the Army of the Mississippi, in the Second Brigade, Second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, in which he served till the
close of the war. He took part in twenty-eight engagements, including the battles of second Bull Run, Antietam, siege
of Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge, Kenesaw Mountain. He was captured by the enemy at the battle in front of Atlanta, July
22, 1864, and was imprisoned at Andersonville, and after being incarecerated two months and two days in that Southern
prison pen he made his escape. He had to walk some 300 miles before reaching the Union lines, taking him nine days and
nights, and during this time his principal food was raw potatoes, having but one meal, which was given him by an old
colored man. On reaching the Union lines he was almost naked, and scarcely able to stand, and he was granted a furlough of
thirty days. He rejoined his regiment at Savannah, Georgia, when he was made First Lieutenant, and later promoted to
Captain of his company, which position he held till mustered out, August 4, 1865 [at Little Rock, Arkansas]. He returned to Knox County, Ohio, where he
was married to Miss Melissa CRITCHFIELD, and to them have been born two sons and one daughter - Daniel E., Clifford N.,
and Stella M. After his marriage Mr. McGUGIN settled on a farm in Knox County, where, in connection with his farming
pursuits, he carried on a flour-mill for several years. In the fall of 1872 he came with his family to Ringgold County, Iowa,
and settled on his present farm on section 12, Tingley Township, where he has since followed agricultural pursuits, his
farm containing 160 acres of well-improved and highly-cultivated land. Mr. and Mrs. McGUGIN are members of the
Christian church, of which he is at present serving as deacon and trustee.
NOTE: Frank McGUGIN died at the
age of 82 years at the home of his son Dan on October 19, 1925, Nashville, Tennessee. Melissa A. (CRITCHFIELD) McGUGIN
was born June 5, 1835, Knox County, Ohio, and died on December 25, 1915. Frank and Melissa were interred at
Tingley Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Daniel Earle "Dan" McGUGIN, son of Malissa A. (CRITCHFIELD) and Frank McGUGIN, was born in Tingley,
Ringgold County, Iowa, on July 29, 1879, and died on January, 1936, with interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Nashville,
Tennessee. Dan was a Hall of Fame Football coach of Vandervilt University.
Daniel McGUGIN, a native of Ireland and born circa 1740, came to America in 1770, settling in Mount Pleasant
Township of Washington County, Pennsylvania, where he died on June 10, 1787. Daniel's son David McGUGIN (1775-1861) married
Jane VINCENT (1785-1865) and they were the parents of Daniel L. McGUGIN who was born April 3, 1809, Washington County,
Pennsylvania, and died at the age of
93 years on February 4, 1902 in Howard Township of Knox County, Ohio, of "ailments incident to old age".
Daniel L. McGUGIN (1809-1902) married Elizabeth CAMPBELL (1808-?), the daughter of Jesse CAMPBELL (1779-1858) and Sibella
(McCLURE) CAMPBELL (1777-1840). Daniel and Elizabeth (CAMPBELL) McGUGIN's son was Franklin "Frank" McGUGIN (1843-1925),
the husband of Melissa CRITCHFIELD (1835-1915).
Among the first settlers and prominent families were the CRITCHFIELDS. They are very numerous
in this township especially an in other portions of Knox County. Nathaniel, Isaac, John, Joseph and William, five brothers,
emigrated from Maryland to this township about 1807 or 1808. Several of these brothers
had been soldiers in the war of the Revolution, and had been inured to dangers and hardships while engaged in that
struggle. . . .The Pioneer CRITCHFIELDS were athletic, industrious farmers and public-spirtied citizens, and for
many years after ther first settlement of Howard township held a large share of the local offices.
Nathaniel CRITCHFIELD [1760, VA - 1843, OH] was married to Miss Christina WELKER [1762, VA - 1840, OH]
at an early age. They raised a family of thirteen children. He held several township offices, and was an active
Democratic politican. [Nathaniel and Christina were interred at Branstool-Critchfield-Shrimplin Cemetery, Howard
Township of Knox County, Ohio.]
Isaac CRITCHFIELD, son of Nathaniel and Christina (WELKER) CRITCHFIELD, was born in Somerset County,
Pennsylvania on December 26, 1794, and died on March 15, 1862, in Knox County, Ohio. Isaac was married at the age of
nineteen on June 30, 1814, Knox County, Ohio, to Sarah BARCUS, born 1796 in Maryland. Sarah died January 7, 1873,
and Isaac died on March 15, 1862, and they both were interred at Pleasant Valley View Cemetery in Monroe Township of Knox
County, Ohio. Isaac and Sarah's eldest child, Nelson CRITCHFIELD, was born in 1816, Knox County, Ohio. He married
at the age of twenty-one years on March 25, 1837, Knox County, Ohio, to Nancy CASSIL (or CASTLE), who was born in 1817.
Nelson and Nancy were the parents of six children, their fourth child bein Melissa A. CRITCHFIELD, the wife of Franklin
"Frank" McGUGIN.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 356, 1887.
HILL, N. N. Jr., compiler. History of Knox County: It's Past and Present Chapter 52, Howard
Township. p. 476. A. A. Graham & Co. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 1881.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
G - L,
M - R, S - Z
