from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 309


LOUTZENHISER BROTHERS, farmers and stock-raisers. The members of this firm are O. J. and R. L. LOUTZENHISER,
twin brothers, who were born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, July 31, 1850, sons of David and Eliza (BROWN)
LOUTZENHISER Their parents died before the boys were one year old.
O. J. was reared a farmer by his maternal grandparents, who lived to be quite old; his Grandfather LOUTZENHISER
lived to be eighty-seven and his grandmother to be eighty-three. His Grandfather BROWN was ninety-four years old,
and his Grandmother BROWN eighty-five.
He received his education in the common schools. At the age of seventeen years he learned the mason's trade and
followed that occupation eight years. In 1879 he came to Ringgold County, and purchased an interest with his brother,
R. L.
He was married July 26, 1881, to Miss Lizzie JUDY, a lady of great intelligence and fine education, who was a
successful teacher. She is a daughter of Judge JUDY, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs.
O. J. LOUTZENHISER have two children - Roxie O. and Harry O.
R[ichard] L. LOUTZENHISER was reared by his Aunt Sallie McLAUGHLIN until he was seventeen, when she died. Then he was one
place and another until he came to Iowa. He resided in Pennsylvania until 1874, then came to Benton Township and
settled upon a portion of their present farm, which was then in its primitive state.
The farm now contains 530 acres of excellent land, well cultivated and well improved. They are extensively engaged
in general farming and stock-raising. They have each a fine residence, situated upon different parts of the farm,
good out-buildings for stock, etc.
R. L. was married June 29, 1881, to Miss Carrie MILLER, formerly a teacher, daughter of H. T. MILLER, one of Ringgold
County's leading citizens, whose sketch appears on another page of this volume.
R. L. LOUTZENHISER and wife have three children - Laura L., L. Blanche and Mary A.
LOUTZENHISER Brothers are genial in their manner and upright in their dealings, and no men in the township have more
friends than the "twin brothers." They closely resemble each other in voice, manner and disposition, as well as in
personal appearance. Postoffice, Mormontown [present-day Blockton].
NOTE: O. J. LOUTZENHISER died in 1920, and Richard L. LOUTZENHISER died in 1931. They were
interred at Blockton Cemetery, Taylor County, Iowa.
O. J. and Lizzie (JUDY) LOUTZENHISER's children were:
born Oct 1883
born Mar 1885
3) John Richard LOUTZENHISER
born May 1899
born 28 Sep 1891, Ringgold Co. IA; and died 19 Jun 1983 Bedford, Taylor Co. IA
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Bedford, Taylor Co. IA
married 20 Sep 1914, Redding IA Bertha WARDEN
5) Minnie Dezena LOUTZENHISER
born 14 Sep 1894, Blockton IA; died 27 Apr 1982, Kalamazoo MI
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Blockton, Taylor Co. IA
Seated, left to right: Carrie Blanche (MILLER) and Richard LOUTZENHISER
Standing, left to right: Amy, Rita, Laura, and Blanche LOUZENHISER
Carrie Blanche (MILLER) LOUTZENHISER was born August 16, 1860, Ringgold County, Iowa. She attended
the country schools and summer schools, and began to teach in ther 17th year, and continued until her marriage to
Richard L. LOUTZENHSIER July 29, 1880. Richard L. and Carrie Blanche (MILLER) LOUTZENHISER were the parents of
four children:
born 30 Oct 1881, Ringgold Co. IA
Mount Ayr High School graduate; 2 years Leander Clarke College
taught school until her marriage 29 Nov 1907 to Ralph D. ABARR, DVM; no children
Ralph D. ABARR, son of Daniel and Ann ABARR
2) Lizzie "Blanche" LOUTZENHISER
born 23 Feb 1883
married 28 Nov 1907 James W. OWENS, farmer
Children of Blanche (LOUTZENHISER) and James W. OWENS:
1) Richard Loutzenhiser OWENS, born 23 Nov 1908
2) Viola May OWENS, born 26 Apr 1911
born 03 Apr 1886, Ringgold Co. IA
Blockton High School graduate of 1904; teacher
married 14 May 1909 Joseph KING, teacher, son of John Allyn & Belle KING
1) Rita Leonore KING, born 26 Dec 1911
2) Marguerite C. KING, born 19 May 1913
born 21 Jan 1900; Blockton IA graduate 1917
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 309, 1887.
RAILEY, Clementine Brown. History of the House of Ochiltree of Ayrshire, Scotland,
Pp. 174-76. . Bulletin Printing Co. Sterling, Kansas. 1936.
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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